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串题 1:鄂尔多斯 ordos

话题 1:有趣的城市 Describe a city that you think is very interesting

You should say
Where it is 中国西北部的鄂尔多斯
What it is famous for 自然栖息地
How you knew this city 受朋友 Ms lee(一个旅游爱好者)邀请
And explain why you think it is very interesting 有趣的习俗:给客人戴哈达/有趣的房子:蒙

In northwest China, there is a city of Ordos that combines modern [ˈmɒdn] and tradi-
tional grassland culture.
It is famous for the natural habitat of all kinds of animals and plants.
Invited by my friend Ms lee, a travel enthusiast [ɪnˈθjuːziæst], I visited Ordos last summer
and fell in love with this vibrant [ˈvaɪbrənt] city.
A very interesting local custom is to give Hada to the guests, which means to welcome
them from afar.
The traditional Mongolian yurt is also worth seeing.

话题 2:一个去过的新地方 Describe a time you visited a new place

You should say
Where the new place is 中国西北部的鄂尔多斯
When you went there 几个月前
Why you went there 受朋友 Ms lee(一个旅游爱好者)邀请
And explain how you feel about the place 感觉习俗/建筑有趣

Nadam is a traditional mass gathering of the Mongolian people in Ordos. It mainly holds
individual [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl] events such as wrestling, horse racing, archery [ˈɑːtʃəri] and so on.
The yurt is made of strips of wood and cloth, which is very suitable for living and using
by the herding people.

话题 3:想要的公寓或房子 Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in

You should say
What it is like 坐落在草原上的蒙古包
Where it would be 中国西北常见
Why you would like to live in this house/apartment 个人好奇/内部设计独特(有桌椅/床具/
And how you feel about this house/apartment 展示了古人智慧
I tend to choose yurts located on the prairie [ˈpreəri], which is very common in northwest
Personally, I am curious about yurts. I heard that the yurt looks small, but it has a large
space for internal use, good ventilation [ˌvɛntɪˈleɪʃən, warm in winter and cool in summer.
There is also a stage and other incredible-sounding furniture inside.
I think this yurt shows the wisdom of people to survive in the natural environment to
the greatest extent.

话题 4:安静的地方 Describe a quiet place you like to go

You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it 受朋友 Ms lee(一个旅游爱好者)邀请
How often you go there 偶尔旅游
What you do there 沿河边散步/看鱼虾/呼吸新鲜空气
And explain how you feel about the place 让人放松/追求内心平静

Occasional travel can give me peace of mind. It is refreshing to walk along the river
and look at the cattle and sheep in the distance on the prairie of Ordos. The endless
grasslands and being away from high-rise buildings are relaxing.

话题 5:远距离步行 Describe a long walk you ever had

You should say
When this happened 几个月前 a few months ago
Where you walked 中国西北部的鄂尔多斯 沿着河边步行
Who you were with 朋友 Ms lee(一个旅游爱好者)
And explain how you feel about this long walk 一开始精力充沛==>后来疲惫==>但是有助于锻

At first I was full of energy, but because I had not exercised for too long, I felt tired
about half an hour later. But looking at the leisurely cattle and sheep in the distance, I
feel strong again. Finally we walked on the prairie for two hours. This is a great exer-
cise experience because of the fresh air, beautiful scenery [ˈsiːnəri] and good friends.

话题 6:乡村一隅 Describe a place in a village that you visited

You should say
Where it is 中国西北部的鄂尔多斯(胡编一个村庄)
When you visited this place 几个月前
What you did there 沿河边散步/看鱼虾/呼吸新鲜空气
And how you feel about this place 让人放松/追求内心平静
话题 7:宜居之地 Describe a city you would recommend as a nice place to live (not your
You should say
What it is 鄂尔多斯
Where it is 中国西北部
What you know about this place 朋友邀请去旅游
And explain why you recommend it as a nice place to live 风景优美/让人放松/远离城市生
The grasslands of Ordos keep people away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

话题 8:别人讲述的故事 Describe a story someone told you and you remember

You should say
What the story was about 几个月前去鄂尔多斯旅游的经历
Who told you this story 朋友 Ms lee(一个旅游爱好者)
Why you remember it 过于有趣,有趣的习俗:给客人戴哈达/有趣的房子:蒙古包
And how you feel about it 憧憬-想亲身体验

After listening to her story, I was full of longing for the grassland.

话题 9:有趣的讨论 Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend

You should say
What the discussion was about 几个月前和朋友 Ms Lee 去鄂尔多斯旅游的经历
What opinions you and your friend had 我认为鄂尔多斯的习俗很有趣/但是 Ms lee 认为那里
Why you think the discussion was interesting 交换想法,双方都进行了头脑风暴
And how you felt aboout it 兴趣激发==>想再去一次鄂尔多斯

The discussion between the two of us made the experience of the trip seem close at
hand. After brainstorming, we all noticed the details that we didn't notice at that
This once again aroused our interest in visiting the prairie.

话题 10:交通拥堵 Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam

You should say
When it happened 几个月前
Where you were stuck 在去鄂尔多斯的路上
What you did while waiting 堵的时候在玩手机/听音乐==>保持好的心情
And explain how you felt in the traffic jam 在拥堵的时候做有趣的事情转变注意力而不是烦

I was caught in a traffic jam on the highway to Ordos two months ago. Fortunately, I'm not a
driver, so I don't have to focus on the traffic. I put on my headphones and listened to some light
music. I felt calm in the melodious [məˈləʊdiəs music and gradually ignored the irritability [ˌɪrɪtə
ˈbɪlɪti caused by traffic jams. It's normal to feel irritable in a traffic jam, but I think we should deal
with it with peace of mind.

话题 11:丢东西的经历 Describe an occasion that you lost something

You should say
What you lost 身份证
When and where you lost it 几个月前去鄂尔多斯旅游的时候丢在了车里
What you did to find it 返程时要做核酸,需要身份证时发现不见了
And explain how you felt about it 一开始很焦虑==>担心不能回家==>找到之后很放松,吸收

I lost my ID card when I was traveling in Ordos two months ago. When I returned, I
needed my ID card to buy a high-speed train ticket, but unfortunately I found that my ID
card could not be found. I am very anxious because it may prevent me from going home
in time. But my friend Miss Li patiently helped me find my ID card, and finally I found it
under the seat of the bus. The joy of getting it back made me feel relaxed, and I learned
from my experience and took good care of my important belongings.

话题 12:重要的河流/湖泊 Describe an important river/lake in your country

You should say
Where it is located 黄河:从青海省流入渤海
How big/long it is 在中国第二长河
What it looks like “几”字形
And explain why it is important 在鄂尔多斯旅游时亲自看到==>对当地水运/居民用水/旅游景

The Yellow River is a well-known river in our country, even called the Mother River. The Yellow
River is the second longest river in China, which originated from Qinghai Province and finally
merged into the Bohai Sea. It looks like pi when seen from above. I saw the river with my own
eyes when I traveled to Ordos last month. The Yellow River is unique in that it is not only an im -
portant shipping river, but also provides water for the lives of the surrounding residents. And the
Yellow River is also a tourist attraction, the characteristic tourism development of the Yellow
River has also driven the economy of Ordos.
话题 13:用手机做重要事情 Describe a time you used your cellphone/smartphone to do
something important
You should say
What happened 在去鄂尔多斯的路上汽车没油了
When it happened 几个月前旅游途中
How important the cellphone/smartphone was 帮助我们在网上寻求经验/打电话给高速救援
And explain how you felt about the experience 明白了手机的重要性/高效解决问题

A few months ago, my friends and I drove to Ordos, but unfortunately, our car ran out of
gas on the highway. Thanks to the help of my mobile phone, I found the nearest gas sta-
tion on the Internet and contacted them on my mobile phone to come to the rescue
[ˈreskjuː]. On the way to the service staff from the gas station, I also sent him our real-
time location on my cell phone. The mobile phone played a key role in the accident, not
only allowing me to search for ways to deal with the problem, but also helping me con-
tact rescue workers. This makes me find that mobile phones can solve problems effi-
ciently ɪ'fɪʃəntli] and is an important tool for me to exchange information with the outside

串题 2:汽车
话题 14:改变世界的发明 Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive
You should say
What it is 清洁能源汽车
What benefits it brought 环境友好/零碳排放/缓解环境污染和全球变暖
How it influences people of different ages 年轻人:随时随地旅游/不用乘坐拥挤的公共交通;
And explain how it changed people's lives 健康生活/方便生活

Clean energy car is an invention that changes the world. New energy vehicles have less
environmental pollution and achieve zero carbon emissions, which can undoubtedly allevi-
ate [əˈliːvieɪt] environmental pollution and global warming. For young people, the price of
using clean energy such as electricity is lower than that of gasoline [ˈɡæsəliːn. They can
travel anytime and anywhere without having to take crowded means of transportation. For
the elderly, new energy vehicles can help them save physical strength and facilitate their
lives. New energy vehicles do no harm to the environment while it is convenient for people
to live, which is the characteristic that it changes the world.
话题 15:坏掉又修好的东西 Describe something that was broken in your home and then
You should say
What it is 汽车
How it was broken 准备自驾去鄂尔多斯旅游,途中方向盘出现了故障
How you got it repaired 在高速公路上打电话给应急部门,等待半小时之后,专业人员来修
And how you felt about it 遇事不要慌==>保持镇静==>寻找解决办法

My car broke down about two months ago. At that time, I was planning a self-driving trip to
Ordos with my friends. However, before leaving, I was surprised to find that my steering
wheel was out of order. I can only call the [ˈmeɪntənəns] department immediately and ask
them to help me repair it. About half an hour or so, the maintenance team came with tools.
They were so professional that it took them only an hour to solve the problem. At first I felt
very grumpy because the broken steering wheel delayed my trip. But then I was very glad
it didn't break down on the road. I have also learned from the experience that in the future,
I should check the condition of the vehicle in advance before driving a long journey. And
don't panic when you encounter something, you should actively look for a solution.

话题 16:生活中离不开的东西 Describe something that you can't live without(not a com-

You should say
What it is 汽车
What you do with it 开车旅游/上班
How it helps you in your life 节约时间和精力/随时随地出行(即使天气恶劣)/不用乘坐拥挤
And explain why you can't live without it 如果没有汽车,通勤会很麻烦/打车会很贵/不能自

I think my life will be a mess without the car.

In my daily life, whether I go to work or travel, I like to drive myself.
Cars help me save time and energy. Collectively, I can travel anywhere and anytime, even
if the weather is bad.
And you don't have to take crowded public transport during rush hours.
If there is no car, commuting will be very troublesome, because taking a taxi will be expen-
sive and it is not easy to take a taxi in my city, which makes it impossible for me to arrange
my time freely.

话题 17:印象深刻的课程 Describe a course that impressed you a lot

You should say
What the course was about 汽车模型选修课
Where you took the course 大学校园+制造基地
What you did during the course 记课程笔记/参加汽车制造比赛/参观汽车博物馆/准备 pre
And explain why it impressed you a lot 相比其他课程更有意思/开拓视野/在比赛中获得了一

A few months ago, I signed up for an course on car models with the encouragement of my
friends. I usually attend theory classes on our university campus in the morning, and visit
and practice at the manufacturing base in the afternoon. This course is completely strange
but interesting to me. In the course, I mainly take some notes, participate in the car manu-
facturing competition, visit the car museum and prepare for the presentation. This course
is more interesting than other courses. And car models are completely unknown to me,
and this course broadens my horizons. Fortunately, I finally won a good award in the com-

话题 18:想参加的比赛 Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in

You should say
What the contest/competition is about 关于汽车模型制作的比赛(可添加:比赛内容/比赛
Where the contest/competition will take place 在市博物馆举办
When it will be held 下个月
And explain why you would like to participate in it 为保护环境做贡献/提升自身技能

I'd love to take part in the competition on the making of car models [ˈmɒdl] to be held at the
city museum next month. The main content of the competition is to make mini-car models
with environmentally friendly materials. The jury scores in terms of appearance and devel-
opability, and the one with the highest score will receive a bonus of 1000 yuan. I think the
significance of this competition is for me to put into practice the ideas I have in mind about
cars. And the use of environmentally friendly materials calls on people to raise their aware-
ness of protecting the environment. I also improved my hands-on ability in the process of
making the model.

话题 19:壮志未酬 Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved

You should say
What it is 参加关于汽车模型制作的比赛(可添加:比赛内容/比赛规则/比赛奖项)
Why you haven't achieved it 专业基础知识不够扎实/竞争过于激烈/要求很高
What you did 请教导师/寻求能力强的小伙伴合作
And how you felt about it 勇于接受挑战/不要沮丧/备战下次比赛/希望可以取得好的成绩
But I still knew too little about cars and lacked professional knowledge. And in this competi-
tion is very fierce, my opponents have solid professional knowledge and very innovative
ability. I tried to ask teachers for help and actively looked for capable partners to cooperate
with me. But due to the lack of personal ability, I finally lost the game. But I had the
courage to accept the challenge in this game, and despite my frustration, I took an active
part in it.
After that, I will also actively prepare for the next game, hoping to get good results.

话题 20:童年喜欢的玩具 Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

You should say
What kind of toy it is 汽车模型
When you received it 8 岁生日
How you played it 和朋友一起玩/看谁的玩具车跑得更快
And how you felt about it 很有意义的时光/放松/开心

Unlike most girls in my childhood, I prefer toys such as littlecars. On my 8th birthday, my
father made a model car for me out of wood. I was attracted by his exquisite craftsman-
ship. At that time, I thought my father was the best toy car maker in the world. My father
taught me to share, so I played he car with my friends. We pushed the toy car hard on the
floor and went further than whose car. Now I still feel warm in my recollection, and my
happy childhood makes me feel happy and relaxed now. Of course, the toy car is well pre-
served by me now.

话题 21:向长者学习的技能 Describe a skill that you learned from older people

You should say
What the skill is 制作汽车模型
Who you learned it from 向父亲学习
How you learned it 观察父亲如何做/然后自己日复一日的练习
And how you feel about it 一开始自信心挫败,很难做成功,逃避/后来掌握了技巧之后,很


I really want to learn how to make a model car from my father. The car model he made is
not only realistic in appearance, but also very exquisite in interior. At first, I would watch my
father's movements while he was making a model car. After that, I will practice by myself
day after day. At first, like most of the process of learning new things, I kept failing and felt
that my self-confidence had been frustrated. But my father encouraged me to go on, and
he gave me a lot of guidance. I stopped running away and devoted myself to making car
models. Later, after gradually mastering the skills, I finally made a model car. It makes me
feel a sense of achievement.

话题 22:不喜欢的规则 Describe a rule that you don't like

You should say
What it is 上汽车制造选修课的时候不允许玩手机
Why you dont like it 不能借助网络解决问题/不方便
How others feel about the rule 大家都不喜欢
And explain whether you ve followed the rule 别无选择/不遵守的话就会挂科/害怕被惩罚

I took an course in automobile manufacturing last month. But our teacher stipulates that we must turn in
our mobile phones and computers in class. I hate this rule very much because I can't solve the problem
with the help of the Internet in time. The field of automobile manufacturing is completely strange to me,
and it is very inconvenient for me not to find the answer to the question. My classmates also hate this
rule very much, because like me, everyone needs mobile phones to get information. But we have no
choice. If we don't obey the rules, the teacher will fail this course. I was afraid of being punished, so I had
to hand in my cell phone before the course began.

串题 3:过生日
话题 23:一次非常忙碌的经历 Describe a time you were very busy
You should say
When it happened 室友 Ms Lee 18 岁生日当天(18 岁是人生的一个里程碑)
Where you were 在宿舍
What you did 布置室友的生日派对
And explain why you were busy 有很多事情要做:订蛋糕/邀请她的其他好友/装饰宿舍

I can still think of my good friend Lucy18's birthday, very busy but full of happiness. I think 18 means becoming an
adult and an important milestone in one's life. So I want to throw a birthday party for Lucy in the dorm. I do have a lot
of things to do, because it is not easy to arrange a beautiful, warm and birthday-filled party. I ordered a birthday cake
and a bouquet of flowers in advance, with three-dimensional cream bears on the cake. At the same time, I also invited
several good friends of Lucy to help me decorate the dormitory. We filled the whole space with pink balloons and rib -
bons. Finally, under our careful preparation, Lucy was very moved and said it was the best birthday party she had
ever had in her life. I think it's been a busy and tiring day, but seeing the smile of my good friend, I think it's all worth
话题 24:花费甚少的外出日 Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn't cost you much
You should say
When the day was 18 岁生日当天
Where you went 一家餐馆
How much you spent 免费
And explain how you feel about the day 感激老板的慷慨/印象深刻/不会忘记

It was a very special day. It was my 18th birthday. At that time, my parents booked a restaurant in advance to cele-
brate my birthday. In the evening we arrived at the restaurant. After ordering, my parents put candles on my birthday
cake and lit them. We sang birthday songs together, and I blew out the candles after I made a wish. I can still remem -
ber that day. I am very happy. I am looking forward to my life after the age of 18. At that time, I thought it was the best
birthday party of my life. However, what is even more surprising is that the boss did not charge us for our meals when
we checked out. I don't know if it's because the restaurant owner saw us walk in with the cake or heard our birthday
song. In short, after repeated refusals, the boss insisted on not charging us for the meal. He said it was his way of
sending birthday wishes to me. I am very grateful to my boss for his generosity, which impressed me very much. The
kindness of the stranger is also a good birthday present.

话题 25:庆祝过的活动 Describe an important event you celebrated

You should say
What the event was 庆祝生日
When it happened 去年 11 月
Who attended the event 亲戚朋友
And explain how you feel about the event 感激他们所付出的努力==>不平凡的一天

话题 26:快乐活动 Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully

You should say
What the event was 18 岁生日
How you prepared for it 准备去鄂尔多斯自驾旅游,做了一些攻略
Who helped you to organize it 亲戚和朋友提供了一些建议
And explain why you think it was a successful event 欢聚/氛围欢快/大家有很好的交流;自己独自策划==>成就感

话题 27:收到的特殊蛋糕 Describe a special cake you received from others

You should say
When it happened 18 岁生日
Where it happened 在鄂尔多斯草原上(闺蜜邀请去旅游)
Who you got the cake from 闺蜜 Ms lee
And explain why it 's a special cake 形状特殊-我喜欢的芭比娃娃造型/味道特殊-巧克力/意义特殊-18 岁生日蛋糕,代表

话题 28:让你惊讶的事情 Describe something that surprised you

You should say
what it is 闺蜜给我庆祝 18 岁生日
How you found out about it 一开始心情沮丧(以为闺蜜忘记了我的生日)后来闺蜜拿出了生日蛋糕
What you did 我们一起吃了蛋糕(具可体描述-见上第四问)/唱了生日歌/看了篝火表演/拥抱在一起
And explain whether it made you happy 意义非凡的一天/珍惜友谊

话题 29:别人给你的衣服 Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

You should say
What the clothing was 一件纯棉的 T 恤(印有我喜欢的球星-库里)
Who gave it to you 闺蜜 Ms Lee(在一家实体店买的)
When you got it 18 岁生日当天
And explain why this person gave you the clothing 闺蜜为了庆祝我的 18 岁生日,帮我实现这个我期待已久的愿望;同
时庆祝我收到大学的 offer

话题 30:送朋友的礼物 Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend
You should say
What gift you would like to buy 一件纯棉的 T 恤
Who you would like to give it 闺蜜 Ms Lee
Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her 为了庆祝她的 18 岁生日,帮她实现这个我期待已久的愿望;同时庆祝她收
到大学的 offer
Explain why you choose that gift 实用-可以经常穿在身上/印有她喜欢的球星-库里

话题 31:免费物品 Describe something you received for free

You should say
What it was 一件纯棉的 T 恤
Who you received it from 闺蜜 Ms Lee
Where you received it 在鄂尔多斯草原上(闺蜜邀请去旅游)
And how you felt about it 作为我的 18 岁生日礼物-意义非凡/珍惜友谊-感谢闺蜜的精心准备

串题 4:教师 Ms lee(人)
话题 32:对社会有贡献的人 Describe a person who contributes to the society
You should say
Who this person is Ms Lee
How you knew him/her 在一次讲座上(很有感染力)
What type of work he/she does 数学老师(有着独特的教学方法/对学生很有耐心)
And explain why you think he/she contributes to the society 被分配到边远地区执教/给贫穷地区的孩子带去希望/通过视

这个人就是我的数学老师 Lucy。我们是在过去的一次数学讲座上认识的。因为她的授课方式非常独特,深刻的感染到

This person is my math teacher Lucy. We met at a math lecture in the past. Because her teaching method is very
unique and deeply affected me, so I found her contact information after the lecture. She is a very patient person, and
when I ask her about math problems, she will write down the whole process of solving them on paper. What I admire
most about her is that she helps many poor students with her own strength in her spare time. She teaches in remote
mountain areas, bringing hope to children in poor areas. She has made a great contribution to the educational bal -
ance of the society. In this Internet era, she also made videos to let more people know about the educational difficul -
ties of children in poor areas, and called on more people to help these children.

话题 33:社交媒体上常刷的人 Describe a person who you follow on social media

You should say
Who he/she is 教师 Ms Lee(有着独特的教学方法/对学生很有耐心)
How you knew him/her 在一次讲座上(很有感染力)
What he/she posts on social media 在边缘地区支教,与孩子共度快乐时光的视频
And explain why you follow him/her on social media 对数学热爱;获取数学知识/充实自我

话题 34:你的国家的名人 Describe a popular/well-known person in your country

You should say
Who this person is 数学教师 Ms Lee(有着独特的教学方法/对学生很有耐心)
What he/she has done 到偏远地区支教
Why he/she is popular 不仅传授孩子们知识,而且照顾他们的生活起居==>深受当地百姓爱戴
And explain how you feel about this person 像是偏远地区孩子的第二位母亲/是我们的榜样/激励了很多年轻人

She not only imparts knowledge to the children, but also takes care of their daily life. Therefore, teacher lucy is deeply
loved by the local people.
Like the reborn mothers of children in remote areas / are our role models / inspire many young people

话题 35:喜欢一起聊天的朋友 Describe a friend you like to talk with

You should say
Who he/she is 数学教师 Ms Lee(有着独特的教学方法/对学生很有耐心)
What you like to talk about 学术和个人生活
Why you like to talk with him/her 她会认真地倾听我生活中的窘境并给出有用的建议/激励我向前/不会觉得无聊
And explain how you feel about him/her 有一种归属感/学习榜样/想要成为像她一样的人/有更多的交流

话题 36:想共度时光的人 Describe someone you really like to spend time with

You should say
Who this person is 数学教师 Ms Lee(有着独特的教学方法/对学生很有耐心)
How you knew him/her 在一次讲座上(很有感染力)
What you usually do together 经常和她聊学术和个人生活;她会认真地倾听我生活中的窘境并给出有用的建议/激励我
And explain why you like to spend time with him/her 有一种归属感/学习榜样/想要成为像她一样的人

话题 37:一见且想再见的人 Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about
You should say
Who he/she is 数学教师 Ms Lee(有着独特的教学方法/对学生很有耐心)
When you met him/her 几年前,上小学的一次讲座上
Why you want to know more about him/her 讲座很有感染力/对她到边远地区支教的经历很感兴趣/想请教一些经验
And explain how you feel about him/her 学习榜样/想要成为像她一样的人/激励年轻人

话题 38:想要共事的家人 Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future
You should say
Who he/she is 我的堂妹
Whether you worked together before 之前没有一起工作过
What kind of work you would like to do with him/her 一起去边远地区支教
And explain how you feel about this family member 拥有扎实的教学基础/靠谱/未来会合作愉快

话题 39:有趣的邻居 Describe a neighbor you are interested in

You should say
Who he/she is 数学教师 Ms Lee(有着独特的教学方法/对学生很有耐心)
How do you know him/her 在楼下的一次聊天中
What you do together 交流学术和个人生活
And explain why you are interested in him/her 乐于助人(告诉我一些学习的方法)/乐于分享/乐于奉献(到边远地区

话题 40:给别人的建议 Describe a time when you gave advice to others

You should say
When it was 几个月前
To whom you gave the advice 给我的邻居建议
What the advice was 如何教她的孩子学习数学
And explain why you gave the advice 我的邻居因为孩子成绩差十分苦恼/而我拥有很好的学习方法

话题 41:帮助小孩 Describe a time when you helped a child

You should say
When it was 几个月前
How you helped him/her 课后辅导数学
Why you helped him/her 很喜欢这个小女孩/为了锻炼自己的教学能力/她妈妈的请求
And how you felt about it 有一种成就感/激发了成为老师的热情

串题 5:锻炼
话题 42:积极改变 Describe a positive change that you made in your life
You should say
What it is 决定饭后散步
Why you did it 久坐的生活方式让我腰酸背痛==>身体状况下降
Who you did it with 和父母一起
And explain how you feel about the change 呼吸新鲜空气==>感觉大脑清醒/学习效率变高/身体有积极的变化

Decided to take a walk after dinner.

The sedentary lifestyle makes me have a backache and a pain in my back.
With my parents.
Take a breath of fresh air and feel that the brain is awake / learning efficiency is higher / there are positive changes in
the body

话题 43:保健方式 Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

You should say
What it is 决定饭后散步
When you do it 每天晚饭后
Who you do it with 和父母一起
And explain why it can help you keep fit and healthy 增强免疫力/呼吸新鲜空气/锻炼肌肉/大脑清醒

话题 44:困难决定终成功 Describe a difficult decision that you made and had a good result
You should say
What the decision was 决定饭后散步
When you made that decision 几个月前
Why it was difficult to make 因为习惯了久坐的生活方式,并且担心散步会占用学习的时间/讨厌外出锻炼,会出汗,有
And explain how you felt about the good result 在坚持了几个月之后能感受到身体有积极的变化:免疫力增强/学习效

话题 45:征求意见 Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion

You should say
Who asked for your opinion 闺蜜询问我的意见
Why he/she wanted to know your opinion 因为她身体不舒服,我是医学专业的学生
What opinion you gave 我建议她饭后散步(因为这不是剧烈活动,很适合她)
And explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion 被信任的感觉/有一种成就感
话题 46:提高注意力 Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study
You should say
What it is 父母建议我在河边散步
How it helps you concentrate 促进血液循环/提高多巴胺水平/心情愉悦/呼吸新鲜空气/大脑清醒
When you do it 每天晚饭后
And explain how you feel about it 感觉更加有活力/没有那么焦虑/很少吸收负面情绪/工作 or 学习效率提高/很容易就可

话题 47:工作/学习中的积极建议 Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions
about your work/study
You should say
Who the person is 父母
What he/she said 由于自己学习效率不高,他们建议我晚饭后散步==>有助于放空大脑==>提高效率
How the advice/suggestion affected you 每天坚持锻炼/变得高效/能够准时完成任务
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggetions 有用/提高了自身的注意力

话题 48:有趣的歌曲 Describe an interesting song

You should say
What the song is my sky 我的天空(个人在跑步时经常听)
What story the song tells 讲述人在逆境如何坚强面对/乐观的心态
Whether the song is popular 因为歌曲的旋律很扣人心弦/歌词很简单易懂/给人勇气
And explain why you think it is interesting 被用来激励高三学子/跑操时常用来做背景音乐

话题 46:提高注意力 Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study
You should say
What it is 父母建议我在河边散步
How it helps you concentrate 促进血液循环/提高多巴胺水平/心情愉悦/呼吸新鲜空气/大脑清醒
When you do it 每天晚饭后
And explain how you feel about it 感觉更加有活力/没有那么焦虑/很少吸收负面情绪/工作 or 学习效率提高/很容易就可

话题 47:工作/学习中的积极建议 Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions
about your work/study
You should say
Who the person is 父母
What he/she said 由于自己学习效率不高,他们建议我晚饭后散步==>有助于放空大脑==>提高效率
How the advice/suggestion affected you 每天坚持锻炼/变得高效/能够准时完成任务
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggetions 有用/提高了自身的注意力
单独话题 3 个
话题 49:节约时间的方法/改变 Describe a way/change that helps you save a lot of time
You should say
What it is
How you implement it
How difficult it is
And explain how you feel about the way/change

Every day, I wake up to many different tasks that I have to complete, and these tasks often pile up in my memory. In
order to combat this, I have started to create to-do lists every day so that, when I think about a task that needs finish -
ing it will always remain fresh in my mind. I would thoroughly recommend this kind of change to anybody; it’s easy
and cheap to create, simple to keep and requires a very low amount of effort. Admittedly, I did have trouble maintain-
ing a to-do list when I first to create them; I would misplace my list or perhaps just be too complacent an choose not
to add tasks to it. But eventually, I made keeping this list a priority an decided to always keep it on my person. Ever
since I did this, I’ve noticed that I can now get through my tasks ten times as quickly as before; although I may still
have a lot of things to do throughout the day, this has also allowed me to have much free time than I would have be-
fore. I has shown me that, in reality, these tasks don’t need to take too long, but I mustn’t let myself forgot about them,
otherwise, they will keep accumulating. Keeping a to-do List has made my life a great deal more convenient on the
whole, and I think it’s something that is wholly positive with no real drawbacks.

话题 50:传统产品 Describe a traditional product in your country

You should say
What it is 筷子
When you tried this product for the first time 三岁的时候开始学着使用筷子
What it is made of 有多种材料(木头/竹子/金属)
And explain how you feel about it 实用/为中国传统文化自豪/文化自信

话题 51:语言学习 Describe a thing you did to learn another language

You should say
What language you learned 英语
What you did 背单词词组/找外教老师/口语陪练伙伴
How it helped you learn the language 熟悉每个单词的用法/使自己沉浸在英语的幻境中/老师提供有用的建议
And how you felt about it 有挑战性/但是后来会容易且有趣

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