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Nature, Nature, Nature

How wonderful you are
Your tall, beautiful trees
The magnificent green color of your leaves
And you provide mankind with a fresh breeze.

The soft green grass
And the bright sun that sparkles like a diamond.
Now, that is a perfect place to rest my weary head after a stressful day.
A perfect place to have a picnic
and a perfect place to meditate.

Oh, sweet, sweet mother nature.

How can I ever live without you?
Would my day be complete without you?
Would I ever be happy without you, mother nature?
The taste of freshly juicy fruit and the dance of tiny creatures
Mother nature is full of wonders.
The amazing birds that chirp in the morning.
These little creatures build the home.
They fly here and there, picking dry leaves and grass.
And when the bird is satisfied, she adds more to its home.


The caterpillar turns into something beautiful.
The little bee dances and spits out honey.
The mighty eagle swoops down and captures its prey.
The lion majestically roars his royal presence.
I blow a kiss to you, mother nature.


My name is Toluwanimi Famoroti. I am a 12 year old girl from Vivian Fowler Memorial College
for Girls. I like to draw, sing, dance, and write poems. I am the oldest of my siblings.

My future ambition is to become a medical doctor.

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