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Module Name: HC Analytics

Module Code: HCAMHRMT221
Format: Report
Student Name and Number:
Assignment Title: Human Capital Analytics
Word Count: 3000

Table of Contents

Brief 1: 3

Brief 2: 9

Brief 1:
Answer to Question 1
The factors which are leading to increased organizational interest in HR metrics are:
First, making the team work much more effective in the organization while contributing for
the development of the bottom line of the organization.
Second, measurements of the investments which are required in HR training sessions
especially in the deskilling and training of the employees in Malaysia.
Third, Increasing of the efficiency in the entire process of recruitment of the
employees in the organization (Fink & Sturman, 2017).
Fourth, setting realistic performance of the employees in the organization, which will
be coming down from the HR department.
The factors that have increased the organizational interest in workforce analytics is
the implementation of certain tools which are extremely important for the purpose of
First, use of the benchmarking tool in the organization of Malaysia. It will help in
making the organization understand the difference between project achievements and
outcome in future.
Second, use of the data mining tool. This tool will help the organization to have better
decisions making, that can be used for nurturing the process and procedures of the workforce.
The stages of data mining which can make the organization focus on the operations are
exploration, building of models and deployment.
Third tool, usages of predictive analysis. The tool increases the organizational interest
in the case of the workforce by leveling up the profitability.
Answer to Question 2
The numeric information systems such as the HR metrics do not guarantee return of
investment is on the following factors:
First, when the organization has been lowering in the systems of the profitability, at
that time HR metrics could not provide ROI. This is because, at point of time Malaysian
organization has been lowering in their revenues, investments, and production, which makes
the HR metrics to be totally incapable to carry on with their programs. Second, when the
organization has been lacking in diversity programs, at that time, ROI cannot be guaranteed
(Masters et al., 2017). This is because, due to the lack of diversity, many employees cannot
take part in the organization program, as a result HR programs like training and development
in the Malaysian organization is at halt.

ROI from the workforce analytics is also stopped during times like lack of recruitment
and staffing. This is because, at this point Malaysian organizations face a lack in terms like
employees, time and the cost of hiring, productivity and turnovers. Additionally, ROI is also
not guaranteed when the employees are dissatisfied and there has been a lowering of the
engagement rate, turnover rate, retention rate and in the revenues. Also, when there is a lack
of compensation and benefit in the organization especially in target bonuses, premiums of
health care, annual salary structure, all these have been acting as a barrier in the ROI.
Answer to Question 3
There have been numerous limitations of the traditional HR metrics.
 First, there has been improper actualization.
This means, when the Malaysian or multinational companies failed to correlate and
manage their HRM programs, at that time, employees equally face problems in participating
in HRM programs which hampers productivity.
 Second, Inadequate development of many programs.
HRM needs to have an implementation of various innovative programs, with respect
to job training, much different from the traditional one, which will make the employees
engaged (Koch et al., 2019). A good atmosphere of learning gets hampered in the HRM
metrics, which needs to be managed by the organization.
 Third, Various sorts of inadequate information has been passed down from the HR
As a result of this inadequate information and database, the implementation of the
certain HRM systems gets hampered. Thus, proper storage and retrieval of information is
needed for further development.
 Fourth, there has always been a lack of support from the hierarchy.
There has been a need for support from the top management or hierarchy, so that any
employment engagement processes like recruitment and training can be done faster. It will
help in improving the culture of the Malaysian organizations too.
 Fifth, Sometimes, the process of HRM programs becomes too expensive.
For example, when the HRM department implements classroom programming for
training, the implementation of projectors, microphones with other audio visual aids becomes
too expensive for Malaysian organizations to sustain.

Answer to Question 4
The historical role of the HR Benchmarking in the Malaysian organization is that it
will help in improving the performance of the organization. It creates a good momentum for
the numerous changes in the organization like implementation of the bonuses, incentives
which will make the employees to be more focused and motivated for the organization.
Strengths of the benchmark in the HR metrics is that, being one of the essential tools,
it will help the organization to determine their competitors. Also, Benchmarking helps in
protecting the program areas of the HRM (Dwivedi et al., 2021). For example, in situations
like, executives have been wanting lower recruitment costs, benchmarking will give a
wonderful graphical analysis showing a comparistic study of the current recruitment costing,
which are actually in line with the specific industry. Weakness of the benchmarking in the
HR metrics is that, it takes a long time for the implementation, as a result, many of the
programs of the organization remain halted and unable to meet deadlines.
In respect of the analytics program, Benchmarking serves as an important tool to help
the companies understand their strengths and weaknesses of their business, in respect of the
market. It will help the organization to understand their targets and the trends of the markets,
which will help in establishing future goals. Weaknesses are: there has been certain stabilized
standard implementation in benchmarking, which slows the process of the work in the
Answer to Question 5
Role of Data mining
Data mining increases organizational effectiveness by helping the companies to
transform their raw data into some useful and meaningful information. It will help the
organization to adopt effective marketing strategies, which will help in incrementing the
sales. It will help the organization to cut down extra costs of the companies, thus helping the
companies to apply it to required and appropriate places.
Role of predictive analysis
Organizational effectiveness can be increased with the help of predictive analysis in
numerous ways. Organizations will get the liability to predict future outcomes from the
current working strategies of the companies like, implementation of IoT (Araby et al., 2021)
Customers are the main metaphor of the organizations, thus, predictive analysis will help the
organization to learn the customer responses in normal timing as well as in the emergency
and peak hours.

Role of operational experiments

The role of the operational experiments in the organization, which will increase the
effectiveness are: it will help organizations to understand, which products and procedures,
they will going to sell, for bringing of great benefits like, investments, revenues, increment of
budgets. Additionally, export and import procedures will be clarified too in the company.
Answer to Question 6
HR efficiency
With respect to HR efficiency, the differences between metrics and analytics is that,
when the organization has been using various perspectives like training and development,
recruitment and staffing, these are the metrics, which increases the HR efficiency. Analytics
are tools like benchmarking, without which HRM department will not go on. Thus, both of
these metrics and analytics have been applied for future development of the organisation.
Operational effectiveness
In respect of HR efficiency, Key Performance Indicators, is the metric, which will
help in monitoring and evaluation of the efficiency in the day to day operations of the HRM
department. For example, employee training, employee selection and staffing (Eshtaiwi et al.,
2018). There should be the use of the analytics like, prescriptive and diagnostics and
predictive, which will help the organization to understand, which way what operations will
bear what outcomes for the organisation.
Organizational Realignment
The metrics which have been used for organizational realignment are user adoptions,
utilizations, user competencies and behaviors. This has been used for determining the
operations which will be implemented in the organization. The analytics which will be placed
in the organization are decision making tools. These decision making tools are: marginal
analysis and pareto analysis, which will determine the present and the future of the
Answer to Question 7
The characteristics of HR metrics and workforce analytics which will have greater
return on investment can be summarized as:
First, increasing the training procedures. Through the implications of the training
procedures, employees will learn how to tackle the financial department, like the budgets and
expenditures, that will help in bringing and nurturing of ROI.
Second, management of the onboard expenses. This will help the supervisors and the
subordinates of the organization, to manage the extra expenditures of the company. By

managing the extra expenditures, companies will be able to focus more on the development
and nurturance of the ROI.
Third, increasing the satisfaction of the employees. If the employees are satisfied,
then they will be able to focus better on the productivity of the organisation. As a result,
employees will be able to serve for and measure the profitability and the goal congruence of
the organization, which will as a whole reflect on the ROI.
Fourth, organizations need to follow certain parameters, like analyzing the data,
conversing with the sales team and its processing's, management of contractors and vendors,
which will generate more ROI in the coming days. Thus, through these parameters, greater
ROI can be generated and implemented for increasing organizational efficiency.

Araby, A. A., Abd Elhameed, M. M., Magdy, N. M., Abdelaal, N., Abd Allah, Y. T.,
Darweesh, M. S., ... & Mostafa, H. (2019, May). Smart iot monitoring system with
predictive analysis. In 2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and
Systems Technologies (MOCAST) (pp. 1-4). Retrieved from:
Dwivedi, V. P., Joshi, C. K., Laurent, T., Bengio, Y., & Bresson, X. (2020). Benchmarking
graph neural networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.00982. Retrieved from:
Eshtaiwi, M., Badi, I., Abdulshahed, A., & Erkan, T. E. (2018). Determination of key
performance indicators for measuring airport success: A case study in Malaysia.
Journal of Air Transport Management, 68, 28-34. Retrieved from:
Fink, A. A., & Sturman, M. C. (2017). Hr metrics and talent analytics. The Oxford Handbook
of Talent Management, 375-390. Retrieved from:
Koch, E., Lovett, S., Nghiem, T., Riggs, R. A., & Rech, M. A. (2019). Shock index in the
HRM emergency department: utility and limitations. Open access emergency
medicine: OAEM, 11, 179. Retrieved from:
Masters, R., Anwar, E., Collins, B., Cookson, R., & Capewell, S. (2017). Return on
investment of public corporate interventions: a systematic review. J Epidemiol
Community Health, 71(8), 827-834. Retrieved from:

Brief 2:
Answer to Question 1
It can be seen that there have been occurrences of a lot of management problems in
the Regional Hospital (TRH). Thus, from this section it can be said, that yes, a program of
HR metrics and workforce analytics is essential for the mitigation of the situation. Among
this program, the tool which can be applied initially, is the predictive analysis. With the help
of the predictive analytics, TRH will be able to access, why there has been a sudden fall in
the hospital culture and discrepancies in the management. According to that analysis, TRH
will be able to formulate a mitigation strategy and solutions will be imposed in the TRH.
Among the HR Metrics and analytics, employee engagement tools and procedures
need to be implemented in the organization. This is because, only with the proper motivation
and skills of an effective employee, can the hospital be able to deal with its current crisis. A
skilled and experienced employee will be able to give a quick and appropriate strategy for
balancing the costs, staffing problems and legislation problems too. For example, some of the
employee management tools are: proof hub and Trello (Staňková, 2020). Proof hub will help
the TRH to keep track of the status of the hospital and act as a barrier against any risks.
Additionally, Trello will help try to solve the problems in a much simpler way and
techniques. Trello can even minimize confusion in TRH, with logical analysis and
experiments. Thus, in these ways, TRH will be able to defeat its crisis.
Answer to Question 2
The opportunities which have been seen from the conditions of the TRH are:
TRH has effectively allowed the development of computing technologies. Even though TRH
has not been able to manage its current problems of the organization with relate to the
staffing and managing, the application of the computing technologies, will tend to give
higher accuracy, better understanding of the data, give better external grip and connection,
which will increase the productivity of the hospital.
HR metrics and analytics will be applicable in the staffing. The kind of metrics which
can be applied for the staffing are cost per fire. As most of the staff have been leaving the
TRH, thus TRH needs to understand how much it will actually cost in recruitment of one
person in the hospital (Griffiths et al., 2018). According to that, parameters will be applied.
Application of the staff turnover metrics too. It will help TRH in understanding whether the
retention strategies have been working in the TRH or not, in the present and future scenarios.
HR metrics and analytics which are needed for the TRH in the current situation are:
performance management systems. With the help of the PMS, TRH will be able to increase

the consistency of the employees in the hospitals, who hold up the image of the TRH. Proper
motivation needs to be applied in the TRH too. It will make the staff much more active in
meeting the risky cases in the hospital. Morale and retention in the hospital will need to be
increased too. With these, problems with clinics, staffing, financial budgeting, overstaffing
problems, employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction will serve to be met, as a whole, the
organizational culture of TRH will expand too.
Answer to Question 3
Three analyses and metrics that have been useful for the TRH can be followed:
analyses of the efficiency, effectiveness and the outcomes.
Through the implementation of predictive analysis efficiency, TRH can better judge
and deal with past records, current standards and future benchmarks of the TRH, that have
been associated with the degraded condition of the TRH. For example, TRH can apply
remote working which will improve the health legislations. Like, a lot of information of the
patient's health records can be etched out within a small span of time, through remote
With the help of the predictive effectiveness, TRH will be able to understand the
fluctuations that has occurred in their hospital, consistent with the market. In respect to the
problems, through the use of the predictive analysis effectiveness, TRH can handle the
productivity, output of the hospital, future potential, sentiments of the staff and the
employees, which is needed by the hospital (Gonçalves, 2018).
Through the predictive outcomes, TRH can better handle the current crisis, goals,
targets and gaps of the management problem in the hospital. For example: gaps in the allied
clinics can be meted out with the help of technological tools like PDSA, cycle (Crowfoot &
Prasad, 2017). It will help in formulation of planned procedures and actions for development
of the clinical treatment and action in TRH. Thus, these analyses and metrics are useful for
future development of TRH.
Answer to Question 4
Different aspects of benchmarking have been applied in the TRH hospital.
● First, competitive benchmarking has been applied in the metrics and analytics of
TRH. Through the application of the competitive benchmarking, TRH will be able to
access the competition regarding health care treatments and staff management. For
example, One hospital will use Ayurveda in clinical practice, whereas TRH can apply
naturopathy in the treatment, to fill the gaps.

● Second, strategic benchmarking can be applied in the TRH hospitals. TRH can apply
the strategic assets, like the implementation of the managerial skills. These skills will
be used by the TRH in maintaining the employees of the TRH and achieving success.
Strategies assets like the customer focus will be applied in the TRH, for managing the
patients, Superior managerial skills have been applied for balancing of the costs and
other shortages of the hospital (Harutyunyan et al., 2019).
TRH can equally use benchmarking for continuous improvement in the hospital.
Benchmarking will help TRH in understanding its capacities and the potential underneath.
This understanding will help TRH in evading the problems of the current times.
Benchmarking will help TRH in applying the best practices in the work procedures. Like,
● Data analysis for calculation of the risks in the operational efficiencies and allied
clinics. It will help in erasing the problems of the TRH.
● Implementation of the cost consciousness is another parameter, which will help
manage the finances and the costing structure in the TRH.
● The employee satisfaction parameters like the proper learning and experience
gathering sessions in the TRH, will be applied in the TRH.
Answer to Question 5
The advice which I will provide to the managers at Regional Hospital about
development of the HR metrics and workforce analytics. First, I will convince managers of
the TRH to develop training sessions for the staff. I will advise the usages of the audio visual
aids for development of the training sessions (Ragimol & FJ, 2021). This is because, due to
the audio visual aids, staffs can better learn and understand the various profits, losses and the
risks in the hospital. According to that, staff will remain motivated and there will be no
shortage of staff like nurses and others.
Second, I will advise an increment of the recruitment sessions. These recruitment
sessions will enable us to fill up the gaps in the TRH, which is caused by the shortage of
nurses. There have been problems with optimal skills and employees which is creating a
barrier in the achievement of success of the TRH. Thus, through the recruitment sessions,
TRH is able to get more and more employees and staff from various fields who can actively
work for the hospital (Rauf, Gulzar & Baig, 2017). Third, I will advise the manager to
develop a monitoring process. This monitoring process will help TRH in understanding the
cooperation or the non-cooperation between the nurses and the employees in the TRH. TRH
can equally use some data collection methods as a part of the HR metrics and analysis. These

methods are: medical record review for the clinical aspects in TRH and hospital surveying for
getting the results of the hospitals as a whole, for development.
Answer to Question 6
The problems which might occur in the establishment of HR metrics and workforce
analytics programs for TRH.
First, I want to make the managers of the TRH aware of the indifferences of the
opinions which might arise between the management. Due to this indifference of opinions,
the initial procedures of the work in the TRH can be slowed down and the mitigation of the
problems will take much time (Huselid, 2018).
Second, lack of adjustments in the computational tools and applications in the TRH.
For example, the situational crisis like the staffing and compensation problem of TRH is in
need of predictive analysis tools, but the management wants to implement benchmarking for
improving the situation of the TRH (Simón & Ferreiro, 2018). Thus, indifferences in opinions
will not only hamper the culture of the TRH, but also become ineffective in solving the crisis.
Third, employee dissatisfaction is the next problem which can arise. Thus, some
employee motivational tools and methods are needed, which will allow the employees to
remain motivated for any positive and changeable circumstances in the TRH.
Thus, TRH will need to be much more cautious and keep its operational indicators strong in
order to manage the situation.

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