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How often do you have to handle or present data in form of graphs?

- We use graphs to represent information based on laboratory practices.

- In the statistics course and in the elaboration of reports of different courses.
- To express data in a way that is more comprehensible to anyone who reads it.
- We often use graphs to represent trend data to know what is used today.

What other visual aids do you use to present information?

- Histogram
- Pie charts
- Heat maps
- Tree diagrams
How does the R and D department of a company generate ideas?

- The innovation department is responsible for creating new projects.

- Do a search on user needs and trends.
- Doing brainstorming as a group to see different points of views.

How does it test ideas?

- Evaluating the viability of the project.

- Once they do a brainstorm, they can argue about which one is the best and profitable option.
Technically feasible to manufacture

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