Students Competencies On Statistics

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that are received by students during the course "Statistics"

(National Qualification Framework)

Content of competence Topics that form the

1. Ability to investigate the methodology and main categories of statistics, principles
and functions of statistic research.
Knowledge Knowledge of the subject and methodological foundations of statistics;
Knowledge of statistic research stages and specific statistic techniques, statistic  
Topic 1.
Ability The ability to identify stages and methods of statistic research;
The ability to identify main statistic categories;
principles of
The ability to learn basic techniques for working with spreadsheets, entering and editing
the data, formatting, design tables from MS Excel spreadsheet
Communication Skills of tolerance to different opinions;  
Ability to criticism and self-criticism;
Autonomy and Striving for continuous personal and professional development.
2. The ability to discover the essence of statistic and sample observation.
Knowledge Knowledge of tasks of statistic observation;
Knowledge of forms, types and means of statistic observation;
Knowledge about methods of statistic observation scheduling; Topic 2. Statistic
Knowledge about mistakes of statistic observation and providing the validity of data. observation
Ability The ability to participate in the census organization;
The ability to search the possibility of statistical observation organization;  
The ability to plan any observations;
The ability to analyze statistic data using a graphical method of package MS Excel.
Communication Teamwork skills and collective decision making.
Autonomy and The ability to choose among the different variants of decision making ones to realize
responsibility them.
3. The ability to define the goal and tasks of grouping method and their practical
Knowledge Knowledge of statistic summarization and its types;
Knowledge of statistic grouping and types;
Knowledge of distribution in statistics;
Topic 3.
Knowledge of statistic tables, their types and rules of construction.
Summarization and
Ability The ability to make simple and complex grouping on statistic publications materials
grouping of statistic
The ability to make multi scale grouping and classification;
The ability to create the layouts of complex tables;  
The ability to group the statistic data using MS Excel "Data Analysis".
Communication Teamwork skills and collective decision making
Autonomy and The ability to choose among the different variants of decision making ones to realize
responsibility them.
4. The ability to teach the classification of statistic variables, their values and use.
Knowledge Knowledge of the types and values of absolute figures;
Knowledge of ratios forms of expression;
Knowledge of species and the method of calculating the average. Topic 4.
Ability The ability to pick up the particular form of average for each example from statistic Generalizing
publications of factual material; statistical indicators
The ability to calculate the relative values from the materials of statistical publications
and to justify them.
Communication Ability to criticism and self-criticism
Autonomy and The ability to choose among the different variants of decision making ones to realize
responsibility them.
5. The ability to examine time series, methods for evaluating the intensity of the
phenomena and trends.
Knowledge Knowledge of distribution patterns and their frequency characteristics;
Knowledge of censer’s distribution characteristics;
Knowledge of variations indicators. Topic 5. Analysis of
Ability The ability to calculate the asymmetry and kurtosis indicators; distribution series
The ability to build the normal distribution of empirical data;
The ability to calculate criteria of Pearson, Romanovsky, Kolmogorov Yastremsky.  
Communication Skills of tolerance to different opinions.
Autonomy and The ability to choose among the different variants of decision making ones to realize
responsibility them.
6. The ability to investigate sample observations and calculate their basic
Knowledge Knowledge of basic types and methods of sample from the population.
Knowledge of the small sample specificity
Ability The ability to calculate the sample observation errors for different sampling.
The ability to determine the sample size. Topic 6. Sampling
Communication The development of creative thinking in tasks solving; and sampling
Skills of tolerance attitude to different opinion about problem solving; distributions
Ability to criticism and self-criticism
Autonomy and The ability to choose among the different variants of decision making ones to realize
responsibility them.
The ability to develop creative thinking in tasks solving;
Striving for continuous personal and professional development
7. The ability to analyze time series using analytical indicators
Topic 7. Time series
Knowledge Knowledge about time series, their types and characteristics
Ability The ability to build a time series
The ability to calculate the main parameters of time series
Communication The development of creative thinking in tasks solving;
Skills of tolerance attitude to different opinion about problem solving; analysis 
Ability to criticism and self-criticism
Autonomy and The ability to choose among the different variants of decision making ones to realize
responsibility them.
The ability to develop creative thinking in tasks solving;
Striving for continuous personal and professional development
8. The ability to analyze statistic series using the index method
Knowledge Knowledge of indexes and their role in statistic and economic analysis.
Knowledge of index analysis method
Ability The ability to aggregate and individual building codes
The ability to form symbols and index factor analysis
Topic 8. Index
Communication The development of creative thinking in tasks solving;
Skills of tolerance attitude to different opinion about problem solving;
Ability to criticism and self-criticism  
Autonomy and The ability to choose among the different variants of decision making ones to realize
responsibility them.
The ability to develop creative thinking in tasks solving;
Striving for continuous personal and professional development

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