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Persuasive speech: Assignment 3

Are you aware that smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths every year. Why on
earth is your breath smelly and why do clothes smell like that, Gross. Do you
consume any tobacco related products? Of course I do, well that explains why you
smell like rubbish. Are you willing to take your own life just because you smoke,
leaving everything behind, including your wife, your kids, and your parents. Think
more about your kids. What are they going to do when they find out their father
died because of smoking tobacco? I think it is an absolutely disgusting habit that
is costly, and harmful to both the smoker and those who live with them. The best
way to develop lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease is to smoke cigarettes,
I can't imagine people doing it. If you decide to stop smoking, you will be able to
have complete freedom over your life and won't have to worry about where you
can go or whether you can smoke there. According to research, smoking continues
to be the main cause of illness, disability and death in the USA. Smoking not only
puts you in danger, but puts others in danger too. Imagine your wife pregnant
with your first baby, started smoking and found out that she had lost her baby
due to smoking. How would you feel about that, your baby is gone because she was
smoking to ‘relieve her stress’. For these reasons you should take action to quit
smoking, at least to save your life. After quitting,help in creating an organization
that assists people to give up smoking.

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