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Who is Who Description (your own Key Quotation What can you infer about

words) them?

Mr. Jones The human owner of the “… was too drunk to Mr. Jones is clearly a
manor farm. He is an remember to shut the negligent owner and
unpleasant ruler, often pop holes”. doesn’t care deeply
neglectful and drunk. P.5 about the welfare of his

Old Major The boar is the leader of “There, comrades, is the He is an aggressive pig
the animals and spreads answer to all our who seeks revenge and
the idea of rebellion problems. It is summed rebellion.
against the humans. up in a single word…

Boxer A hard-working and naive “…and in fact, he was He is a character who

horse. He is seen as a not a first-rate always works hard and
farm laborer. intelligence, but he was tries his best
universally respectful for
his steadiness of
character and
tremendous powers of

Clover A horse and boxer’s She is a caring,

companion. “Clover was a stout, motherly figure, who is
motherly mare, very loyal.
approaching middle life.
who had never quite got
her figure back after her
fourth foal.”

Benjamin A donkey, and was the “ Alone among the He is a depressed, sad
oldest animal on the farm animals on the farm he and angry character was
had never laughed if very pessimistic
asked why he would say
that he saw nothing to
laugh at”.

Mollie A female Whitehorse, who “She took a place near She is a vain and pretty
pulls Mr. Jones’ wagon the front and began character who likes
flirting her white mane, being the center of
hoping to draw attention attention.
to the red ribbons. It was

The Dogs Three dogs, Bluebell, “The dogs had suddenly The dogs were
Jesse, and Pincher caught sight of them, and aggressive and
it was only by a swift ferocious, and would do
dash for their holes that anything to protect
the rat saved their lives.” Napoleon.

The Pigs Three pigs, Snowball, “…then the pigs who They were strong and
Napoleon, and Squealer. settle down in the straw clever as they
immediately in front of supervised the others.
the platform.”

cynical: not trusting, or ensconce: to put yourself in a

respecting the goodness of comfortable or safe position.
other people.

Abolish: put an end to benevolent: helpful and

generous towards others.

enmity: a feeling of opposition Dissentient: opposing a

between majority or an opinion

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