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“10 Seconds” game, the interviewer will read out a question about Morocco,

and the Ambassador has to answer the question within 10 seconds. Please
wait until the interviewer finish reading the question and when say “Go!”
then Ambassador can hit the bell.

1. Name 3 popular food in Morocco

2. Name 3 inventions that originated from Morocco

(This can be technology, food, clothing, art, culture etc. )

3. Name 3 public holiday in Morocco

(Explain religion and governing system in Morocco based on important days
that are celebrated there)

4. Morocco has 9 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, list out 3 of them

5. What is the Moroccan style clothing called?

Answer: Djellaba, Kaftans, Fez (Explain what these clothing look like)

6. What is the name of a desert that spans across many African countries
including Morocco?

7. What is the name of the oldest university in Morocco and still operating to
this day?
(Talk about exchange program between universities of Thailand and Morocco)

8. What is the name of the tallest religious building in the world?

Answer: Hassan II mosque in Casablanca
(Talk about Sunni Muslim religion and how it is practiced in Morocco)

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