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SCHOOL: Colegiul „Constantin Diaconovici-Loga”


Date: 31st May 2022

Grade: X MI2

Teacher: Crișan Bianca Mihaela

Subject: English (Limba modernă – Engleză L1)

Topic: Animals


 To focus on nouns, verbs and idioms connected with animals

 To discuss the topic of pets
 To practice vocabulary regarding animals

Resources: Whiteboard, Worksheets, Notebooks, Ball, White paper, Flashcards

Methods: Conversation, Exercise, Brainstorming, Games

Specific competences:

1.1 Anticiparea elementelor de conţinut ale unui text pe baza titlului / unui stimul visual

1.5 Selectarea de informaţii din mai multe texte în scopul îndeplinirii unei sarcini structurate de lucru

2.4 Completarea de formulare

2.5 Redactarea de texte funcţionale simple

3.1 Formularea de idei/ păreri pe teme de interes în cadrul unei discuţii / în mesaje de răspuns

4.4 Traducerea în şi din limba română a unor texte scurte din domenii de interes utilizând dicţionarul

Bibliography: Wyatt R., Newbrook J., and Wilson J., 2008, FCE GOLD PLUS Coursebook, England: Pearson Education Limited

Stage of lesson Teacher’s Student’s Type of Resource Skills Methods / Evaluation

Activity Activity interaction required Strategies
Organisation of T enters the Ss greet the T, T-S Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
the class classroom and answer their S–S Listening (dialogue)
‘1 greets the Ss. T questions, and Whole class
introduces put their own
herself and questions if
explains that necessary.
today’s class
will be held with
her and invited
the Ss to ask
questions to help
in getting to
know each other
and create a

Warmer T then writes the Ss will give T-S Board Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
‘3 title of the lesson answers to the S–S Listening (dialogue) Speak
on the board, questions such Whole class Brainstorm
“Animals” and as “cat”, “dog”,
asks the Ss to “bear”, etc.
reply with what
animals they
remember, and if
they can give
examples of
animals that
have the same
starting letter as
their names, ex.
Bianca – Bear,
Radu – Rhino,

Formulation of Then, T gives Ss listen to the T-S Worksheet Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
the subject out worksheets explanations for S–S Notebooks Listening (dialogue) Write
‘4 to all the Ss. the exercise. Ss Whole class Board Writing Brainstorm
T reads the will ask the T Exercise
prompt from about any
exercise 1, unknown words,
making sure noting them in
everyone their notebooks.
understands it, The Ss will work
and translates as a class to
unknown words complete the
from the box. first
The first spirdergram, to
spidergram will understand the
be done together exercise better.
with the class, After, they will
afterwards the Ss work on three
will work on other
their own. spidergrams on
their own. When
Free practice After the time to the time is up for
‘6 work on it this exercise, the
individually is T will select
up, T invites some of the Ss to
certain Ss to give their
solve it on the answers and the
board as well, to rest of the Ss
clarify and check will check their
the exercise for own answers.
the whole class.
Ss listen to the T-S Worksheet Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
Controlled Then T reads the explanations of S–S Notebooks Listening (dialogue) Write
practice prompt for the exercise. Ss Whole class Board Writing Exercise
‘5 exercise 2, will match the
asking the Ss to columns and
match the associate an
columns to make animal with each
sentences, and sentence created.
guess the Afterwards, they
animals that fit check their
with the answers
obtained together. Then
sentence. When the answer the
most of the Ss T’s questions.
are done, T asks Their answers
some of them to could be similar
read aloud their to: “It can live in
answers, to the Savannah. –
check the a zebra”, etc.
together. After,
T asks them to
think of other
animals, and
what they do,
where they live,
what can you do
with them, etc.
Ss answer the T-S Worksheet Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
Controlled T moves to the questions from S–S Notebooks Listening (dialogue) Speak
practice third exercise. the T. Whole class Board Writing Exercise Write
‘3 Reads one of the Ss try to describe
questions and what they see in
awaits input the picture and
from the Ss, what it makes
inviting them to them think of.
a conversation. Ss listen to the
Then reads explanation of
another question, the exercise and
again waiting for solve it
Ss’s input. individually.
Then T asks the Ss check the
Ss to look at the exercise
picture and together.
discuss what it Ss answer the
illustrates. T’s questions.

Free practice After, T allows

‘7 the Ss to work
individually on
the next
choosing the
correct word for
each gap. They
then check
answers as a
Afterwards, T
asks Ss what
they think of the
invention. The
discussion could
be extended by
asking what
other kinds of
things people
may buy for
their pets and
what the Ss think
about this.

Controlled The last exercise The selected Ss T-S Worksheet Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
practice is related to will read out the S–S Notebooks Listening (dialogue) Speak
‘5 idioms. T asks sentences. All Whole class Board Writing Exercise
certain Ss to read the Ss will try to Brainstorm
the sentences infer meaning of
one by one and the expression
work out the with the context
meaning of the given.
expressions in Ss will give
the exercise. more examples
Free practice Then T asks of idioms that
‘2 them to give out they know and
more examples say what they
of idioms related mean.
to animals, and Ss will find
then proceed to equivalents in
ask them to Romanian or say
come up with idioms in
equivalents in Romanian that
their own are related with
language. animals.

Free practice Following this, T Ss will form T-S White paper Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
‘13 will ask the Ss to groups of 4. S–S Crayons Listening (dialogue) Speak
form groups of 4 They will pick Whole class Ball Game
– starting a little an idiom Board
game between together and try
them. The Ss to represent it
pick out 1 idiom through a
as a group and picture. Each
make a drawing group will have
representing it, one picture
but without drawn. After the
writing it. To be pictures are
allowed to guess, drawn, each
each group will group will
have to grab the present theirs to
ball that sits on the other groups
the T’s desk in and whichever
order to answer. group guesses
At the end, each the most idioms
group will have will be the one
to present it declared as a
before the class, winner.
again without
mentioning what
the idiom is. The
group that
guesses the most
idioms wins.

Free practice *, the Ss will be The Ss will T-S Flashcards Speaking Conversation Ask and answer
introduced to a listen to the S–S Listening (dialogue) Speak
*If there will be new game – the explanation of Whole class Game
enough time left T will present a the guessing
flashcard, game. Reply yes
without knowing or no to the T’s
what animal’s questions. Then
name is written one Ss will take
on it. Then the T the T’s place and
will ask will have to ask
YES/NO the questions
questions about until they guess
the animal until the animal.
they guess the
Afterwards the T
will select a Ss
to take her place
and ask

T gives feedback Speaking Conversation

Evaluation to Ss. Ss listen to T–S Listening (dialogue)
‘1 feedback. Whole class
Date: 31st May 2022 Signature:

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