Dealing With Passengers Concerns

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● SYMPATHIZE (show understanding, stand on other’s shoes, etc)
I do understand sir/madam/lady
I guess how you feel / I know how you feel
You’re totally right sir/madam/Lady
● APOLOGIZE (say sorry)
I’m really sorry
Sorry about that
I do apologize
I can just apologize
● GIVE A REASON (explain the situation)
We’ve been so busy
We’ve been going through a turbulence
We have heavy traffic at destination
● FIND A SOLUTION (help passenger)
I’ll check our arrival time and I’ll get back to you. I’ll = I will/ NO going to. I am going to check our arrival time….
I’ll get you a blanket.
I’ll adjust the temperature straightaway


1. “The toilet is dirty and smells disgusting”

2. “I asked your colleague to adjust the temperature 15 minutes ago and
it is still like an icebox”

Passenger call button.

C.A. Good morning, how may I help you?/What can I do for you?/Can I help
you?// Did you call sir, madam? How may I help you?
Passenger: “The toilet is dirty and smells disgusting. (PROBLEM)
C.A. I do understand sir. Thank you for letting know that. I’ll close that
toilet so that anyone else can use it during the flight. Meanwhile, would you
mind using the other toilet at the forward cabin?
Passenger: Yes, of course.
C.A. Anything else I can do for you?/something else, I can do for you?/Do
you need something else?
Passenger: No, it is Ok.
Passenger call button.
C.A. Good morning, how may I help you?/What can I do for you?/Can I help
you?// Did you call sir, madam? How may I help you?
Passenger: “I asked your colleague to adjust the temperature 15 minutes
ago and it is still like an icebox”
C.A.: Sorry about that sir. I guess how you feel. Let me a minute I’ll check
the system and I’ll be back to you.
(the cabin attendant goes to check the system and returns to the
Sir, my partner had adjusted the temperature before. What happens is that
the cabin takes 20 minutes to get acclimatized, so we think that within 5
minutes you will feel the change in the temperature. Meanwhile you wait
for it, would you like me to bring you something hot to drink or a blanket?
Passenger: a blanket, please
C.A. All right sir, I’ll get it for you and I’ll be back straightaway.
Here you are sir.
Passenger: thanks
C.A. Anything else I can do for you?/something else, I can do for you?/Do
you need something else?
Passenger: No, it is Ok.
C.A. If you need something else, please don’t hesitate to call me.

1. “This is not what I asked for, I ordered vegetarian meal”
2. “This coffee is bitter and cold”
3. “I can’t be in the middle I feel trapped”
4. “I’m fed up with this! First, I was assigned in a wrong seat, now I am
surrounded by crying babies”
5. “This landing is taking so long! I am afraid of losing my connection”
6. “I can’t eat this! It is very cold”
7. “I’m really nervous. It is my first flight and I’ve heard of many aircraft
accidents. Is it really safe?

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