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Cultural Relativism v.


1. Access the Ted Talk at this link (also linked in google classroom)-

Ethnocentrism- evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the

standards and customs of one's own culture.
● Example- An example of ethnocentrism is colonialism. Colonialism can be defined as
cultural domination with enforced social change. Colonialism refers to the social
system in which the political conquests by one society of another leads to “cultural
domination with enforced social change”. A good example to look at when
examining colonialism is the British overtake of India. The British had little
understanding of the culture in India which created a lot of problems an unrest
during their rule.

Cultural Relativism- Cultural relativism is the idea that a person's beliefs, values, and
practices should be understood based on that person's own culture, rather than be judged
against the criteria of another.
● Example- For example, instead of thinking, “Fried crickets are disgusting! ” one
should instead ask, “Why do some cultures eat fried insects?”. You may learn that
fried crickets or grasshoppers are full of protein and in Mexico, it is famous Oaxaca
regional cuisine and have been eaten for thousands of years as a healthy food

As you watch the video, use the definitions above and the video to answer these questions.
Answers must be in complete sentences and must be in a different color. You will be turning
this in to google classroom for a grade.

1. When the author first talks about her stories that she writes as a young child, how do her
stories differ from her background? The stories she writes relate to an American and
British background, with characters that were American and British, rather than ones that
were Nigerian like her.
2. Why do her stories differ from her background and culture? She had been exposed to and
read American and British books. She wrote stories like the books that she read because
she thought that was what defined a book. She did not know that there were books that
were written where she could relate to and understand the characters and environment.
3. How does her college roommate react when they first meet? The college roommate was
shocked how she could speak English so well, and how she was able to use a stove.
4. Complete the chart below by writing examples of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism
from the video.
Ethnocentrism Cultural Relativism

The preconceptions that her America The professor of the speaker was relating
roommate had about how people in Africa his culture to the speaker's culture saying
were poor and nothing else because of the that the characters were not authentically
effect of European explorers. African because they were too much like
The speaker had seen Mexicans as object
immigrants because of the media coverage
that she had seen.

2. Watch the video clip from the Lost Boys (linked below and also thru google
classroom) and explain 3 different ways the Lost Boys had to adjust and learn
American culture.

Adjustment Explanation of how the Lost Boys adjusted

American The lost boys were taught about the different foods in America
food and how to use trash cans.

Where they The lost boys asked their way around the area and where they
can and can and cannot be.
cannot go

Traveling by A meeting was created to advise the lost boys to not travel in
themselves large groups because police complaints were filed.

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