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Pictur 12:24 OFC ua Gs = §3 SCRIBD ( Search a) “Transport Request acs scarlet ofthe configuration seting fom one system to another system on same ndseape £6: Development to Guainyr olden canto Terting lent underdevelopment ester ach TR contains one or more ehangelobs, as non as change Tasks. Which contain the dtl complt configuration tng “ese Tasks ae store inside 2 Rj ike mutpe les are stored in ome folder. efore releasing theTRensure al taskere under the must elase fst Only when Released fom dleveloprnet system then onl can basi tear willmove the TR into quay system, Tasks space reserved for one user & only that user on whose name the tasks createdony hat wer loadthe dita into Rome: $0) TT ee “able ForTR £070 RE071 crete or Release the 1R=SE09/ S10 Ris 21ype ‘ustomiing Request (W) ~ contains objects that belongo'clent specie custome, ‘Te caniguation setting which wl be applabe to onl the cent where we do the centurion, {a Creatonof lant. Soe Enterpiesrctre IN SPRO WHT EVER WE DO CHANGE ARE SAVED IN THIS TR. Postion the crs onthe TRname or a Tsk name & choore the Release lean Trick, record ofthe TRis eutemaveally added tothe appropriate import queues ofthe systems define the Hs, Workbench Request (k]~ contains repository obecs ad aho'erosrclet custome objects he configuration changes which affects the ther ent unde he development Tanascape te saved automatically in workbench ransportequess SDA ST a PicturesQ ONE & PicturesQ NEXT #shoot_in_the_shade at 20+ Indoor Setups & 50+ Outdoor Setups

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