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2722 GAVIN E.


perturbation method used to calculate free energy differences that the dynamics satisfy the following microscopically re-
with computer simulations !20–23". versible condition:
Equations #2$ and #3$ are actually closely related. We first
note that whenever Eq. #2$ is valid, the following useful P! x # #t $ " + # #t $"
relation holds !see Eq. #16$ of Ref. !8"": "exp, ! ) Q ! x # #t $ ,+ # #t $" . . #5$
P! x̄ # !t $ " +̄ # !t $"

% e !&' " !!(

P F# # & $ e ! & d & " !
P R# ! & $ d & "1.
Here P! x(#t) " +(#t) " is the probability, given +(t), of fol-
#4$ lowing the path x(t) through phase space, and P! x̄
(!t), " +̄(!t) " is the probability of the corresponding time-
We shall show in Sec. III that the generalized fluctuation reversed path. Q is the heat, the amount of energy transferred
theorem, Eq. #2$, can be applied to systems that start in equi- to the system from the bath. The heat is a functional of the
librium, and that the entropy production & for such systems path, and odd under a time reversal, i.e., Q ! x(t),+(t) " "
is ! ) *F# ) W. The nonequilibrium work relation for the
free energy change, Eq. #3$, can thus be derived by substi- !Q ! x̄(!t),+̄(!t) " .
tuting this definition of the entropy production into Eq. #4$, In current usage, the terms ‘‘microscopically reversible’’
and noting that the free energy difference is a state function, and ‘‘detailed balance’’ are often used interchangeably !26".
and can be moved outside the average. However, the original meaning of microscopic reversibility
In the following section we will derive the fluctuation !27,28" is similar to Eq. #5$. It relates the probability of a
theorem, Eq. #2$. Then in Sec. III we will discuss two dis- particular path to its reverse. This is distinct from the prin-
tinct groups of driven systems for which the theorem is valid. ciple of detailed balance !26,21", which refers to the prob-
In the first group, systems start in equilibrium, and are then abilities of changing states without reference to a particular
actively perturbed away from equilibrium for a finite amount path. It is the condition that P(A→B)" P(B→A)exp
of time. In the second group, systems are driven into a time (!)*E), where *E is the difference in energy between state
symmetric nonequilibrium steady state. We conclude by dis- A and state B, and P(A→B) is the probability of moving
cussing several approximations that are valid when the en- from state A to state B during some finite time interval.
tropy production is measured over long time periods. The The stochastic dynamics that are typically used to model
fluctuation theorem and its approximations are illustrated reversible physical systems coupled to a heat bath, such as
with data from a simple computer model. the Langevin equation and Metropolis Monte Carlo, are mi-
croscopically reversible in the sense of Eq. #5$. Generally, if
the dynamics of a system are detail balanced locally in time
II. THE FLUCTUATION THEOREM #i.e., each time step is detail balanced$, then the system
As indicated in the Introduction, we consider finite, clas- is microscopically reversible even if the system is driven
sical systems coupled to a heat bath of constant temperature, from equilibrium by an external perturbation !see Eq. #9$ of
T"1/) . #All entropies are measured in nats !24", so that Ref. !19"".
Boltzmann’s constant is unity.$ The state of the system is A particular work process is defined by the phase-space
specified by x and +, where x represents all the dynamical, distribution at time ! - , / (x ! - ), and the value of the control
uncontrolled degrees of freedom, and + is a controlled, time- parameter as a function of time, +(t). Each individual real-
dependent parameter. For the confined gas considered in the ization of this process is characterized by the path that the
Introduction, the heat bath is simply the walls of the cylin- system follows through phase space, x(t). The entropy pro-
der, the state vector x specifies the positions and momenta of duction, & , must be a functional of this path. Clearly there is
all the particles, and + specifies the current position of the a change in entropy due to the exchange of energy with the
piston. In computer simulations, the controlled parameter bath. If Q is the amount of energy that flows out of the bath
could be a microscopic degree of freedom. For example, in a and into the system, then the entropy of the bath must change
free energy calculation + could specify the distance between by ! ) Q. There is also a change in entropy associated with
two particles or the chemical identity of an atom or molecule the change in the microscopic state of the system. From an
!20–23". information theoretic !24" perspective, the entropy of a mi-
A particular path through phase space will be specified by croscopic state of a system, s(x)"!ln /(x), is the amount of
the pair of functions „x(t),+(t)…. It will prove convenient to information required to describe that state given that the state
shift the time origin so that the paths under consideration occurs with probability / (x). The entropy of this #possibly
extend an equal time on either side of that origin, t! , ! - , nonequilibrium$ ensemble of systems is S"! 0 x / (x)ln /(x).
# - . or t! , !(,#( . . Then the corresponding time- Thus, for a single realization of a process that takes some
reversed path can be denoted as „x̄(!t),+̄(!t)…. The over-
initial probability distribution, / (x ! - ), and changes it to
some different final distribution, / (x # - ), the entropy produc-
bar indicates that quantities odd under a time reversal #such
tion !29" is
as momenta or an external magnetic field$ have also changed
The dynamics of the system are required to be stochastic & "ln / # x ! - $ !ln / # x # - $ ! ) Q ! x # t $ ,+ # t $" . #6$
and Markovian !25". The fluctuation theorem was originally
derived for thermostated, reversible, deterministic systems This is the change in the amount of information required to
!2,3". However, there are fewer technical difficulties if we describe the microscopic state of the system plus the change
simply assume stochastic dynamics !9". We will also require in entropy of the bath.

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