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New Clinical Sign in Duchenne

Muscular Dystrophy
Sunil P r a d h a n , M D , D M

A new sign in Duchenne muscular dystrophy is de- fold) irrespective o f muscles or parts of m u s c l e s taking
scribed. The sign demonstrates a unique characteristic part in its formation. M a k i n g use o f these observations,
of this disorder: selective hypertrophy and wasting in the patients were e x a m i n e d in a particular posture and a
different muscles of the same region. The patients were peculiar sign, specific to D M D , was demonstrated.
asked to abduct their arms to about 90 ° with elbows
flexed to 90° and hands directed upwards. Those who Methods
could not abduct the arm to 90° were asked to do so to Eighty-four patients who have Duchenne muscular dystrophy were
the maximum that they could. In this posture, all pa- examined for the presence of a particular sign. The criteria for the se-
tients had examination of pectoral girdles from behind. lection of the DMD patients included typical history and physical find-
ings of DMD, clinical evidence of the gradual progression of the disease.
Some patients with spinal muscular atrophy and other
markedly raised serum creatine phosphokinase (CK) levels, typical find-
forms of muscular dystrophies were also examined in ings on concentric needle electromyography (EMG), and characteristic
the same manner. In this posture, patients with Du- histologic features on muscle biopsy. The patients belonged to 62 fam-
chenne muscular dystrophy demonstrated a linear or ilies, of which 60 families were also screened for gene deletion. For this
oval depression (due to wasting) of the posterior axil- purpose DNA was extracted from the frozen blood samples as described
earlier [6]. Deletion analysis of dystrophin gene was performed by mul-
lary fold with hypertrophied or preserved muscles on
tiplex PCR, using 6 primers from the system described by Chamberlain
its 2 borders (i.e., infraspinatus inferomedially and et al. [7]. The PCR results were extended and substantiated by Southern
deltoid superolaterally), as if there were a valley be- hybridization using eDNA probes E8]. DNA samples were analyzed for
tween the 2 mounts. The sign was specific to Duchenne gene deletion at 2 major hot spots: 1 at the 5' end and the other located
muscular dystrophy with sensitivity of about 90 %. It at the central region of the dystrophin gene. Forty-nine patients from 33
families demonstrated gene deletions. The majority of deletions were
was most remarkable in patients 8-11 years of age.
clustered at the central hot spot. The remaining patients with DMD were
included only when they had typical progression of the disease, failure to
Pradhan S. N e w clinical sign in D u c h e n n e m u s c u l a r dys- run fast in early childhood, calf hypertrophy, positive Gowers' sign, or
trophy. Pediatr N e u r o l 1994; 11:298-300. attainment of wheelchair-bound stage at about 11-13 years of age. Typ-
ical findings on muscle histopathology and very high serum CK values
also helped in distinguishing these patients from those with other forms
of muscular dystrophies and spinal muscular atrophies (SMA). Eight
Introduction patients whose muscle biopsy was inconclusive due to excessive fatty
tissue were included because of deletion of the dystrophin gene. Myo-
S e l e c t i v e i n v o l v e m e n t o f the m u s c l e s is an important pathic changes on EMG also helped to exclude SMA patients.
feature o f m u s c u l a r dystrophies [1-3]. In D u c h e n n e mus- The Sign. Each patient's back was exposed in a sitting or standing
posture. They were asked to abduct their arms to 90° or in the case of
cular dystrophy ( D M D ) , this selectivity is apparent for
failure to do so, as much as they could. Their elbows were made to flex
h y p e r t r o p h y as w e l l as w a s t i n g . H y p e r t r o p h y o f in- to 90° in such a way so that the hands remained directed upwards. In this
fraspinatus and deltoid m u s c l e s has b e e n reported [4,5]. In position (Fig 1), the muscles around the shoulders, including the upper
m y personal observation, e v e n w h e n these 2 muscles are arms, posterior axillae, and scapulae, were inspected for hypertrophy or
not hypertrophied, their b u l k remains relatively p r e s e r v e d wasting. Careful examination revealed a linear groove or sometimes an
oval depression running obliquely from the spinous process of the scap-
until the w h e e l c h a i r - b o u n d stage o f the disease, as c o m -
ula to the axilla due to wasting of the muscles participating in the for-
pared to other a d j o i n i n g m u s c l e s . T h e s e muscles also tend marion of the posterior axillary fold. On either side of the depression two
to be p r o m i n e n t on m i l d contraction. C o n v e r s e l y , latissi- prominences were visible, the inferomedial being due to hypertrophy of
mus dorsi m u s c l e , along with the sternal h e a d o f the pec- the infraspinatus muscle and the superolateral one, due to hypertrophy of
toralis m a j o r and s t e m o c l e i d o m a s t o i d m u s c l e s , has b e e n the deltoid muscle. The whole appearance was like a valley between the
2 mounts (Fig 1).
included a m o n g those f e w that b e c o m e w e a k in the early
This sign was tested in 50 normal children 4-12 years of age. In DMD
stages o f the disease. In this context, I o b s e r v e d early and patients, the sign was tested for its presence or absence. Whenever
consistent wasting o f the posterior axillary f o l d as a w h o l e present, the sign was graded into overtly positive or subtly positive. Four
(with s o m e w h a t parallel changes in the anterior axillary patients with limb girdle muscular dystrophy, 2 with myotonic dystro-

From the Department of Neurology; Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Communications should be addressed to:
Institute of Medical Sciences; Lucknow, India. Dr. Pradhan; Depaament of ~ ; Saajay Gandhi P o s t ~ u a t e
Instituteof Medical Sc~ces; L ~ 226014, India~
Received May 16, 1994, ~ August 15, 1994.

298 PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY Vol. 11 No. 4 © 1994 by Elsevier Science Inc. • 0887-8994194/$7.00
families, 3 affected siblings were included. Ages ranged
from 4 to 18 years (median: 9 years). All normal controls
and patients without DMD could bring the upper limbs to
the desired position to elicit this sign. Among DMD pa-
tients, only 72 of 84 could do so, while the remaining 12
patients could abduct the shoulders to only 45-60°; how-
ever, elbow flexion to 90 ° with the hands facing upwards,
was not a problem in any of them.
The sign was overtly positive in 54 patients (64%) and,
in subtle form, in another 21 patients (25%) with DMD. It
was negative in the remaining 9 patients (11%). The nor-
mal controls and the patients without DMD did not dem-
onstrate this sign. Among the 9 DMD patients who did not
demonstrate this sign, 4 had wasting of the infraspinatus
muscle, while 3 of them and 5 others had uniform wasting
of the deltoid muscle. Five of them also had obesity which
significantly contributed to masking this sign.
The posterior axillary fold was wasted in all 84 DMD
patients (with parallel or sometimes more pronounced
wasting of the anterior axillary fold) irrespective of the
sign being positive or negative. Of the 54 patients who
demonstrated overtly positive signs, all had infraspinatus
hypertrophy and 39 had deltoid hypertrophy (Table 1).
Similarly, in the group of patients who demonstrated sub-
fly positive signs, 17 exhibited infraspinatus hypertrophy
and 5 deltoid hypertrophy. The remaining patients with
positive signs had essentially normal or relatively pre-
Figure 1. A patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy with the posi-
served bulk of these muscles and the sign was positive due
tive sign. to the wasting of muscles in between and around them.
The sign was positive in early as well as late stages of
phy, 5 with SMA, and 2 with facioscapulohumeralmusculardystrophy the disease; however, most patients with overtly positive
were also examined for this sign. signs were 8-11 years of age and had moderate proximal
The Positive Sign. The sign was taken as positive only when all 3 of
the following componentswere present:
muscle weakness, waddling gait, positive Gowers' sign,
(1) Longitudinal or oval depression due to wasting of the posterior and a tendency to fall during walking. In this age group,
axillary fold; 96% (55 of 57 patients) had positive signs; 80% (46 of 57
(2) The prominenceinferomedialto the depression due to the enlarge- patients) were overtly positive. Fewer patients 4-7 years of
ment or normally preservedbulk of the infraspinatus muscle; and age who had mild proximal muscle weakness and those
(3) The prominencesuperolateralto the depression due to enlargement
or normallypreservedbulk of the deltoid muscle. 12-18 years of age who were wheelchair-bound had pos-
Presence of only 1 or 2 of these components, which did not give rise itive signs. At 4-7 years of age, 72% (13 of 18 patients)
to the overall appearanceof a "valley between the 2 mounts," was not had positive signs with only 17% (3 of 18 patients) having
taken as a positive sign. overtly positive signs. At 12-18 years of age, 77% (7 of 9
patients) had positive signs with only 55% (5 of 9 patients)
having overtly positive signs. Interestingly, 2 wheelchair-
Of the 84 patients with DMD, 42 were sporadic cases. bound patients with positive signs had calf hypertrophy
In 18 families, 2 affected siblings were examined and in 2 that resolved to apparently normal bulk.

Table 1. The incidence of the three factors that contribute significantly to the positive sign*

No. of Infraspinatus Wasting of Posterior Deltoid Hypertrophy

Sign Patients Hypertrophy Axillary Fold (Acromial Fibers)

Overtly positive 54 (64%) 54 54 39

Subtly positive 21 (25%) 17 21 5
Absent 9 (11%) 3 9 0
Total 84 (100%) 74 (88%) 84 (100%) 44 (52%)
* The table lists the number of patients with DMD with percentages in parentheses.

Pradhan: New Sign in DMD 299

Discussion tients and in none of the other patients or controls, signi-
fying the validity of this new and clinically useful obser-
The sign demonstrated in this study highlights the phe-
nomenon of selective muscle involvement which is one of
In view of the negative findings in normal children and
the diagnostic features of muscular dystrophy [1-3]. In
in those with SMA or other muscular dystrophies, this
DMD, however, this selectivity is found for hypertrophy
sign appears to be specific to DMD. It was observed in
as well as for wasting. The consistent finding of wasting
about 90% of DMD patients with somewhat better appre-
and hypertrophy in the same region forms the basis for the
ciation at 8-11 years of age. If used routinely, this test may
sign described here; wasting is observed in the muscles
serve as a useful supportive tool in the clinical diagnosis of
forming the posterior axillary fold and hypertrophy (or
relatively preserved bulk) in the infraspinatus and deltoid
The posture adopted to elicit this sign has several ad- The author thankfully acknowledges the help of Dr. Balraj Mittal, As-
vantages: sociate Professor of Genetics, in whose laboratory the gene deletion
(1) Infraspinatus muscle is partly buried in the extension studies were performed. Drs. Ashok Kumar and Madhurendra N. Singh,
senior residents in the Department of Neurology, participated in the
of axillary fat and abduction of the shoulder helps to vi-
blinded study and their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. This
sualize it clearly by stretching the subcutaneous fat; work was supported by an intramural research grant of Sanjay Gandhi
(2) Muscles in the posterior axiUary fold are best visu- Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India.
alized in the abducted position of the arms, when wasting
appears as a linear or oval depression;
(3) Muscular hypertrophy is better seen when muscle is
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