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Nama : Windy Mustikasari

NPM : 2120039

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris III

Dosen Pengampu : Ibu Silva Dwi Rahmizani, S.S.T., M.K.M

A. Passive Voice
1. E. is beilng built
2. E. is edited
3. B. Our baby will be looked after
4. C. Have been delivered
5. B. Fierce protests were made by parents of the situation of the international school
6. E. was taken
7. E. will be announced
8. E. Is being printed
9. A. Were delivered
10. E. being made

B. Participle
1. D. having finished
2. A. Tried hard to get
3. A. Having finished his lecture
4. E. Having planned her future carefully
5. B. Having worked
6. B. Written
7. A. the woman decided to work in Saudi Arabia
8. A. many foreign tourist are curious to visit the house
9. C. the Badui people are almost completely without by modern life
10. A. the bus conductor called after me
11. D. the students must return the books to the library
12. A. When the criminals were trying
13. A. Though the road was covered by mud
14. A. Because he was angry
15. B. After the doctor had developed a new method in medicine

C. Concord
1. C. make
2. A. Have been highly recommended
3. A. are
4. B. requires
5. B. Have caused
6. C. Is
7. A. have been
8. D. Refuse
9. A. needs
10. B. are
11. D. Were
12. D. confirms
13. D. is produced
14. D. are occupied
15. E. come

D. Exercise for Conditional Sentence

1. A. If he studied hard
2. C. Was
3. B. Had got
4. B. Will answer
5. D. Would get
6. B. Will give
7. A. Would not lent him
8. D. Could have done
9. C. Would have been allowed to join the interview test
10. D. We didn't know that she planned to arrive today so we didn't meet her at the
11. D. His father will had to give a gift for him
12. B. I didn't know you had a camera
13. A. That's lucky because the murder will be put in the jail
14. D. Sari did not go to England for the International Student Conference
15. C. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to write you before I left for Bandung
16. B. If I didn't quarreled with her, she wouldn't hated me
17. A. If she is angry with me, I will apologize to her
18. B. If he reminds me, I will study

E. Exercise for Causative

1. C. To be delivered
2. B. Translated
3. A. Fax
4. C. To check
5. B. Watered
6. B. Leave
7. D. To distribute
8. A. Have you translate
9. D. Have them upgrade
10. E. Have it cleaned
11. D. Have it fixed
12. B. Have made it

F. Exercise for Relative Pronoun

1. B. who
2. B. whom
3. B. where
4. B. which
5. C. whose
6. A. who
7. A. whose
8. A. who
9. A. whom
10. E. whose
11. D. whom
12. E. whose
13. D. many of whom
14. E. a lot of the

G. Exercise for Negative

1. B. Attends
2. C. needs
3. D. are going
4. D. But also by the current socio-economic condition
5. E. the emission of the smoke from factories
6. C. as well as can stem from past problem
7. B. but also a considerate person
8. A. being energic
9. E. the training that was practical
10. A. the harm which is unexpected
11. A. the linguist who is brilliant
12. E. but also friendly neighbor
13. D. but also my precious jewelry
14. E. concentrate
15. E. but also because she didn’t do her homework
16. E. dry climate
17. A. upgrading
18. B. the international seminars he has attended
19. A. and also its service

H. Exercise for Word Order

1. C. It is strategically located
2. B. our hotel is filly reserved
3. C. I will simply tell him
4. C. The tremendodously damaged
5. B. Is highly necessary

I. Exercise for Elliptical Construction

1. D. so did the children
2. C. neither didn’t the secretary
3. B. and so can may mother
4. D. and so was
5. D. Viny is interested in literature, and Selvi too.

J. Exercise for Question Tag

1. A. wasn’t it
2. D. didn’t he
3. D. shall we
4. E. didn’t he
5. A. doesn’t she
6. B. aren’t I

K. Exercise for Conjunction

1. D. so
2. A. however
3. C. that
4. C. so
5. B. event though
6. C. in addition
7. B. since
8. B. but
9. A. although
10. E. because

L. Exercise for Gerund & To nvinitive

1. E. buying
2. D. me seeing her
3. C. he is ordering
4. E. waiting
5. D. stealing
6. E. going out
7. C. to see
8. A. sharing
9. D. to having stolen the jewels
10. A. to ask
11. E. my father's smoking
12. A. walking
13. D. moving
14. E. his buying
15. B. buying
16. A. delivering
17. A. to give up
18. C. to make
19. B. to read
20. E. to have missed

M. Exercise for Grammar Overviews

1. A. studied
2. E. will be finishing
3. C. had discussed
4. B. was looking
5. C. is being
6. D. will be searching
7. E. have been standing
8. C. has never had
9. C. has been declining
10. B. have finished
11. D. has finished
12. A. has worked
13. B. was not seeing
14. A. were attending
15. C. had only been wearing

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