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Today’s solutions are smart enough to solution that will minimise the risk of About the author
detect the possibility of a recorded voice fraud. The individual characteristics Steve Kinge has worked at Nortel for
and request additional information. in our voices make speech verification eight years and has recently moved into
Indeed, random questioning built into systems one possible solution. The flex- the role of product marketing man-
the script could ask callers to repeat a ibility included in today’s systems offers
ager in EMEA for Nortel’s contact
word or phrase to guarantee a ‘live’ per- organizations the ability to balance secu-
centre solutions. Highly experienced,
son is on the line. Recruiting the services rity against usability.
Steve has spent almost thirty years in
of Rory Bremner or Jon Culshaw won’t Where there is low security risk, dealing
the communications industry in both
help either. The unique characteristics of with non-sensitive or non-private infor-
sales and marketing roles having pre-
each person’s voice are sufficient for the mation, configure the system to be more
viously worked at Telephone Rentals,
speaker verification software to detect lenient towards unknown prompts or voice
Mercury Communications and Siemens
impostors, however much we think these prints. However, where sensitive or con-
Communication Systems Limited.
entertainers sound like other people. fidential information is involved, ensure
Recent events have shown how impor- that the system is configured to block
tant biometrics has become in face to any attempt to access from an unknown Reference
1 Large Scale Evaluation of Automatic
face security situations. However, any source. Configuring the system to suit the
business that needs to offer convenient, level of security required will help organi- Speaker Verification Technology,
high-value electronic services where the sations adapt speaker verification for their Dialogues Spotlight Technology Report,
person isn’t present needs to look at a own specific applications. CCIR, May 2000.


Security standardization in
management model. The figure below
provides an overview of the process com-

incident management: the Investigation, diagnosis, resolu-

tion, and recovery fall strictly within

ITIL approach
the purview of the computer security
incident response team (CIRT), which
will handle the digital investigation
Dario Forte, CEO, DFLabs Italy and the restoration of function process.
Nevertheless, the above scheme implies a
great deal of responsibility on the part of
You can’t throw a stone these days without hitting a standards docu-
the service desk, and yet in the organi-
ment claiming to offer the state of the art in IT incident management.
zations I have visited, the service desk
Many of them focus on organizational aspects rather than on inci-
function is detached from security, espe-
dent response in the strict sense. In this article we will examine the
cially within the enterprise context.
ITIL approach to incident management.
One milestone of the Information The divergence between the ITIL
Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) approach and the principles laid out in the The role of the service
standard is the development of an effec- literature is further evidenced in the respec- desk
tive model of incident management. It tive definitions of IT incidents. While the According to the ITIL approach, regardless
ensures IT service continuity in relation RFCs speak of any violation of company of who actually manages the various tasks,
to the four elements of Information security policies, in ITIL an incident is the service desk owns the entire process.
Technology Service Management “any event that is not part of the standard It appears unlikely that the service desk’s
(ITSM): organization, personnel, tech- operation of a service and which causes, or role in incident management will extend
nologies, and processes. may cause, an interruption or reduction in beyond an interface for internal users and
According to the most recent ITIL the quality of that service”. external customers. With the exception of
definitions, the main purpose of incident a few specific cases, it will be difficult to
management is to minimise interrup- apply this attribution of ownership in an
tions in business activities and ensure ITIL and security effective way in real world situations.
availability of service. We find little here incidents The service desk can deal with track-
of what we might read in the RFCs on Can these definitions be made to coin- ing and communication by handling the
incident management (specifically RFC cide? To answer that question, let us closure phase and transmitting messages
2350), or in the ISO 17799 standard. look in some detail at the ITIL incident to the figure or function that started the

Network Security January 2007

ITIL provides an interesting defini-

tion of the relationship between the
functional and hierarchical aspects of
incident response. The functional aspect
determines who is responsible for resolv-
ing the incident, while the hierarchical
aspect defines who must be informed if
the incident escalates.
The resolution and recovery process
highlights the gap between ITIL’s treat-
ment of incident management and that
found in other literature. I was directly
involved in an ITIL-based incident man-
agement project in Eastern Europe. The
resolution and recovery task was assigned
to a British colleague who, while apply-
ing the ITIL directions to the letter,
was puzzled by the characteristics of the
resolution and recovery phase. The char-
acteristics recommended only marginal
interest in the root cause, focus on the
mere elimination of symptoms, and the
Figure 1: Process components in ITIL incident management model
immediate resumption of services.

process. But the comprehensive oversight creation of priority matrices on the basis
of other peoples’ tasks will be hindered of impact, urgency, and the type of inci-
The role of the incident
by issues associated with the handling dent based on the affected target. manager
of confidential information. In any case, Under ITIL, the impact depends on The incident process manager ultimately
communication should also be moni- the degree to which business is affected takes ownership of the incident manage-
tored by the company functions assigned by the incident. Urgency relates to the ment processes, and is responsible for
to internal and external relations. timeframe imposed for resolving the determining what they are, supervising
In addition to handling closure, the problem. These factors are also assessed them, and monitoring them. His or her
service desk might be the company func- in terms of the resources required to first task is to determine the process
tion best suited for managing prelimi- resolve the problem. itself and to develop it where necessary.
nary incident response tasks and contacts These factors may combine in various This emphasizes the incident manager’s
such as detection and recording. Also ways, such as high impact/low urgency. role in the ‘lessons learned’ phase, which
known in other literature as the notifica- In this example, a server in an important is a classic component of the security
tion or recognition phase, detection and department is hit, but because the entire incident management process.
recording seeks to gather the following staff is on vacation the department is not ‘Lessons learned’ is an extremely
information: currently operating and the response can important component, as explicitly
wait. stated both in the RFC 2350 and in the
• Incident type Conversely, in a high urgency/low ISO 17799 standard. However, with this
• Incident source impact scenario, an employee may not approach, the improvements process is
• What information is available have a modem for her laptop, but needs more strongly related to the incident
• Additional details one quickly because she is about to leave manager’s relationship with the service
• Responsibility for the response on a trip. desk than to his or her general oversight
The second example clearly falls with- of the various players and functions hav-
in the purview of the service desk, and ing a role in the overall incident response
Classification and illustrates how something that really has process.
initial support nothing to do with security, but rather In any case, these players and func-
In theory, the service desk could also with the provision of a service, is treated tions fall within the responsibility of the
handle classification and initial support, as an incident in the ITIL approach. incident manager. Within ITIL, incident
provided its staff is effectively trained in Given the demands of managing a seri- managers can review the roles of those
such things as responsibility and prior- ous incident response action, the service who do not report directly to them. This
ity matrices. The ITIL approach does desk might end up finding itself spread a might create internal conflicts that must
make some suggestions regarding the little thin. addressed by figures who are higher up

January 2007 Network Security

than the incident manager. It is hard to be assigned to the service desk in such Can ITIL really handle
imagine how the incident manager can delicate situations. In my opinion it can
carry out a direct review of the people only act as a simple communication security incidents?
responsible for the system or network interface between the incident manage- Five years ago, if someone had dared
without at least having obtained authori- ment function and the internal users use the acronym RFC for something
zation. In addition to technical skills, the or external customers who initiated the other than Request for Comments,
incident manager must clearly have some incident response procedure. it would have created an uproar.
political dexterity. The frequently of the review cycle Nowadays, when a diesel motor can
has to be planned ahead of time. ITIL compete (and win) at Le Mans, we
states that the activity must be carried should not be surprised to see the same
Incident management out by the incident manager with the sacred acronym rendered as Request
vs review operational support of the service desk. for Change. Purist leanings aside,
ITIL provides well-defined guidelines for The review must be performed on a experience in the field suggests that
incident review processes, which are again daily basis (in the event of priority 1 the ITIL approach to incident manage-
owned by the incident manager. The incidents), a weekly basis (priority 2 ment is exactly what it purports to be:
aspects that must be addressed and the pri- or 3), or a monthly basis (everything a support to service provision. But if
orities regarding timeframes and tasks to be else). The other players involved could we look at it strictly from a security
carried out are outlined in a clear schemat- be components of the IT department standpoint we are forced to deem it
ic process. ITIL provides a series of indica- and, perhaps indirectly, those who are inadequate in terms of coherence and
tions regarding the method of review. sometimes called key customers. The effectiveness.
Firstly, the review process should be reviews will obviously produce multi- It is nevertheless possible to take
coordinated between internal and inde- level reports. components from the ITIL process and
pendent third parties to gain an objective Regarding the purpose of the review, use them to improve security incident
understanding of the current situation. the incident manager must be capable of management. But this is not our main
The incident manager should be able monitoring and reviewing actions related concern. What causes a bit of worry
to coordinate the improvement process to ongoing incidents (where we are and is the wide use that ITIL is (quite
directly with these third parties, who where we are going). Two other factors rightly) enjoying in the IT world.
should in turn be able to implement the must also be considered that might not Treating incidents in a merely tactical
improvements. be included within the sphere of security way might represent a strategic error,
The reviews must be carried out on an in the strict sense: service performance leading us to underestimate the impor-
item-by-item basis to verify that all the targets and the objectives of each inci- tance and requirements of security and
tasks specified in the procedure are per- dent management process. its legal repercussions. We may relegate
formed. From a pure security standpoint, The above-mentioned activities are just security breaches to the category of
this part of the review process is identical a part of the tasks that the incident man- simple puzzles akin to a networked
to the monitoring activities demanded of ager has to manage. But who is this figure, printer that doesn’t work and has to be
and carried out by the service desk relating and where do we place them within the restored to service by whatever techni-
to an incident. company structure? If we look at the issue cian happens to be available.
from the ITIL point of view, it is clear that
we might opt to include the incident man-
Planning the review ager directly in the IT department. But if About the author
cycle we look at the thing from a pure security Dario Forte, CISM, CFE, is adjunct
I am sceptical about ITIL’s definition of standpoint, this is not always possible, professor at Milano University at Crema
the service desk’s role in handling criti- especially in companies where the security and founder of DFLabs, an Italian com-
cal incidents. Based on my experience, functions are off in their own department, pany specializing in incident response and
I do not see how such a central role can separate from the IT function. digital forensics.

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Network Security January 2007

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