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Origin of Buddhist Architecture in Sri Lanka

• Mahāmeghavana was offered to the Saṅgha by the King Devānampiyatissa-

1st (Ārāma) offering to the Saṅgha as a dwelling place.
• Mahāmahindatthera was the person who planned the Anuradhapura city.
01.Mahindatthera had his own experience by living the large cities in India/
Paṭhalīputra- Capital city of Magadha Kingdom
02.There were large and great monasteries in Magadha- Aśokārāma/
Cetiyagiri (Sāñci) in Vidisā
• The Mahavaṃsa points out that Mahindatthera went around the
Mahāmeghavana with the king after accepting it.
• Mahindatthera marked the places for buildings in the Mahāmeghavana.
01.Sīmāmālaka – a place for the acts of saṅgha
02.A Pond (tank) with a Canthāghara sālā for warm baths
03.A place for planting of the Bodhi tree
04.An Uposatha hall for Saṅgha
05.A place where gifts offered to Saṅgha
06.A Dānasālā (refectory)
07. The great sthupa
• The skeleton of the Mahāvihāra has been marked/planned by the
• On the 27th day from his arrival, Ven. Mahinda left from Anuradhapura and
went to Missakapabbata for spending the rainy season. Same day prince
Ariṭṭha (king’s nephew) along with the 55 persons ordained in the Sāsana.
• The king had cleared the caves where near the (present) Kanṭhakacetiya in
the Missakapabbata and offered for the usage of the Saṅgha
• Meanwhile, consort Anula together with 500 women requesting to be
Bhikkhunīs, but, they had to wait until Arahant Saṅghamittā arrived
observing ten precepts.
• The king built up a nunnery (Upāsikāvihāra) for those upāsikās in one side
of the city.
• After the rains retreat, Ven. Mahinda suggested to the King the idea about
building of Cetiya (pagoda) enshrining the relics of the Buddha.
• Sumana Sāmanera obtained some relics from the King Aśoka and brought
them to SL.
- Buddha’s collar bone relic and
- a large quantity of other bone relics of the Buddha
- alms-bowl relic of the Buddha
• The Missakapabbata was named as Cetiyapabbata as those relics were kept
there for a short period of time
• The first Thūpa in Sri Lanka was built by the king Devanampiyatissa and it
was Thūpārāma enshrining the collar bone of the Buddha
• Then, Ven. Saṅghamittā arrived with the Bodhi tree/ established the
Bhikkhunī order/ the Upāsikāvihāra enlarged with several additional items
and it was called ‘Hatthāḷhaka-vihāra/ Hatthāḷhaka-meheṇavara
• The Mahāvaṃsa states that 18 (22- in the Mahābodhivaṃsa together with 8
brahmin clans and 8 Kṣatriya clans) casts were arrived to Sri Lanka when
Bhikkhunī Saṅghamittā come.
• Under the guidance of Ven. Mahinda and the King, they established a new
culture in Sri Lanka.
• Art/ architecture/music/ literature etc.
• Ex: to find out about the clans arrived with the Mahābodhi

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