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we GES < www.daniyalstudio9.comys* nef fh Compulsory Course name: alist Level: Intermediate Course Code: 386 Semester: Autumn 2022 Assignment: 2 Due Date: 25-02-2023 Total Assignment: 2 ac: 25-02-2023 Assignment no. 2 Q.1 In Unit 6, you have learnt how to apologize to someone. Write some sentences of apology for the situations given below. Follow the example. Situation: You are late for work. Apology: Iam sorry; I couldn’t find a taxi. i. You hurt your sister. ii. You lost your house keys. iii, You entered in the room without permission. iv. You broke a glass, v. You stole your brothers’ bike. Answer: Expressing Apology: 1, Dear sister, I do apologize for my words that hurt you badly. 2. It was my fault that I lost my house keys somewhere. 3. I deeply regret that I entered the room without your permission 4. It was my fault that I broke your glass. 5. It shouldn’t have happened that I stole your brother’s bike. Q.2 Write a descriptive paragraph of around 100 words about the street your live in. Read about descriptive writing in Unit 6 of your textbook. Answer: The Street I Live in: HAASE fy MOU Studio 9 Lee Sey rol NG lee we GES < www.daniyalstudio9.comys* nef fh I live in the Ghalib street. It is in the Canal Park Society in Sargodha. It is a 60 ft wide street. I live in a nice house with my parents. There are some twenty houses along the street. The environment here is very healthy. It is quite a clean and clam street. There is no noise, rubbish or pollution there. There are a lot of trees along the street. A big playground is at the end of the street. We play there different games in the evening. In the morning many people go there to have walk and exercise. There is a grand mosque near the playground, All and sundry, old and young go there to say prayers give times a day. All the people of my street are sympathetic to each other and they all live like good citizens. Q.3 Use the following linking words in sentences. Take guidance from Unit 7 of your textbook. _ As Too Then But Also Answer: Use of Linking Words: No | Word | Sentences 1 |As As they both are very similar so a lot of people don’t recognize them. 2 | Too .| She is fast and strong too. 3 | Then | Finish your homework first and then you can watch TV. 4 |But |Iran fast but I couldn’t catch the train. 5 | Also | She is a talented singer and also a fine actress. Q.4 Express your opinion in one sentence about each of the following issues. Follow the example. Further guidance is there in Unit 7 of your textbook. Example: Internet In my opinion internet is a good source of information. i. Multivitamins ii, Career iii, Fame iv. Obesity AAAS EE ty MOU Studio 9 LS ee Se tent G Lue we GES < www.daniyalstudio9.comys* nef fh v. Coconut oil Answer: Expressing Opinion: 1. Multivitamins: I think we need multivitamins daily. wR wD . Career: in my opinion teenage isthe best period for building a career. . Fame: | think fame is good because it often benefits our life. Obesity: I have no doubt that obesity can increase the risk of heart disease. Coconut oil: I think coconut oil is good for hair. Q.5 Develop a paragraph from the stems given below as your learned in Unit 8 of your textbook. i. Dig a hole in the ground. ii, Place the seed in it. iii. Cover the seed with dirt. iv. Splash some water on it. y. Continue watering every day. Answer: Paragraph. While sowing a plant, first of all dig a hole in the ground. After that put the seed into it and cover the seed properly with soil. Fill the hole gently but firmly. Then springle some water on it. Provide follow up care, keep the soil moist by watering daily if necessary. Once seedlings have a few pairs of leaves, they are ready for the next step. Q.6 Look at the pictures given below and write a story with a proper beginning, middle and end. Read Unit 9 of your textbook for guidance. Answer: The Lion and The Mouse: A lion was sleeping in a forest. A mouse started playing on it. The lion was disturbed and arose from his sleep. It caught up the mouse angrily and tried to crush it to death. HAASE fy MOU Studio 9 Lee Sey rol NG lee we GES < www.daniyalstudio9.comys* nef fh Then then mouse prayed the lion to leave him off and assured that it would help him when it needed. The lion laughed at it and let him off. One day the lion was caught in a net spread by a hunter. It roared and tried to escape but in vain. The mouse heard:the lion’s roaring and came there. It started cutting the net with its teeth: The lion escaped and thanked the mouse. Moral: Everything has its own value. Q.7 An incomplete story is given below. The end is missing. Predict its end. Take guidance from Unit 9 of your textbook on how to make predictions. This is the story offfitery greedy rich eho chanced uppiimneeting a fairy. The fairy’s hair was caught in a few tree branches. Realizing he had an opportunity to make even more money, he asked for a wish in return for helping the fairy. He said, ‘All that I touch should turn to gold’, and his wish was granted by the grateful fairy. The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife and daughter about his new boon, all the while touching stones and pebbles and converting them into gold. Once he got home, his daughter rushed to greet him. As soon as he bent down to scoop her up in his arms, she turned into a gold statue. He realized... Answer: The Story: ‘This is the story of a very greedy rich man who chanced upon meeting a fairy. The fairy’s hair was caught in a few tree branches. Realizing he had an opportunity to make even more money, he asked for a wish in return for helping the fairy. He said, ‘All that I touch should turn to gold.’ And his wish was granted by the grateful fairy. The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife and daughter about his new boon, all the while touching stones and pebbles and converting them into gold. Once he got home, his daughter rushed to greet him. As soon as he bent down to scoop her up in his arms, she turned into a gold statue. He AAAs _ ty MOU Studio 9 See Sitter G Lu we GES < www.daniyalstudio9.comys* nef fh realized his folly and spent the rest of days searching for the fairy to take away his wish. Q.8 Read the article given below and answer the questions that follow. Ramadan is a very special time for Muslims all over the world. Observing Ramadan is one of the five ‘pillars’ of Islam. During Ramadan, all Muslims over the age of about 12, with some exceptions, are expected to fast between dawn and sunset. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which follows the phases of the moon. This mean the dates of Ramadan change each year. The month starts when the new crescent moon is first visible in the night sky. Fasting ends with the arrival of the next lunar month, which starts with the first glimpse of the new crescent moon. Muslims fast during Ramadan to bring them closer to God and to remind them of the suffering of people who are less fortunate than themselves. Fasting is an exercise in self-control. As well as not eating, drinking or smoking, Muslim try to avoid bad actions, like talking about people behind their backs or using bad language. i. How many pillars does Islam have? ii. What do Muslims do in Ramadan? iii. Which month of Islamic calendar is Ramadan? iv. Why do the dates of Ramadan change every year? vy. What message did you get from the passage? Answer: Answers to the Question: 1. Islam has five pillars. 2. Muslims keep fasting in Ramadan. 3. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. 4. The dates of Ramadan change every year due to the phases of the moon. AAAs _ ty MOU Studio 9 See Sitter G Lu we GES < www.daniyalstudio9.comys* nef fh 5. The paragraph takes the message that Ramadan teaches self-control, sacrifice and empathy for those who are less fortunate. Q.9 What do you want to be; a doctor, a pilot, an engineer, a chef, a dress designer, a hairstylist? Select a profession as a career, expressing at least five reasons for choosing that particular career. Follow the example. Example: Designer: I want to be a designer because I am very creative. Answer: 1, Doctor: I want to be a doctor due to the fact that I love to help the ailing humanity. . A Pilot: | want to be a pilot as I love to travel and see different countries and meet new people. ‘An Engineer: I want to bean engineer as I love to design new machines and excel in technology. . A Chef: I want to be a chef as I always like cooking and make tasty foods . A Dress Designer: | want to be a dress designer so that | may prove my skills in developing new ideas and unique dress designs. . A Hairstylist: I want to be a hairstylist because I always like new hairstyles and fashions. AAAS EE ty MOU Studio 9 LS ee Se tent G Lue

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