Kelas 3 Summary

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Name : Day/date : 21 February 2023
Class : Third Grade
Lesson 6: “What a beautiful day” Page 59

Kosakata tentang kata sifat (adjective)

 Angry = marah  Beautiful = cantik

 Clean = bersih  Dirty = kotor
 Good = baik  New = baru
 Ugly = jelek  Great = hebat
 Funny = lucu  Nice = bagus

Grammar Focus
Menyatakan “betapa” dengan mengunakan frase
What + a/an + adjective + object!
a. What a beautiful flower! = betapa cantiknya bunga itu!
b. What a dirty classroom! = betapa kotornya kelas itu!
c. What an angry monkey! = betapa marahnya monyet itu!

Lesson 7: Come and go!” Page:70

Kosakata yang berhubungan dengan kalimat perintah (imperative sentence)

 Open = buka  Stop =berhenti

 Close = tutup  Come = datang
 Start = mulai  Go = pergi
 Tick = centang  Cross = silang

Grammar Focus
Membuat kalimat perintah dengan menambah tanda seru.
Close the door! = tutup pintunya!  informal sentence
Close the door, please! = tolong tutup pintunya!  formal sentence
Let’s start the game! = ayo mulai permainannya!

Lesson 8: Fruit Page 80

Kosakata tentang buah-buahan

 Fruit = buah  Pear = pir

 Grapes = anggur  Watermelon = semangka
 Mango = mangga  Pineapple = nanas
 Lime = jeruk nipis  Lemon = lemon

Grammar Focus
Can + Subject (I, we, he, she) + have + object+please +?
Can I have some mangoes, please?

Yes, you can / No, you can’t.
Fill in the blanks with correct answer!
1. Mention 3 kinds of fruits!
2. Make imperative sentence (kalimat perintah) using this word!
a. Open!
b. Close!
c. Go!
3. What a beautiful doll!.Translate into Indonesian
4. Translate this sentence into Indonesian!
a. Clean the classroom!=...
b. Cross the word!=...
c. Stop the game!=...
5. Put the imperative word below!
a. ...the book,please!. We will learn the lesson now! (buka)
b. ...the game! (mulai)
c. ...the box! (centang)
6. My favorite fruit is.... the color is green and its taste sour.
7. She likes eating ... (semangka)
8. X : Can we have some ....(anggur merah) please?
Y : Yes you can
9. A – C – O – V – A – O – D Arrange into the right word!....
10. X :I want to eat ... (mangga), how about you?
Y : Hmm, I want to eat pineapple
11. We ... (membersihkan)the classroom together
12. What an .....(jelek) monkey!
13. My mom buy some ... (jeruk nipis) in the market.
14. Ruby : “Can we have some watermelons?”
Jane : “....” (tidak)
15. Mango, pear, plum and watermelon are kinds of...
16. Tony: “Romy, would you like to ... (tutup)the door?”
Romy : “Yes, of course”
17. That – is – an –orange. Arrange this word!....
18. The monkey likes to eat ...
19. Mention 5 kinds of fruits!
20. Mention 5 kinds of food!
Fill in the gaps with a or an.
21. Adam is _____ American pilot.
22. Jessica is _____ student at _____ language school.
23. There is _____ sofa and _____ armchair in the living room.
24. Sarah lives in _____ old house.
25. Children can see _____ big elephant in the zoo.

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