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Communication is deeply intertwined with human existence. It is an integral

part of it.
One cannot think of human life without communication.
In personal life, we need to communicate to deal with various concerns and
problems of daily life.

> Lesson 1: Communication Process

Communication is a process that is dynamic, continuous, and irreversible
but at the same time, it is reciprocal in nature. It is an ongoing process.
Roughly, we can define communication as a shared meaning between
two or more individuals. The shared meaning arises out of the
individual’s experiences, background, education and training. Similarity in
experiences, background, training, etc. makes communication successful
between individuals.
Communication helps us to understand others. The inability to
communicate can lead to a lot of problems both personally and

6 major elements of communication process:

• SENDER: the person who sends his ideas to another person.
Ex. If a manager wants to inform his subordinates about the introduction of a
new product, he is the sender.
• RECEIVER: the person to whom the message has been sent.
For example, subordinates are receivers.
• MESSAGE: The idea, feeling, suggestion, guidelines, orders or any
content which is intended to be communicated is message.
For example, message is the introduction of new product.
• CHANNEL: This is the means by or through which a message
• FEEDBACK: It is the response by the receiver. It marks the completion
of the communication process.
• CONTEXT: The setting and situation in which communication takes
place is needed. This may have an impact on the successful exchange
of information

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