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Mahika Punater 2021-09-29



SCIENCE Paper –3 
Maximum Marks: 40
 Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ].
Select the correct option for each of the following questions. 
SECTION I (15 Marks) 

Question 1 
Name the following by choosing the correct option:                              [5]

a) The X shaped structure formed between non sister chromatids of a homologous pair.

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) The proteins that help in coiling and packing of DNA


Correct answer. 1/1p

c) The process by which water moves along the cell walls of plants
Active transport

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) Alternate forms of genes occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes

Correct answer. 1/1p

e) Oozing out of cell sap due to injury to plant parts


Correct answer. 1/1p

Question 2 
Complete the following statements by choosing the appropriate option for each blank:  [5]

a) The process which occurs in plants at low temperature and high humidity is ____________and that which
occurs at high temperature and low humidity is ___________
Bleeding, guttation
Transpiration, guttation
Guttation, transpiration
Guttation, bleeding

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) ___________help in movement of chromatids to the opposite poles during _____________

Centrosome, Prophase
Centriole, Metaphase
Spindle fibres, Anaphase
Centromere, Telophase

Correct answer. 1/1p

c) An example of a plant with variegated leaves is __________, and an example of a plant with hair covering the
stomata is_________
Coleus, Nerium
Hydrilla, Elodea
Balsam, Banyan
Coleus, Banyan

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) A cell becomes plasmolysed when placed in a ___________solution and becomes deplasmolysed when placed
in a ______________ solution
Isotonic, hypertonic
Hypotonic, hypertonic
Hypertonic, hypotonic
Hypertonic, Isotonic

Correct answer. 1/1p

e) The dominant allele for hairy coat in mice is H and its recessive allele is h

From the cross shown above, the genotype of 1, 3 and 4 is ___________ while the genotype of 6 is
Homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive
Heterozygous, homozygous recessive
Homozygous dominant, heterozygous
Heterozygous, homozygous dominant

Correct answer. 1/1p

Question 3
Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below:           [5]

a) During Photosynthesis, how many water molecules are used to produce how many molecules of oxygen?
6, 12
12, 6
12, 12
6, 6

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) In a dorsiventral leaf, the stomata are

Less in number on upper surface and guard cells are dumbbell shaped
Less in number on the ventral surface and guard cells are bean shaped
More in number on lower surface and guard cells are dumbbell shaped
More number on lower surface and guard cells are bean shaped

Correct answer. 1/1p

c) The nitrogenous base pair in DNA, joined by three hydrogen bonds

Adenine, Thymine
Guanine. Cytosine
Guanine, Thymine
Adenine, Cytosine

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) The main features of active transport are:
Uptake of water from low to high concentration using energy
Uptake of water from low to high concentration without using energy
Uptake of mineral ions from low to high concentration using energy
Uptake of mineral ions from low to high concentration without using energy

Correct answer. 1/1p

e) A maize cell has 20 chromosomes. When one cell of the anther divides to form pollen grains it would result in
the formation of:
2 cells with 20 chromosomes each
4 cells with20 chromosomes each
2 cells with 10 chromosomes each
4 cells with 10 chromosomes each

Correct answer. 1/1p

SECTION II (15 Marks)
Question 4 
Explain the following terms:                      [5]

a) Mutation
Sudden change in one or more genes
Sudden change in the number of chromosomes
Sudden change in the structure of chromosomes
All of the above 

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) Genes
Specific sequences of nucleotides on a chromosome that encode for carbohydrates
Specific sequences of nucleotides on a chromosome that encode for proteins
Specific sequences of nucleotides on a chromosome that encode for fats
Specific sequences of nucleotides on a chromosome that control the function of the nucleus

Correct answer. 1/1p

c) A hypotonic solution
Gains water by osmosis, cells placed in it become flaccid
Loses water by osmosis, cells placed in it become turgid
No net movement by osmosis
Loses water by osmosis, cells placed in it become flaccid

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) Photolysis
Activation of chlorophyll molecules by photons
Formation of ATP in the presence of light
Splitting up of carbon dioxide in the presence of light
Splitting up of water molecules into its ions in the presence of light

Correct answer. 1/1p

e) Ascent of sap is the upward movement of water and minerals due to

Capillarity, osmotic pressure and atmospheric pressure
Capillarity, root pressure and transpiration pull
Cohesion, osmotic pressure and atmospheric pressure
Adhesion, root pressure and atmospheric pressure

Correct answer. 1/1p

Question 5 
State the exact location of the following:            [5]

a) Cortex of roots
Between upper and lower epidermis
Between epidermis and pericycle
Between epidermis and vascular bundles
Between epidermis and endodermis

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) Centrosome
on the chromosome of cells
in the cytoplasm of cells
near the nucleus of animal cells
near the nucleus of all cells

Correct answer. 1/1p

c) Chlorophyll
In the walls of the outer membrane of the chloroplast
In the walls of the thylakoids
In the stroma
In the walls of the inner membrane of the chloroplast

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) Stomata
On the epidermis of leaves and young green stems
On young green stems and roots
On the roots and epidermis of leaves
On the surface of old stems and leaves

Correct answer. 1/1p

e) Chromosomes during Metaphase

At the poles of cells
At the equator of cells
only at one pole of the cell
inside the nuclear membrane

Correct answer. 1/1p

Question 6
State the function of the following:            [5]

a) Centromere
Point of attachment between non sister chromatids
Point of attachment between sister chromatids
Point of attachment between homologous chromosomes
Point of attachment between non homologous chromosomes

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) Mitosis
Asexual reproduction
Formation of ovum
Formation of pollen grain
Formation of sperm

Correct answer. 1/1p

c) Stroma is the site of

Reduction of carbon dioxide
Activation of chlorophyll molecules

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) Autosomes
Determine sex of an individual
Determine general body features
Self perpetuating structures
Only one pair is present

Correct answer. 1/1p

e) Water reservoir in Ganong’s potometer

To keep the twig fresh
To introduce the air bubble
To show how much of water is absorbed by the plant
To reset the position of the air bubble

Correct answer. 1/1p

SECTION III (10 Marks) 
Question 7 
 Given below is a diagram representing a step in the starch test of a leaf. Answer the questions that follow. [5]

a) If glucose is the end product of photosynthesis, why do we test a leaf for starch?
Because glucose is temporarily stored as starch in the leaves
Because glucose gets converted to starch which is a soluble sugar
Because glucose is immediately consumed by the plant
Because there is no confirmatory test for glucose

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) During the starch test, in two different steps the leaf is placed in water. Why?
First to soften the leaf, second to kill the cells
First to kill the cells, second to soften the leaf
Both steps help to soften the leaf
Both steps help to kill the cells

Correct answer. 1/1p

c) The leaf is boiled in methyl alcohol. What happens to the leaf at the end of this step?
Leaf becomes colourless
Leaf becomes soft
Leaf becomes brittle
Leaf becomes colourless and brittle

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) If the starch test was performed on a leaf that was kept in the dark for 48 hours, on adding iodine, what would
the colour of the leaf be?
Blue black

Correct answer. 0/1p

e) KOH is used in experiments to demonstrate photosynthesis to

show the evolution of oxygen
show the evolution of carbon dioxide
absorb oxygen
absorb carbon dioxide

Correct answer. 1/1p

Question 8 
Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions          [5]

a) The diagram above shows

an animal cell in Metaphase
an animal cell in Prophase
A plant cell in Metaphase
A plant cell in Prophase

Correct answer. 1/1p

b) Before a cell has to divide

The DNA amount is doubled and chromosomes are duplicated
The DNA amount is halved
The DNA amount is doubled and chromosome number is halved
No change in DNA and chromosomes

Correct answer. 1/1p

c) The number of chromosomes shown in the diagram is 6. If the cell divides to become a sperm cell, the
chromosome could be represented as
2+ XY
2+ X or 2+Y

Correct answer. 1/1p

d) In the diagram given above, at the end of mitosis, the end result would be
4 cells with 6 chromosomes each
2 cells with 3 chromosomes each
4 cells with 3 chromosomes each
2 cells with 6 chromosomes each

Correct answer. 0/1p

e) In the cell shown above, cytokinesis will occur by the formation of a

cell plate which grows from the centre of the cell to the periphery
cell plate which grows from the cell membrane to the centre of the cell
constriction furrow which grows from cell membrane to the centre of the cell 
constriction furrow which grows from the centre of the cell to the periphery

Correct answer. 1/1p

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