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Syrian War Full Story

Arab Spring
 Faida Hamdy (Tunish Council Inspector) confiscated a vegetable stall of an tunish
street vendor in central Tunisia on 17 December 2010 in Tunisia. Muhammad
bouazizi (greeng)(26 year old) set himself on fire in half an hour when the police
refused to help him .Bouazizi was the only man to support his 8 members family.
Within weeks, he was dead.
 After this incident, dozens of young Arabs had copied him, riots had overthrown
the president and Arab spring was under way.
 At 14 January 2011, Tunish president Zine el Abidine ben ali flee the country he
had ruled for 24 years.
 At 11 February 2011, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak forced from office after
30 years ruled.
 At 15 February 2011, Libyan protests turn violent.
 At 14 March, Saudi & Gulf troops enter Bahrain
 At 3 June Yemeni president wounded in palace bombing.
 At 3 august, Mubarak goes on trial.
 At 21 august Libyan rebels take Tripoli.
 At 20 October 2011, Col Gaddafi killed in Sirte.

Syrian War

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