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Valedictorian speech

Nathan) Good afternoon parents, students, fellow graduates, and staff. My name is Nathan
Arsh) and my name is Arsh. Before we start, we would like to thank our amazing parents and staff
members for all their support and empathy. We would also like to thank the students for patiently waiting
and you will have to keep waiting because this is a long speech. Finally thank you to all our peers who
have changed us for the better.
Arsh) Let us start off with a question. What’s the difference between living and existing? Living is
enjoying your life. Living is spending your time on something meaningful. This grad class has been living
for the past year and will keep living in the future. This grad class has had many amazing experiences and
has faced many obstacles. Yet we still stand victorious. This Grad class doesn't give up. We are
determined, strong and ambitious. This Grad class has lived. So, to answer the question, living is what
this Grad class has experienced for the past year and will keep feeling.
Nathan) This whole year has been a crazy roller-coaster. We’ve all had bad times, but with each downfall
we rose up and fought the challenges to come. Our grade 7 year was filled with creativity, innovation,
inspiration, and most importantly imagination. Every single person contributed to this, the artists, the
teachers' pets, the hard workers, the class clown, the drama queen, the slacker, and much more. My fellow
graduating class of 2022 you have all changed this year in a wonderful way, each and every single one of
Nathan) We live in a whole different generation than our parents now. Back then they never had social
media or even the internet. They would probably just kick around a tin can to pass the time. Yeah, I know
the joke was bad but that’s best I could do. Well moving on, nowadays we have all this advanced
technology and of course the whole INTERNET!!! We have evolved so much from the past but let me
ask you this question, Is it for the better, or worse? Technology is great but people abuse its power. Our
world could be heading into a pit of problems. So, to my grad class make sure you do your best to make a
mark on the world and leave a change. We all have a passion so follow it, never let anyone tell you that
you can’t accomplish it because we are capable of anything, and you could make a change for the better.
Arsh) We would like to end this speech with a quote that not only applies to this Grad class but the future
ones too. Be the change you want to see. Change won’t happen. If you want change then you must be that
change. You will have to fight for it. You know there once was an egg who was kicked out of class for
telling too many yolks. He fought for it to be changed and it was changed. In High School we will face
many obstacles and will want many things. We will have to fight for it and be that change we so desire. If
you care for something, you will take responsibility for it. We are the future generation that will have to
fight for change. This is our world which we care about so we must take responsibility for it. We will
have to reprogram ourselves to be that change, so we won’t just be mindless drones doing as we are told.
We will have to make the world better and be the change we want to see.
Nathan) So to my fellow graduating students of 2022, we have known each other for many years and built
many strong bonds. Our lives are going into a whole new chapter. We are growing older and are
changing. But don’t let other people change who you are because you are perfect how you are now. We
will meet again in the crazy roller-coaster ride of life.
Arsh) Thank you, students, parents and staff, for listening and all you have done because old yale road
has basically become a second home to us. It means a lot and thank the lord this is finally done!!!!!

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