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Winnipeg General Strike




Collective Bargaining

Red Scare

Bloody Saturday

One Big Union

After the War

When soldiers came home, they expected to find their old jobs waiting for them. What kinds of
jobs were they able to find?

One Big Union

Where and when was it formed?

The union was seeking :

The strikers including:

What is the Citizen’s Committee of 1000? What did they believe the strikers were trying to do?
Winnipeg General Strike


What is the Immigration Act? How did this effect the strikers?

What happened on June 21st, 1918? What is this day called?


Why is the Winnipeg General Strike important to Canadian history?


Read the Case Study on page 60-61.

1. Why did business and industry leaders on the one hand and workers and union leaders on
the other have such different perspectives on the way the economy should work after
World War 1? Explain your response.

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