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REINFORCED / PRESTRESSED CONCRETE MODULE 7 TITLE: DOUBLY ~REMPORCED keAms (far I) Compression reinfrcemont (doubly reinforced) Is needed fo increase fe monent capauc'fy _ OF & beam beyond that of a tensile ly reinforced beam with maxi num chel area Aside fim these reasonc, compression reinforcement makes beams frugh and ductile ord reduces long - fing Bef leefion Of beams. Compreasin Sel als helps the beam withShnd ree reversal that mi gh} occur Bur ing cavthasa keg, Continurovys Co mpreagsion bows are algo helpful fox PeSi fioning stirrups and keeping Ten in place duaying concrefe placement. @AWALYSIS OF BOUBLY REINFORCED REAMG : b Mn Mn Mn Compression rinforcemnt is ovpvided to ensure Auchle failure Cie fension sfeel mus} yield), For fhric reason, therefore oh SHr255 in femcion sfeel (Ag) ir always fo fy. On the choy hand, the chess 6 Compression sfeel (As) may either le fy or loclow fy - This ches must alway s ®@ be dheacked . TE the compression sfeel gids, then Ag = Ac, . Ofhewise , Ag+ fata where 4 Ts the éfregs in conprestion & ark is equal fo: f= ee flay © Seps fy Deferminge As and Ae of Doubly Reinforced Beam Given Mu ond Otter beam Properties : © A) Solve fir MUpag. Munag = OM nay Magog = C (- a) Dis aetevnind fon Gray ond S90 (d- c) Cmax = 2 A © 1g My < Mu mon —> singly minforced ex thy > Numa Teak aforced P 2) 2) Wa > MU pan” Mn, ny Sole foy As, fiom Cr G G=t 0-855" Amag = As, fy A? Mn, = aman Mn, = (Mus )- Mn, Mn, >7 Mn, = DAs, fy (a-a") Ag =? BS) Check TE compression sfeel yields. fo (ea) OU K > Sy, proceed to skp 4. © i Jo < fy _ procesd fo skp S- Hg S25! Ag > As, As: As, +As, s)Th fe < fy: to Ag = As, ( % ) As=As, + As, © Problem + A rectangalay leam hag b= 310 mm ,and A= 40mm. The beam will be derigned to carry a sevvice Aeak load moment of 220 kN -m and service live (oad moment 1390 kN -m. Compression reinforcement if necessary will have ifs Cenbraid Tomm farm extreme concrete Fler, Determine the required shel ayea . Use fo > 2oMPa and {y= 415 MPa. b= 310mm pe semy @ Solve fv My : My? 1-2 Mo + 1G My Mu = (-2(230) + 1.6 (190) Mu: SO kN-m SI Pas ($0 > 28 MPa) prs 0-85-25 (52-28) 7 ons foy2 0.88 ~ as (30 - 28) {= 9- 8387 OF Solve fv Mama # Mu maxs Mn. ion = 0.8 nag vo( : a Aman > Py Care Kanes oh = Cmranc= = (+60) Gare (37. 143 mm Orman? Py ror. Ama = {e- 8257)(137, 148) Oma: lot.152 mm @ @ Chel volue of See ope Sex G00 __ os ma (460 - 197.14) fe. s00MPa < 1000 MPa B=0.6s (42S (000 = 45 B= 0.8148 © From Mama SB Maman Momax = O- SSF Oma lo (A - 2) Mamag= 0-95 (20) (104. 1si (210) | 400 a Mamas 43] SOE. GN - mm nna 431.504 LN -m Mu mag = O- S145 (451. 804) Maman = 400.514 le -m @ Compare My and Me wage * Ma= S80 1M -m D Muggy = 400.574 en ——* Powoly Reinforced @ Soe {Ev Mn, : Mn, = Mane * 43).90 4 iclt-p. Mn, = he a Mn, Mya eo ee ag Mee or gigs ~ F91. 504 Mn, = 220.283 leN -m @ Solve fv As (Tension Sfeel ) Ts Cc As, {y= 0-85S'ab As, (418) = 0-5 (80)(te4.182)(s10) As, = USS. 228 mm? are 1, (4- a') = As, fy (a- i) 220.283 xX As, (415) (t00- 40) As, =1&6(6 063 mm* @ As: As, tAs, As* 3136.228 4+ 13@[. 063 As. 4453. 237mm? | © Sole fey AL ( @mpression Sfeel) © check value of Lo: f+ 0 ne -a') S's > 197.14 | s7. (43 - 70| t Se 386.357 MPa < fy=4is mre Cy = Te As fe7 As, fy AG (886.357)> [361.063 (415) Aes 1453. 206mm “ACTIVITY Bi © Poller : “A vectong ular beam Was = 300mm ond dz 430mm . Conaete compressive.chength 4°. 27.6 Ma and steel yield sheryth fy: 27@ Mla. Compression sfee{ if required shall have ifs centroid Gomm from extreme concrete for. Caleu late the required cee awed tf the factored moment Ma: 620kN-m. b = 2c0mm © Solve fry Moma * Mga? max Manan? B54 max O(A-F) Omen 2 fi Cmax foi? 0-85 ance Ly < 28Mpa Cine = 5 a Cmox= (490) Gira = 210 mm Amox's 0-88 (2) Oonaye = \78-S wm Maggy 2 9-85(21- )(178-8)(ea0)] 490- ws] rn. = D4 SS4(2.3 NV -mm Manag 2 S03. 45S kN -m Chede value 5 A Mes oo (A-c) G00 2 = —(490 - 20) Ses seat < tooo MA —stansitin Zone sole fy Gg: gz 0-85 + 0S (4) B= 0-45 46.26 fo = 276) [000 - 176 G= 0.8303 Muna S SD Moma My u wax > 0-8303 (3.455) Ma mage = ALS. 324 LN-m © Compare My and Ma may : Mus @20 KN-m 7 Minay = 418-32 kW -m —— Pouloly Reinforced © Sobre fv Mn, : Mu Wee on, L 1 ® Mn,= “Amar = S03. 465 G20 OO SO P ML* 9.8205 3.455 Whos 242.7124 LN © wy © Sole fry Ag (Tension Steel ): We As, fy 2 0. 8SE a b As, (274): 0- $5 (27-6)(11.5)(300) Asy= 455115 mm” Maa 2 a(a-2) Mn, = As, 4y(A -d') 242.114 x00%= As, (276) (430 -G0) As, = 2045-187 wm? Ac: As, TAs, Ag: 4SS1-1S + 2045.197 : As: 65.96.34¢7nm~ @ Soe Py Ag ( Smpression Sel.) check value of Ce: M22 (e-d) Sh: ne (20- «) fice 426.511 MPA 7 fy2 276 MPa use fee fy: 276 Mha Ci2 AS fs= As, fy ALR As fy Als As, A‘. > 2048.13) mn*

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