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DESCRIPTION: notable for the incredible beauty of its plumage, it

is a beautiful species of Peruvian birds.
Found in tropical areas, such as in humid forests, males have an
orange crest that adorns their head. Black and white feathers cover
the back and wings, the color of the female is more subtle. They live
in groups of 10 to 20 individuals. They remain hidden most of the
day and only leave the forest at certain times.

Description: It is a herbivorous bird, in the male reddish tones stand

out in the belly and on the forehead within its general gray, the
female has a plumage with white and brown tones forming stretch
It has a thick, short and very strong beak with small sawteeth on
the edge that serve to facilitate the cutting of the vegetables with
which it feeds.
The Cortaramas stands out among the most representative bird
species in the country

Description: It is one of the most beautiful birds in the world,

admired for its beatiful plumage and the majesty of its tail that is
divided into two large feathers. Its metabolism is extremely fast,
agile and very practical.

Considered by many experts as the most extravagant hummingbird

in the Word, it is an endemic bird from the north of the Peruvian
Amazon, and stands out for its extravagant tail, whose feathers
change color from time to time.
My Little book
Birds of Peru

By: Diego

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