OMPtimeline1948 - 2008

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1948 - 1963

June 1948present UN Truce Supervision Organization

and United Kingdom intervene. Vetoes by France and United Kingdom prevent Security Council action to end hostilities. Emergency General Assembly session establishes UNEF I, first armed UN peacekeeping force, to supervise withdrawal of invading forces and act as buffer between Egypt and Israel.


July 1960June 1964 UN Operation in the Congo

UN General Assembly endorses plan for partition of Palestine. Plan is not accepted by Palestinians and Arab States. Arab-Israeli war breaks out. Security Council appoints Mediator and military observers to supervise truce. UNTSO, first ever UN peacekeeping operation, remains to monitor ceasefires and supervise armistice agreements in region.

Newly independent Congo is threatened by mutinous armed forces, foreign military intervention and increasing disorder. Government requests UN military assistance and Security Council establishes ONUC. ONUC maintains countrys territorial integrity, prevents civil war and secures removal of foreign military elements.

forces in Yemens civil war, threatening wider conflict. Initiative by UN SecretaryGeneral leads to disengagement agreement. Security Council establishes UNYOM to observe agreements implementation. Mission is withdrawn after completing its mandate.


September 1965March 1966 UN India-Pakistan Observation Mission


March 1964present UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus


October 1962April 1963 UN Security Force in West New Guinea (West Irian)


January 1949present UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan become independent. Fighting erupts between two nations over the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Security Council sets up commission and sends military observers to supervise agreed ceasefire line. Hostilities break out again. Council responds by calling for ceasefire, which UNMOGIP is tasked to monitor.


June 1958December 1958 UN Observation Group in Lebanon

Dispute between Indonesia and Netherlands unfolds over West Irian. Agreement is reached for UN Temporary Executive Authority (UNTEA) to assume administrative responsibility for territory, pending transfer to Indonesia. UNSF is established by General Assembly to assist UNTEA in monitoring ceasefire and ensuring law and order.

Security Council sets up UNFICYP to prevent fighting between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities. Turkish military intervention, after 1974 coup by members of the Greek Cypriot National Guard, leaves island divided. UNFICYP remains to supervise ceasefire lines and undertake humanitarian activities.

After fighting between India and Pakistan, Security Council establishes UNIPOM to consolidate ceasefire along international border between two countries and to supervise withdrawal of forces. At the same time, UNMOGIP performs same functions along ceasefire line in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

voluntary return of refugees, and calling for Soviet Unions withdrawal. Security Council sets up UNGOMAP to monitor agreements implementation.


August 1988February 1991 UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group


October 1973July 1979 Second UN Emergency Force



May 1965October 1966 Mission of the Representative of the SecretaryGeneral in the Dominican Republic

Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israeli positions. As fighting between Egypt and Israel reaches critical stage, Security Council demands ceasefire and sets up UNEF II. Force stabilizes situation in Suez Canal sector and Sinai, supervises disengagement of forces, and forms buffer zone between them.

March 1978present UN Interim Force in Lebanon

After eight years of war and following intensive diplomatic efforts, Iran and Iraq agree to ceasefire and direct talks. UNIIMOG monitors ceasefire implementation. UN observers conclude their mission in 1991, after confirming withdrawal of both sides forces to internationally recognized boundaries.


November 1956June 1967 First UN Emergency Force

In May 1958, violent conflict erupts in Lebanon over proposed constitutional changes. Syria is accused of interference. Security Council sets up UNOGIL to ensure that personnel, arms and matriel are not infiltrated across Lebanese borders. After conflict is settled, tensions ease and UNOGIL is withdrawn.

1963 - 1991
July 1963September 1964 UN Yemen Observation Mission

Civil war in Dominican Republic breaks out following governments collapse. Organization of American States dispatches Inter-American Peace Force (IAPF). UN Secretary-General sends Special Representative and military observers to report on situation. Agreement is reached on new government and IAPF and DOMREP are withdrawn.


Israel invades southern Lebanon in retaliation for Palestinian raid launched from Lebanese territory. Security Council creates UNIFIL to confirm Israeli withdrawal and help Lebanese Government restore authority. In following years, mission operations are adjusted. Following 2006 crisis, Council enhances Forces strength and expands mandate.


January 1989June 1991 UN Angola Verication Mission I

June 1974present UN Disengagement Observer Force

Egypt nationalizes Suez Canal. Israel, France

Egypt and Saudi Arabia support opposing

1973 war is replaced by uneasy truce on Golan Heights, following agreed disengagement of Israeli and Syrian forces. Security Council establishes UNDOF to supervise implementation of peace agreement and maintain ceasefire. Force remains deployed in the area.


Negotiations lead to agreement on phased withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola, to be verified by UN military observers, as one of key steps towards implementing the UN plan for Namibias independence. Completing the mission, UN observers report withdrawal of last Cuban troops in May 1991.

May 1988March 1990 UN Good Ofces Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Soviet Union intervenes in Afghanistan. International efforts to stop hostilities result in 1988 Geneva Accords, committing Afghanistan and Pakistan to non-interference,


April 1989March 1990 UN Transition Assistance Group

Security Council adopts in 1978 plan for Namibias transition to independence. Further

negotiations, spanning almost 10 years, are needed. UNTAG deploys in 1989, with broad mandate in areas of human rights, elections, military arrangements, civil administration, repatriation, resettlement and rehabilitation of former combatants. Namibia joins UN in April 1990.

1991 - 1999
April 1991October 2003 UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission

Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacin Nacional aimed at ending decade-long civil war. Agreements cover ceasefire, reform of armed forces, new police force, elections, reform of judicial system, human rights, and economic and social issues.

overseeing disarmament, supervising police, controlling administrative structures, promoting human rights, repatriating refugees and conducting elections. UNTAC withdraws after promulgation of countrys constitution.


March 1993March 1995 UN Operation in Somalia II

UNOMIGs mandate is expanded. It also monitors activities of Commonwealth of Independent States peacekeeping force.

UNIKOM is established following forced withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait, to monitor the demilitarized zone (DMZ) along Iraq-Kuwait border and deter border violations. In February 1993, mission is expanded to include physical action to prevent DMZ violations and monitor newly demarcated boundary between Iraq and Kuwait.


April 1991present UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara


April 1992March 1993 UN Operation in Somalia I


June 1991February 1995 UN Angola Verification Mission II


November 1989January 1992 UN Observer Group in Central America

Security Council establishes ONUCA to verify compliance by five Central American governments with their security commitments, as part of regional peace process. Subsequently, under separate but related arrangement, ONUCA assists in monitoring ceasefire and separation of opposing forces in Nicaragua, and in demobilizing Nicaraguan resistance.

UNAVEM II is deployed to help Angolan government and Unio Nacional para la Independencia Total de Angola (UNITA) carry out peace agreements. It also observes and verifies elections. After renewed fighting, mission helps two sides bring about ceasefires and subsequently sign Lusaka Protocol.

Government of Morocco and Frente Popular para la Liberacin de Saguia el-Hamra y de Rio de Oro agree on holding referendum to decide political future of Western Sahara. MINURSO is set up to help organize referendum. Differences over key elements delay plans implementation. MINURSO continues to monitor ceasefire arrangements.


February 1992March 1995 UN Protection Force


October 1991March 1992 UN Advance Mission in Cambodia


July 1991April 1995 UN Observer Mission in El Salvador

Established in July 1991, ONUSAL verifies peace agreements between government and

As an advance mission, UNAMIC paves way for UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC). UNAMIC assists parties in maintaining ceasefire, and initiating mine-awareness and mine-clearance programmes. Mission remains deployed until UNTAC becomes operational in March 1992.

UNPROFOR is set up in Croatia to ensure demilitarization of designated areas. Mandate is later extended to Bosnia and Herzegovina to support humanitarian relief, monitor no-fly zone and safe areas. UNPROFOR also deploys to former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. In March 1995, mission is restructured as UNCRO, UNPROFOR and UNPREDEP.

Factional fighting leads to famine and collapse of government. Security Council establishes UNOSOM to monitor ceasefire, coordinate humanitarian assistance and ensure security of relief supplies. When situation deteriorates, Council authorizes UN Member States to form Unified Task Force (UNITAF) to ensure delivery of humanitarian assistance.

UNOSOM II takes over from UNITAF. Its mandate is to establish, including through enforcement measures, secure environment for humanitarian assistance, monitor ceasefires, seize unauthorized arms, maintain security at ports, clear mines, assist refugee repatriation and support humanitarian efforts.


September 1993September 1997 UN Observer Mission in Liberia


June 1993September 1994 UN Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda

Civil war breaks out in Liberia. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) sends peacekeeping force (ECOMOG). UNOMIL is established to work with ECOMOG, monitor compliance with ceasefire, arms embargo and demobilization, and promote human rights. Mission also observes elections.


December 1992December 1994 UN Operation in Mozambique


March 1992September 1993 UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia

Cambodias conflicting factions sign Paris Agreements in October 1991. Security Council establishes UNTAC to ensure agreements implementation, including

Government of Mozambique and Resistncia Nacional Moambicana agree in October 1992 to end civil war. Security Council establishes ONUMOZ to monitor agreement; verify ceasefire, demobilization of forces, police neutrality and elections; and provide humanitarian assistance. New government is installed in December 1994 and ONUMOZ completes mandate.

Fighting between mainly Hutu-dominated government and Tutsi-led Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) breaks out in October 1990. Despite series of ceasefires, fighting resumes in 1993 across the Rwanda-Uganda border. Following new ceasefire, Security Council deploys UNOMUR to Uganda to verify that no military assistance is provided across international border.


September 1993June 1996 UN Mission in Haiti


August 1993present UN Observer Mission in Georgia

Legitimate president is overthrown. After agreement is reached to restore constitutional government, UNMIH is created. Its deployment is prevented by coup leaders. In 1994, multinational force restores government. UNMIH takes over to sustain secure environment, set up new police force, and create conditions for free and fair elections.

Following attempt by Abkhazia to secede, fighting erupts as Georgian troops try to regain control. UNOMIG is set up to verify 1993 agreement, but ceasefire breaks down. In 1994, following ceasefire agreement,


October 1993March 1996 UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda

UNAMIR is established to help implement peace agreement between government and

RPF. Genocide against Tutsis starts in April 1994. With mandate reduced, UNAMIR works to end hostilities. Situation deteriorates and Security Council enlarges mission to protect relief operations. After new government is installed, UNAMIR supports reconciliation efforts and humanitarian assistance.


February 1995June 1997 UN Angola Verification Mission III


May 1994June 1994 UN Aouzou Strip Observer Group

Aouzou Strip area between Chad and Libya is contested by two countries beginning in 1973. In September 1990, they refer their dispute to International Court of Justice. In accordance with Courts decision, Libya withdraws from the Strip in April and May 1994. Security Council deploys UNASOG to monitor withdrawal.

UNAVEM III is set up to help government and UNITA in restoring peace and achieving national reconciliation on the basis of Peace Accords and Lusaka Protocol. Despite comprehensive timetable, parties do not complete all tasks before mission mandate ends. UNAVEM III is succeeded by follow-on mission, MONUA.

dermine countrys stability, and promotes inter-ethnic dialogue within country. Security Council terminates mission in February 1999.


January 1996January 1998 UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium

tem in promoting institution-building, national reconciliation and economic rehabilitation.


December 1995December 2002 UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina


March 1995January 1996 UN Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia


December 1994May 2000 UN Mission of Observers in Tajikistan

Tajikistan is destabilized by civil war. UN pursues good offices between government and United Tajik Opposition. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) deploys peacekeeping force. UNMOT monitors ceasefire and maintains liaison with CIS force. Parties sign peace agreement in June 1997 and UNMOT is expanded to help monitor its implementation.

UNCRO helps implement ceasefire agreement in Croatia and monitors demilitarization in Prevlaka peninsula. Following agreement between Croatian government and Croatian Serb leaders providing for peaceful integration of Eastern Slavonia into Croatia, Security Council establishes new peacekeeping operation, UNTAES, and UNCRO is terminated.

Set up in 1995, UNMIBH exercises functions related to law enforcement and police reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mission also coordinates other UN activities relating to humanitarian relief and refugees, demining, human rights, elections, rehabilitation of infrastructure and economic reconstruction. Following mandate completion, UNMIBH withdraws in December 2002.

1995 peace agreement provides for integration of region into Croatia and requests UN to set up administration to govern during transition and to authorize international force to maintain law and order. UNTAES supervises demilitarization, monitors return of refugees, conducts elections, and undertakes other activities relevant to peace process.


January 1997May 1997 UN Verification Mission in Guatemala

four-month period in order to assist Haitian government by supporting and contributing to professionalization of Haitian National Police. Tasks include training specialized police units in crowd control and rapid reaction capability.


Guatemalan government and Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG) sign peace agreement in December 1996. In January 1997, Security Council attaches military component to MINUGUA a human rights verification mission established by General Assembly in 1994. After verifying military aspects of agreement, military component is withdrawn.


nies in army. In January 1997, parties sign Bangui Agreements and inter-African force (MISAB) deploys to monitor their implementation. MINURCA takes over from MISAB to assist in maintaining security, monitor disposition of weapons, and provide advice on police restructuring and elections.

December 1997March 2000 UN Civilian Police Mission in Haiti

February 1996December 2002 UN Mission of Observers in Prevlaka

MIPONUH is set up with special emphasis on assistance to and training of Haitian specialized police units. Other tasks include mentoring police performance, guiding police officers in day-to-day duties, and maintaining close coordination with international technical advisers to national police.

UNMOP is established to take over from UNCRO task of monitoring demilitarization of Prevlaka peninsula, strategic area disputed by Croatia and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Following completion of its mandate, UNMOP withdraws in December 2002.


July 1997February 1999 UN Observer Mission in Angola




March 1995February 1999 UN Preventive Deployment Force

July 1996July 1997 UN Support Mission in Haiti

After UNAVEM III completes mandate, MONUA, takes over to assist in consolidating peace and national reconciliation, enhancing confidence-building and creating environment conducive to stability, democratic development and rehabilitation. MONUA withdraws in February 1999. It is succeeded by political office established to liaise with authorities.

January 1998October 1998 UN Civilian Police Support Group

UNPREDEP replaces UNPROFOR in former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. It monitors and reports on developments in areas along borders with Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Albania which could un-

UNSMIH is created to take over from UNMIH in assisting government in professionalization of national police, and maintenance of secure and stable environment conducive to police reform process. It also coordinates activities of UN sys-

After UNTAES withdrawal, Security Council deploys police observers to continue montoring performance of Croatian police in Danube region for single nine-month period. Group concludes mission in October 1998, with transition of its responsibilities to police monitoring programme of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.


July 1998October 1999 UN Observer Mission in Sierra Leone


August 1997November 1997 UN Transition Mission in Haiti


As follow-on mission to UNSMIH, UNTMIH is set up with mandate limited to one single

April 1998February 2000 UN Mission in the Central African Republic

Central African Republic is shaken by muti-

Unrest in Sierra Leone culminates in military coup in May 1997. ECOWAS and its peacekeeping force restore constitutional government. UNOMSIL is set up to monitor military and security situation, as well as disarmament and demobilization of former combatants. UNOMSIL withdraws when larger UN peacekeeping operation, UNAMSIL, is deployed.

1999 - 2008
June 1999present UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo


October 1999May 2002 UN Transitional Administration in East Timor

In June 1999, Security Council authorizes NATO-led security presence in Kosovo and sets up UNMIK to exercise administrative and executive authority, maintain law and order, coordinate humanitarian relief, support reconstruction of infrastructure, and promote human rights. Mission facilitates political process to determine Kosovos future status.

Following completion of a United Nations electoral mission (UNAMET) in 1999, East Timorese choose to separate from Indonesia. Anti-independence forces unleash terror campaign. Security Council authorizes international force (INTERFET) to restore order. In OctoberCouncil sets up UNTAET to administer the Territory during transitional period. UNTAET completes mandate when East Timor proclaims independence.

verifying ceasefire. Later, UNMEE is authorized to monitor cessation of hostilities and redeployment of troops, monitor temporary security zone, and help ensure security commitments.


May 2002May 2005 United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor

curity Council establishes political mission to facilitate implementation of January 2003 peace agreement. UNOCI takes over in April 2004 to support comprehensive peace process, including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants, humanitarian relief, human rights and law and order assistance.


March 2005present UN Mission in the Sudan


November 1999present UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

After UNTAET completes its mandate, Security Council establishes UNMISET to continue to assist East Timor (which after independence changes name to Timor-Leste), until all operational responsibilities are devolved to local authorities. UNMISET completes mandate in May 2005 and is succeeded by political mission, tasked to continue supporting government.


June 2004present UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti


October 1999December 2005 UN Mission in Sierra Leone

With UNOMSILs mandate completed, UNAMSIL is set up to help government and other parties in implementing Lome Peace Agreement and assist in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants. UNAMSIL withdraws in December 2005. It is succeeded by UN peacebuilding mission, established to help consolidate peace process.

In mid-1999, peace agreement is reached. MONUC is set up to maintain liaison with parties. Mission is expanded in 2000 to monitor ceasefire and peace agreement. In 2006, MONUC helps conduct first democratic elections in DRC in 40 years. Mission remains to fulfill other aspects of its mandate.


September 2003present UN Mission in Liberia

Armed conflict breaks out again in Haiti in February 2004. Security Council authorizes Multinational Interim Force (MIF) to stabilize the situation. MINUSTAH is established to take over from MIF in June 2004 to support continuation of peaceful political process, and help maintain secure and stable environment.

Civil conflict intermittently endures since Sudans independence in 1956. Latest peace agreement is signed by government and Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army in January 2005. Security Council establishes UNMIS to support agreement implementation, and to perform other functions relating to humanitarian assistance, and protection and promotion of human rights.

ing conduct elections; promoting human rights; providing support to local police; and assisting in security sector reform. Mission also coordinates assistance in post-conflict rehabilitation and capacity-building.

Peacekeeping Timeline 1948-2008


July 2007present AU/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur

Fighting erupts in Darfur in 2003 between government forces, its allied militia and rebel groups, resulting in humanitarian crisis. After prolonged negotiations, UNAMID is established to support implementation of peace agreement. It takes over on 31 December 2007 from AMIS, regional peacekeeping operation deployed by African Union in June 2004.



July 2000present UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea

Civil war leads to complete breakdown of law and order. UNMIL is established to support ceasefire and peace process, protect civilians, support humanitarian and human rights activities, and assist in national security reform, including national police training and formation of new restructured military.


September 2007present UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad

June 2004December 2006 UN Operation in Burundi

After two years of fighting, Ethiopia and Eritrea sign cessation of hostilities agreement. In July 2000, Security Council sets up UNMEE to establish mechanisms for


April 2004present UN Operation in Cte dIvoire

Civil conflict erupts in September 2002. Se-

After civil strife in Burundi, Arusha peace agreement is reached. ONUB is established to support accords implementation and assist in process leading to lasting peace and national reconciliation. ONUB completes mandate in December 2006 and is succeeded by follow-on UN peacebuilding mission.


August 2006present UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste

Crisis erupts again in mid-2006. International military presence is established. UNMIT is set up to assist in consolidating stability; facilitating political dialogue; help-

Armed groups in eastern Chad, north-eastern Central African Republic and western Sudan threaten regional stability. Security Council establishes MINURCAT to help set up police units trained in humanitarian issues, establish secure environment and promote human rights. Council also authorizes European Unions military operation to provide security and facilitate humanitarian assistance.

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