PMC - Dept - Proposal Format

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M. A. in Economics
Department of Economics, Patan Multiple Campus
COVER PAGE (Thesis title, Student name, ID number, Month and Year, Mobile number)

1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Objectives
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Limitations of the Study

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Review of literature
2.3 Identification of research gap

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Conceptual Framework
3.4 Sources of data
3.5 Sample size and Sampling procedure
3.6 Method and Instruments of data collection
3.7 Data management
3.8 Identification / Specification of model/s
3.9 Specification of the variables and its Measurement
3.10 Technique of data analysis
3.11 Methodology matrix




Guidelines for Developing Proposal
Sections How to develop the contents?

1.1 Background Defining and summarizing the research issue along with its
importance and classification by providing most relevant and
recent data and references (2 pages).

1.2 Statement of Describing the major research problems or issues, conform that
the Problems
on which issue/s you are going to work out; where the gap lies
with reference to earlier researches with an indication of what
the research is expected to achieve. Identify the research gap,
policy gap or methodology gap based on previous researches.
Discuss a few key sources that touch on your specific issues.
Use facts with relevant references but not an encyclopedia or
course book type survey.
The rationale for doing the research (or justification of) on the
given topic; why the research needs to be done on the given
particular topic with the given particular issues (problems).
Justify the research that makes gaps in knowledge from
literatures, contradictions in results, potential usefulness of a
methodology and possible benefit of outcome for
understanding, practice, teaching, research work and policy
formulation. Provide key references in support of your research

Research questions serve as a bridge between the statement of

1.3 Research the problem and the research objectives. Research questions are
expressed in the form of questions.

General objective: Provide a general statement on the direction

of the research or the overall objective of the research or what
1.4 Objectives

the research intends to achieve. The general objective should be
directly related to the title of your research proposal. The
objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable,
realistic and time-bound)

Specific objectives: Provide specific, clear, and succinct

statements of intended objectives and outcomes from your
research. All specific objectives should be started with action
verbs such as - to examine, to analyze, to identify, to find out, to
explore etc.

A hypothesis is a testable answer to a scientific question. A

1.5 Hypotheses Hypothesis should be written if there is any presumption about
the results in your study. The hypothesis should be express in
the form of a null and an alternative hypothesis.

Justify the importance of your study in terms of your

1.6 Significance contribution to existing scientific knowledge. Also explain the
of the Study
contribution of your study in policy formulation, if any.

1.7 Specify the scope of the study and provide information to reader
Limitations / on how the scope of the study is limited by issues that is not
Scope covered by the study in subject matter, data collection,
geographical area, variables and analytical part etc.

2.1 Introduction Provide a short description about how do you organize or plan
for review of literature (one paragraph) in the introduction.
2.2 & 2.3 Review
of Literature Describe briefly the history of the topic identifying key studies
on the given subject matter at the international, regional,

national, and local levels by showing the problems / issues,
methodologies used; arguments, major findings, and conclusion
made, practical problems to identify the gap you intend to look at
in your research. Aim to show what contribution your research
will make to the review of literature for other researchers. At
least 5 relevant literatures such as peer reviewed journal articles,
research articles, research reports etc. should be reviewed.

Research Methodology

3.1. Introduction Provide a short description about how do you organize or plan
for research methodology (one paragraph) in the introduction.
3. 2. Research
design Provide a concise justification for the methodological approach
you intend to employ. The study should be designed in
accordance with the given objectives, research questions and
hypotheses testing of the study. Similarly, the study will follow
either descriptive method or analytical method or both at a time.
In fact, the research design provides an outline of the
methodology you use in the study.

3. 2. Conceptual A conceptual framework is used to show an overall concept of

framework your research. A diagrammatic representation using flow chart
may be effective in expressing the conceptual framework.
3. 3. Sources of
data Specify whether the study is based on only secondary data or
primary data or both. From which offices or institutional
sources the required secondary data will be collected? If the
study is based on primary data, firstly the study area is to be
selected. Justify why do the study select the given study
area/place? Which level of data (village, district, regional or
national level) the study will use? What type of data collection
procedure / technique (like household survey structured
questionnaire, interview, formal or informal discussion, focus

group discussion, and participatory observation etc.) and
analytical techniques will be uses? Justify why this method will
3.4 Sample size
be more appropriate.
and sampling
procedure and 3.5 If you are going to collect the data from primary sources, what
methods and is the sample size and sampling technique (selection or
instruments of random)? How do you organize and process the collected raw
data collection data and information? If you are going to use secondary data,
provide the sources of secondary data. If there are more than
one source, use the source where the original data is produced.
If possible keep the secondary data in the appendix of the
proposal. The selection of the period of the analysis should also
be justified.

This section should provide what type of statistical and

econometric analysis or model/s along with the number of
(main and control) variables will be used? Define the dependent
3.6 Data
and independent variables and what its unit of measurement is?
management, 3.7
How do you test your hypotheses with what procedure?
Specification of
Mention what type of test such as t-test, F-test, D-W test, and
models, 3.8
auto-correlation, unit root test etc. you will use. What is its
Specification of
interpretation? Explain the type of economic analysis if you are
variables and 3.9
going to use any economic valuation techniques, such as cost
Techniques of
minimization, cost effectiveness or cost benefits etc.
data analysis

3.10 Methodology matrix

Provide a Methodology Matrix (methods in sequential order) in the following format

Methodology Matrix
SN Objectives Variables (names) Tools of analysis Sources of Data
1 1
2 2
3 3

Work Schedule

Provide a general indication of the timetable for completing the each component of research. Use
a Gantt chart.

APPENDIX- 1 General information


Left margin 3.81 cm; Right, top and bottom 2.54 cm.

Font/font size/style

Times New Roman/ Chapter heading 16(bold); Paragraph heading 14(bold); main text 12

APPENDIX- 2 Referencing Illustrations

APA style, 6th edition

Citing References in Text

One Work by One Author

Adhikari (2003) found that ………………..

In 2003, Dahal’s research on demand for money showed…………….

The study also showed that interest rate has no impact on demand for money (Rai, 2003).

One Work by two Authors

Battarai and Aryal (2010) suggested that……..

One Work by Multiple Authors

When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs;
in subsequent citations, include only the surname of the first author followed by et al.

Wagle, Khadka, Karki, Pandey, and Sharma (2007) found [Use as first citation in text.] Wagle et
al. (2007) found [Use as subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter.

When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al.
(not italicized and with a period after al)

Bista et al. (2016) showed that……..



Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx, pp–
pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx


Author, A. A. (2015). Title of work. Location: Publisher.

Author, A. A. (2016). Title of work. doi:xxxxx

For a chapter in a book

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (2015). Title of chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor
(Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx–xxx). Location: Publisher.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1995). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C.
Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx–xxx). doi:xxxxxxxx

For details

APA (2010) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition,
Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

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