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Assignment 1 Architecture Technology 1 Students : Ly Rattanak Lim Someta Ith Putcheavibol Lim Korvey Lim Kimleng Lecturer : Horng Vuthy Group :B Submission : 21/July/2021 Moment of a Force A2 Demme the menent of He Aece aba pont o + [Fl 2 300 les 20° = Bo (ogee): 293.9 + [Pal = 320530 + mefos). 150M => Eb + Cashed + 2004s") —(954.8N)(-35m45") = [36.72 Mo| F4-4 Delormme the moment of whe force pont oO + [fel = 50 Cosco" 2 50(0.5) 2 25N + [El soi = s0f0,a6)+ @23N => 5h. -(43.3N)( 400+ moGeas +40) + (2SN) (2005045 ) = —(AREN)( 2446) (25N)-(244 m) =~ 14.2Nm =? EMo= = 44.2 Nm FA-3 Rlemme the mownt of the tree abat pond 0 + Ky ttt Grast = st -a# =? E tye + (Goole) s.234) + [oa RT F441 Polermne the mement of the fee ahott pont 0 + /Fe/= 100-2 = soll (Bl = too + 6ol) ep EH, -leon)[sm)- (30n)(2m) 2 [24 Nm » 42 Beerme, fhe momont of about | poo B LE & . il: oe O38 216.5 N [Ezl- 280530 « = Box0.S = 125N | Bu} = 300 Ca6o = Box0.s = A5QN =7(ZH)g = (2teNCam) - C425 NC4m) = [443-5 Ne] (DW), [aenil4n) « [2M ue 0] 600 Ni x p Deen te nitude ot fhe. mare oo C mast & bas re + (3) 2 R194) - f let) > (2 Cords )(1aH}) -(F2) (12.4) 0 = (24.2 b)(asét)_ (oar ist) Px : ud: f See ie bee aot meee + fel = 3e0lb snot = 150 Ib Ifiyl + deolb Cosa > 260 Ib 39.8 )b dm > 6tty 6s Gsat= 9H ie 2 bree 2 Sat =p INp = + (acodp)(a88)- (2801) (s92)s (ood) (Sak} = [2600 2b FAS Delermmd the mowent of the tree abosk pont O | Fal + coolh Geao » 542-8b Il = soolh Sato. 205.2 { dn 2 SPGm 20 + OSSm6e = 2.04 27 EM (2052 (b)(2.204t) « (5638 (2asH) = | 2489.2 Hb Delermme the manent oh He. bree chout pared A andl lett nt 0 In ABC de Ces 302 na dys orm rromend abel fr Nas Fede, 4 = BOOK O7s7 AES e = [608.6 Nm al _ fg yoo yr 6D. 875- PG = Osis~ troment abent Hg > F xd, = 800 0,5t5 x Cos30" = [356,792 Nb ove when 2 036 wm Centroid onl gzhm ager “10 20 6060 32,43 | 52.43 (5818 Mw | 55 23000 BS _| 20 24008 . t greg aq: Mt: mm / a a= ioe = 5.66 mm Sax Ba. wi 2) 9+ a BANG wvo/ @| 46 | daa | Abd O| w | 9 | 5 _ | Aba ws | sl sa [| [se [a 1658, S6 99 12 Nese.56 wane > 32) wen/ + MIE, 4/56 von / Tae (one & am GF em | Gesmrn | Amewmt| Aguas 0.> a 4 32 9.6 2 45 At My | os ; ahs . = “jy * beokemm/ = > G-.t. a = ce 7) 5.89 wen / o Kia Ps > 1 7 | Daze o | cele 219008 Blea =lpr00 |-25020 : -\AGE L yong |-4l442 power [Ade 341 230.56 |541320 56 —~Ar64-0.9 |-99160.6 393690 26] s130¢0.06| |-36 1414 #2385.86 = 96.15 inom / ¢ . , Sees ‘ 49225. 86 = 0.0 mam/ IY 94-96 Fig. Pe 19 As wn? | @emw Benes to Ade 66 © | 12.000 @ | - 900 @|-3400 =\ 3500 =H = = 5: Centoid Moment of Inertia Splabin + 9.99, . 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Siem wich Tye 2(, 4) CoByy? = Ow? mm Type? = Gi HOF ot Srom udkich he Yomm ty-a() %) GN Le)= (4)s¢s-") fee cd, Ty-(S)C@sd. 4.6 10% mm ord, Toe The Ty = 3-6 0+ Gy x 1052 L108 nme / Solukion 3-35 | ‘Dwide He area who Sree pars Pork C1): Te top reclergle By = Wolue) = 6.4 » to mon? due g. 30m ty (4) ewercud). 1.3653 x10” om fat Co): The rmbdle, rectangle + From which Tys = dss + Tyys | by Co90-@8)Lu8) © 4.2 18 mam” | dyy. = 30%mm Typ-= (4) Crne) Cua) = 6-4 10 mnt Pox C3) The olor recbarale « From ubiidh Tyne Atstot Tye Bs =\90CU8) =6- 8 x\0 nm ays e. 60r0m 6 nA08 mnt ii, (e ealnd) = 59 From ukich F amit Tys= Sasha + Tys = D-3OY MID" wim The composite + Ty = Ty sdy4 Tys= 8.0903 10" wnt by= — ty = 0.9mm / Chas ts) Selution - 9-36 Use Na sdotion te prdllen 8.15. 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