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Learner’s Name: Rein Laurence C. Odońo

Grade Level: Grade VI- RIZAL
Learner’s Status
Learning Learner Intervention Monitori Insignificant Significa
Area ’s Strategies Provided ng Date Progress nt Mastery
Needs Progress

Mathem Printed Modify the learning Novembe Lack of Willingn He can learn
atics Module task on the level of r 25, 2020 motivation/ ess to the concept of
/ learner. Time allotment learn the lesson but
Activity in answering still needs
Sheet Provide more guided the module. guidance from
activities exercise his parents
and worksheets. Needs
Evaluate the factors
affecting the study
habit of learner at
home and design
relevant class

Look for more

supervised time with
the learning
facilitator or parent.

Learner’s is not making significant progress in a timely manner. Intervention

strategies need to be revised.

Intervention Status Learner’s is making significant progress. Continue with the learning plan

Learner has reached mastery of the competencies in learning plan.

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