CHAPTER 1 Lesson 4 - Nonverbal Communication

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Lesson 4: Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication refers to gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, eye

contact (or lack thereof), body language, posture, and other ways people can
communicate without using language.

Facial expressions- are specific signal of our emotions such as happiness, sadness,
anger, fear, surprise or disgust. Our face is like a projector beacuse it shows the word
what is going on inside. Our face is best indicator of our emotions.

Pitch-refers to the perception of relative frequency. In human voice, there is what we

call pitch levels: low, normal, high and extra high.

Tone- refers to significant contrast between words signaled by pitch differences. Tone
is the quality of the perceived pitch level.

Gestures- are nonverbal forms of communication in which visible body parts

communicate specific messages. These include movements of the hands, feet, face or
other parts of the body.

Posture- is the relative position in which people hold their body while standing,
walking or sitting.

Gait- is the person’s manner of walking. This achieved through the movements of our

Paralinguistic techniques- are aspects of spoken communication. These are signals

used beyond the basic verbal messages or speech.

Examples of Paralinguistic techniques may include oculesics (the language of eye

contact) ,proxemics (the language of distance), haptics (the language of touch), and
chronemics (the language of time).

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