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Vedic Society;
• Original Home of Aryans
• Features of Aryan Culture
• Vedic Texts
• Sources for Reconstructing
• Vedic Society and Culture
• Geography of the Rig Vedic Period
• Geography of the later Vedic Phases
• Economic Conditions
• Political Organization and Evolution of Monarchy
• Social Organisation and Varna System
• Religion and Thought
5. Pre Mauryan-Period
• Formation of states
• The Sixteen Mahajanapadas
• Republics
• Rise of urban centres
• Haryanka dynasty
• Shishunaga dynasty
• Nanda dynasty
6. The Mauryan Empire
• Chandragupta and Bindusara
• Megasthenes
• Asoka and His Successors
• Asoka’s Inscriptions and Sites
• Asoka’ a Dhamma.
• Mauryan. Adminstration, Economy, Society and Art
• The Arthasastra

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