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1.) Every matter has its own……………… and…………..

a) Mass, volume
b) Weight, mass
c) Brittleness, tough
d) Shape, shadow
ANS-Mass, volume

2.) ‘Panch Tatva’ of life.

a) Air, god, water, mother, father
b) Air, fire, earth, sky, water
c) Air, god, water, soil, crop
d) Air, god, water, yield, money
ANS-Air, fire, earth, sky, water

3.) Matter is classified on the basis of………….

a) Physical and chemical properties
b) Physical and biological properties
c) chemical properties
d) Biological and characteristical properties.
ANS-Physical and chemical properties

4.) Any color which we detected by our eyes….

a) Due to light
b) Due to air
c) Due to visible light
d) Due to darkness
ANS-Due to visible light

5.)  When Potassium permagnet dissolve in water shows…………

a) Red in color
b) Blue in color
c) Violet in color
d) Orange in color
ANS-Violet in color

6.) Smell comes ….if …..

a) Salt in water
b) Potassium permagnet dissolve in water
c) Sugar in water
d) Dettol in water
ANS- Dettol in water

7.) Particles are moving in the bottom of the glass due to…………….
a) Dilution
b) Dissolution
c) Kinetic energy
d) Potential energy
ANS-Kinetic energy
8.) With increasing kinetic energy ……………………..
a) Pressure increases
b) Temperature increases
c) Temperature decreases
d) Pressure decreases
ANS-Temperature increases

9.) Temperature increases with………………………

a) increasing kinetic energy
b) increasing temperature
c) increasing pressure
d) decreasing pressure
ANS-increasing kinetic energy

10.) Intermixing of particles of two different types of matter on their own called………….
a) Dilution
b) Mixing
c) Diffusion
d) Precipitate

11.) It is not the state of matter

a) Solid
b) Liquid
c) Soil
d) Gas

12.) It is state of matter

a) Soil
b) Air
c) Water
d) Gas

13.) It is not solid.

a) Book
b) Completely cooked Vegetables
c) Completely molten ice
d) Ice bag
ANS-Completely molten ice

14.) Eraser, book, slate is solid matter which does not has.
a) Definite shape
b) Distinct boundaries
c) Fixed velocity
d) Fixed volume
ANS-Fixed volume
15.) Solid have…………..
a) Negligible compatible
b) Negligible compressible
c) Negligible volume
d) Negligible shape
ANS-Negligible compressible

16.) Negligible compressibility……

a) Soil
b) Gas
c) Water
d) Solid

17.) Solids have tendency to maintain their………….. and…………..

a) Shape, inside pressure
b) Shape, outside temperature
c) Shape, outside force
d) Shape, outside pressure
ANS-Shape, outside force

18.) Sugar and salt kept in different jars . they are……………

a) Soil
b) Liquid
c) Gas
d) Solids

19.) Rubber can change their shape. It is ………….

a) Soil
b) Liquid
c) Gas
d) Solids

20.) Liquids have no fixes shape but have ………………….

a) Fixed velocity
b) Fixed value
c) Fixed temperature
d) Fixed volume
ANS-Fixed volume

21.) Liquids can flow and change its………….

a) Texture
b) Size
c) Volume
d) Shape

22.) Liquid are not rigid but can be…………………

a) Gas
b) Solid
c) Water
d) Fluid

23.) Solids and liquids diffuse into…………

a) Liquor
b) Liquid
c) Gas
d) Air

24.) The gaseous from the atmosphere diffuse and dissolve in…………..
a) Water
b) Gas
c) Air
d) Solid

25.) ………….. and ………….. gaseous are essential for the survival of aquatic animals and plants.
a) Hydrogen, oxygen
b) Carbondioxide, nitrogen
c) Oxygen, water
d) Carbondioxide, oxygen
ANS-Carbondioxide, oxygen

26.) Solids, liquids, gaseous can diffuse into…………..

a) Liquor
b) Liquids
c) Gas
d) Air

27.) The rate of diffusion of liquids is higher than…………..

a) Soil
b) Liquid
c) Gas
d) Solids

28.) Gaseous are…………………. Than solids.

a) Converge
b) Compatible
c) Compressible
d) Columnar

29.) Full form of LPG.

a) Liquid petrol gas
b) Liquefied petrol gas
c) Liquefied petrochemical gas
d) Liquefied petroleum gas
ANS-Liquefied petroleum gas

30.) Full form of CNG.

a) Compressed nature gas
b) Compressed nurture gas
c) Compatible natural gas
d) Compressed natural gas
ANS-Compressed natural gas

31.) Properties of CNG basis on volume.

a) Large pressure of gas
b) Large amount of natural gas
c) Large amount of efficiency
d) Large amount of volumes of gas compressed
ANS-Large amount of volumes of gas compressed

32.) Example of highly compressible gas used for humans need.

a) LPG
b) CNG
c) Only LPG
d) LPG and CNG

33.) The amount of the heat energy required to change 1kg of solid into liquid at atmospheric
pressure at its melting point is known as…………………
a) Fission of heat
b) Fusion of heat
c) Latent heat of fusion
d) Latent heat of fission
ANS-Latent heat of fusion

34.) Water at 0 degree Celsius showing temperature at ………………..K

a) 274
b) 273
c) 277
d) 275
ANS- 273

35.) Choose temperature in Kelvin when boiling point of water is 100 degree.
a) 273
b) 286
c) 373
d) 383

36.) A change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into liquid state is called…
a) Sublimation
b) Solidification
c) Gasification
d) Crystallization

37.) What is mean by sublimation?

a) change of state directly from solid to liquid without changing into gas state
b) change of state directly from soil to gas without changing into liquid state
c) change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into ice state
d) change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into liquid state
ANS-change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into liquid state

38.) Solid carbon dioxide store under……

a) high temperature
b) high volume
c) high pressure
d) low temperature
ANS-high pressure

39.) Solid  to  liquid   and  liquid to solid

a) Fusion, condensation
b) Fusion, saponification
c) Fusion, solidification
d) Solidification, deposition
ANS-Fusion, solidification

40.) Gas to liquid conversion.

a) Gasification
b) Vaporization
c) Condensation
d) Sublimation

41.) Gas to solid conversion.

a) Deposition
b) Sublimation
c) Vaporization
d) Condensation

42.) Unit of pressure is

a) Joule
b) Kelvin
c) Kg
d) Pa

43.) 1 atmosphere is equal to…………

a) 1.01*105 Pa
b) 1.01*104 Pa
c) 1.01*108 pa
d) 1.01*109 Pa
ANS-1.01*105 Pa

44.) Phenomenon of change of liquid into vapors at any temperature below its boiling point is
a) Deposition
b) Sublimation
c) Evaporation
d) Condensation

45.) Evaporation is …………… phenomena.

a) Adsorption
b) Absorption
c) Surface
d) Vapors
ANS- Surface

46.) Rate of evaporation increases with……….

a) Increases surface tension
b) Decreases surface tension
c) Increases humidity
d) An increase in wind speed
ANS-An increase in wind speed

47). Rate of evaporation does not increases with

a) Increase of surface area
b) Increase in humidity
c) Increase in temperature
d) increase in wind speed
ANS-Increase in humidity

48.) Heat energy equals to………….

a) Latent heat of vaporization is absorbed from the body
b) 1 kelvin of water
c) 100 degree
d) 1 joule of energy
ANS-Latent heat of vaporization is absorbed from the body

49.) Pressure of air in atmosphere is called …….

a) Surface pressure
b) Atmospheric pressure
c) Surface tension
d) Sublimation
ANS-Atmospheric pressure

50.) Pa is the SI unit of ……… called as ………….

a) Pressure, pasteurize
b) Pressure, pascal
c) Pressure, pacal
d) Pressure, joule
ANS-Pressure, pasca

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