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Name: _______________________________________ No. ______ Class: _______

Date: _____/______/_____ Evaluation _______________ Teacher _____________

Possessive Case and Reflexive Pronouns

1. Fill the gaps with the ​possessive case of nouns.​

Decide whether you have to use ​'s ​or an ​of-phrase.

a)​ The boy has a toy. → It’s the _____________________.

b)​ Peter has a book. → It’s ___________________.
c)​ The magazine has my picture on its cover. → My picture is
on _________________.
d)​ Our friends live in this house. → It's
e)​ There is milk in the glass. → It's _________________.
f)​ This house has a number. → What is _________________________?
g)​ The walk lasts two hours. → It's _____________________.
h)​ John has a sister, Jane. → Jane is ___________________.
i)​ The film has a name, "Scream". → "Scream" is ____________________.
j)​ This school is for girls only. → It's _____________________.

2. Look at Bridgette’s family tree.

a)​ In each line write the relationship between Bridgette and her family.
b)​ Now write sentences with the relationship each person has with Bridgette.
e.g. Carrie is Bridgettte’s grandmother.

1. Tom ____________________________________________________
2. Melissa __________________________________________________
3. Brian ____________________________________________________
4. Brad ____________________________________________________
5. Charlene _________________________________________________
6. Fred and Christine _________________________________________
7. Dean ____________________________________________________

3. Complete with the correct ​reflexive pronouns.​

1. The puppy nearly killed __________________ when it ran across the road.

2​. I enjoyed ______________ at the beach.

3. He always looks at_____________________ in the mirror.

4. We helped_______________ to the orange juice.

5. The girl accidentally hurt____________________ with the stapler.

6. The children enjoyed________________ at the beach.

7. The two of you shouldn't do that. You'll hurt___________________.

8. He paid for the cake____________________.

9. Some students only think about______________________.

10. She didn't tell him. I told him_______________________.

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