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Training manual

Basic training
1. User interface ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. General ................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. File Menu ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Online/Offline mode .............................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Ribbon bar .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.1. Customize the Ribbon ............................................................................................................ 7
1.5. Additional Tools..................................................................................................................... 8
a. View ....................................................................................................................................... 8
b. Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 9
1.6. Sensor ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.7. Explorer ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.8. Part Program......................................................................................................................... 10
1.8.1. Teach Path view ................................................................................................................... 11
1.8.2. Program toolbar .................................................................................................................... 11
1.8.3. Sensor Check toolbar ........................................................................................................... 11
1.8.4. Simulation toolbar ................................................................................................................ 12
1.9. Properties.............................................................................................................................. 12
1.10. Status bar .............................................................................................................................. 14
1.11. Output tabs ........................................................................................................................... 15
1.12. View Toolbar ....................................................................................................................... 16
1.13. Docking and pinning down .................................................................................................. 18
2. Probe and sphere setup .................................................................................................................... 19
2.1. Activate Sensor Management .............................................................................................. 19
2.2. Create a Probe ...................................................................................................................... 21
2.3. Create a Sensor Collection ................................................................................................... 22
2.4. Locate the calibration sphere ............................................................................................... 23
2.5. Define sensor angles and calibration.................................................................................... 28
2. Creating a new program ....................................................................................................... 35
2.1. Folder structure .................................................................................................................... 35
2.2. Create a new program .......................................................................................................... 35
3. Alignments ....................................................................................................................................... 40
3.1. Plane/Line/Point alignment .................................................................................................. 40
3.2. Plane/Line/Point alignment (Using CAD) ........................................................................... 54
4. Inspecting basic features ...................................................................................................... 74
4.1. Measurement modes............................................................................................................. 74
4.2. Measuring Settings ............................................................................................................... 75
4.3. Nominal input....................................................................................................................... 78
4.4. Safety Positions .................................................................................................................... 79
a. Relative movements ............................................................................................................. 79
b. Absolute ............................................................................................................................... 80
c. Handbox button .................................................................................................................... 81
4.5. Plane measurement............................................................................................................... 81
a. With CAD model ................................................................................................................. 81
b. Without CAD model ............................................................................................................ 83
4.6. Line Measurement ................................................................................................................ 84
4.7. Point Measurement............................................................................................................... 86
4.8. Circle Measurement ............................................................................................................. 87
4.9. Slot Measurement................................................................................................................. 89
4.10. Constructing a Point ............................................................................................................. 90
4.11. Constructing a Line .............................................................................................................. 91
4.12. Constructing a Plane ............................................................................................................ 92
4.13. Constructing a Circle............................................................................................................ 93
5. Reporting ......................................................................................................................................... 94
5.1. Report Settings ..................................................................................................................... 94
a. Program ................................................................................................................................ 94
b. Reporting .............................................................................................................................. 96
5.2. Output Feature ...................................................................................................................... 96
5.3. Format Output ...................................................................................................................... 97
5.4. Graphical report ................................................................................................................... 98
1. User interface
1.1. General
File Menu Online CMM Task Tabs View Toolbar Additional Tools

Ribbon bar


Part Program Properties Model Sensor

Window Window Window Window


Output Tabs Status Bar
Camio 8 Basic training

1.2. File Menu

The File menu provides access to a
number of basic functions for managing
the complete document and for setting

Use the Preference button to change the

program settings.

1.3. Online/Offline mode

Use the checkmark to connect Camio to the CMM.
A program can be performed on a CMM or offline.

In offline mode Camio will measure and simulate on a CAD model.

1.4. Ribbon bar


Displays options for defining, calibrating and selecting sensors, using rotary tables,
operating twin column machines, setting up laser scanners and other machine specific


Displays options for setting up and manipulating datum’s.


Displays options for inspecting a feature using touch points, including options for selecting
and moving the sensor, setting measurement parameters, evaluating features and
outputting data.

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Tactile Scan
Displays options for inspecting a feature using tactile scanning, including options for
selecting and moving the sensor, setting measurement parameters, evaluating features
and outputting data.
Displays options for inspecting a feature using laser scanning, including options for
selecting and moving the sensor, setting measurement parameters, evaluating features
and outputting data.
Displays options for defining feature nominals, constructing theoretical features and
outputting data.
Displays options for positioning the part in the machine volume.
Point Cloud
Allows you to load, filter and save point cloud data from laser scanning, and retrieve
features from point clouds.
Allows you to use advanced programming options, including declared variable data or text
strings, when building inspection programs.
Allows you to create and edit a report on measured or constructed features.

1.4.1. Customize the Ribbon

Open the Quick Access toolbar, More Commands.

You can create your own Toolbar with selected commands or you can add extra
commands to the current Ribbon.

 Click New in the Toolbars tab to create a new Toolbar.

 The Commands tab shows every available feature in Camio. You are able to drag
and drop these commands to the new toolbar or into the Ribbon.
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1.5. Additional Tools

a. View
The View menu shows a list of available windows and menu’s in

Toggle an invisible item to show it on screen.

Load: displays the Load Layout dialog box, where you can
browse for a
previously saved layout of your CAMIO screen

Save: displays the Save Layout dialog box, where you can save
the current layout of your CAMIO screen. More information
can be found in the Setting Up the CAMIO Layout topic.

Customize your own screen settings and save the profile.

A profile can also be created for multiple displays.

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b. Configuration
All the parameters for CMM communication are
stored in the configuration file.

Be cautious when changing parameters in this menu.

1.6. Sensor
This window shows the assembled probes, created spheres
and created probe orientations.

a The buttons on top provide options to create probes, spheres,

. orientations, … .

a. Sensor Collections
A sensor collection can contain multiple folders. This gives you
the opportunity to categorize the sensor by folder or make a
folder for each user.

The folder Training contains a LC15Dx scanner and a TP200

b Each probe shows a list of orientations.
A probe with orientations is called a Sensor.
c The green tick indicates that the orientation is calibrated.

b. Probes

Before you create a sensor you have to assemble the probe fist.

The Create a new probe-button opens the Probe Designer window. Here you can build
your probe like it is mounted on the CMM.

After the probe is created you can drag it into a folder in the Sensor Collections list. The
Edit Sensor window pops up where you can select the orientations for the probe.

c. Calibration Spheres

Add a sphere for probe calibration by clicking on the Create a new sphere-button.

The created sphere appears in the Calibration Spheres list. With a sensor you can
locate the sphere.

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1.7. Explorer

An inventory of all the created/measured features are listed by

category in the Explorer window.

Visibility can be toggled for every feature with the checkboxes.

For reporting a feature can easily be selected from the list.

A reported feature contains a list of its reports.

 Blue icon: measured features

 Green icon: constructed features

1.8. Part Program

The part program window displays the current DMIS program.

You can use the DMIS View button from the Program toolbar to toggle between the
Block view and DMIS view.

Block view DMIS view

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1.8.1. Teach Path view

When you create a feature to measure, the Teach Path
view shows the touches, moves and any changes to
settings in the order you made them. You can use the
handbox to take points and add moves, or you can use
the options available from the toolbar for the feature

If you have selected DMIS View from the Program

toolbar, the Teach Path view shows DMIS view.
Otherwise, it shows the Block view.

Clicking on a feature in this list shows its settings in the Properties Window.

1.8.2. Program toolbar

Program Run: run the part program complete

Program Step: run the part program step-by-step

Program Stop: stop a running program

Program Restart: restart the part program

DMIS View: switch between the Block view and the DMIS view

Find: (only in DMIS view) find a keyword in the DMIS code

Replace: (only in DMIS view) find and replace text in the DMIS code with another

1.8.3. Sensor Check toolbar

Sensor Check: Simulated verification of a Teach Path view

Move To Selected: The sensor check simulation starts at the selected feature

Previous: Backwards along the tool path

Next: Forwards along the tool path

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1.8.4. Simulation toolbar

Reverse: Reverse the machine simulation

Pause: Pause the machine simulation

Slow: Slow machine simulation

Normal: Normal machine simulation, similar to a real machine

Fast: Fast machine simulation

Very Fast: Very fast machine simulation, as fast as possible

1.9. Properties
The Properties window provides the ability to change and view
feature and measurement properties when you define a
feature. The name of the current feature is displayed in the
Identity section near the top of the window. You can change
this by overtyping it.

When measuring a feature, select the feature in the Teach

Path view to display information in the Properties window.
When you have made the changes you require, for each of
the features in the Teach Path view, you can click Apply on
the toolbar. Commands for the feature inspections are added
to your part program depending on your selections in the
Properties window.

If you select multiple features in the Teach Path view, the

Properties window displays the information common to the
selected features. Any changes you make will be applied to all
the selected features.

Group title: Using multi-feature inspection you can enter a title for a group of features,
making them easy to identify within your part program.

Name: Use the Name Circle to type in a new name for your feature.

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Datum Label: Use the Datum Label line to specify a datum label for the feature. This
generates a Datum feature to your program, allowing the feature to be used in the creation of
datum’s and alignments.

Nominal data: When you select a feature type to inspect, you can type its nominal values
into the Properties table.

Feature direction: Change the feature direction by opening the direction box .

Inner and outer features: For feature types that can be inner or outer features, for example
circles, select inner or outer using the drop-down list in the Geometric Items section.

Bounding lines and cylinders: For line and cylinder features, use the Bound/Unbound drop-
down list in the Bound section. This changes the feature and tolerance parameters available
to line features accordingly. Bounded lines and cylinders are displayed from the start to the
end. Unbounded lines and cylinders are displayed at a length you specified.

Compare to CAD: For point features and laser surface measurements, select true using the
drop-down list in the Geometric Items section to compare the selected features to the CAD
model in the Model window.

Measurement method: The options available are:

 Basic - select this if no relative measurement is required.

 Relative to surface - select this to take a specified number of points at a specified
distance outside a target area. This will be used to define a nominal target surface.
 Relative to feature - select this to adjust the position of the nominal measurement
target, based on the position and orientation of a chosen feature.

Changing the measurement method changes the options available in the Mode section to
allow you to set up additional parameters where relative measurement has been selected.

Measurement mode: Use the Mode drop-down list in the Mode section to select the
operation mode for CAMIO:

 Manual - puts the machine into Manual mode and creates a manual part program.
When you run the program, you must manually take the points using the handbox. The
number of points to take is displayed in the Points field and you can change it there
before you click Apply.

 Program - puts the program into Program mode. The measure points are taught
manually, clicked on the CAD model or entered as nominal values in the Teach
Properties window.

 Auto (or CNC) - puts the program into Automatic mode. If the feature being inspected
does not have a 'canned cycle' (internal measuring routine), the mode is Program.
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If the feature has a canned cycle, the mode is Automatic, unless you have moves and
touch points in the Teach Path view. In this case, the mode is Program.

In Auto mode, when you click Apply, CAMIO automatically measures the feature,
unless you have already measured the part by using the handbox and the feature does
not have a canned cycle, or you have added moves and touch points. When you run
the program, CAMIO automatically measures the feature (unless the feature does not
have a canned cycle, or you have added moves and touch points).

Points: The minimum number of measure points required to define the feature type.

Tolerances: The tolerances available for the selected feature are shown in the Tolerance
Output section. For any particular feature or tolerance parameters, you may be able to set low
and high tolerances to evaluate the feature.

Removing tolerances: Click a field in the Tolerance Output section to drop down the
list of tolerances. Select the blank entry in the list. This only removes the tolerances
from the feature. It does not delete any tolerance definitions.

Fitting algorithms and filters: To apply a fitting algorithm and filters when measuring
features, change the options in the Filter section as required. Some of the options display
scrolling lists to select from, and some require you to type in the values.

Laser sensor parameters: When the feature measurement is created using the Laser tab,
the Laser Items section is available in the Properties window. This allows you to change
which laser profile will be used, and the point and line spacing for the feature that is to be

Alignment Options: When using the alignment tools on the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser
tab, selecting the Alignment line in the Teach Path View displays Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary origin and axis information in the Properties window. These will be filled in
automatically by CAMIO, but these options can be changed. For example, the alignment tools
wizard will set the axis direction, but it may not be possible to measure the positive side of a
feature, so you can choose the reverse direction.

1.10. Status bar

Status Information: Shows button information of the selected button or information of the
expected steps.

Cartesian/Polar: Allows you to toggle between Cartesian or polar co-


Settings: Displays the Settings Dialog box where you can define the
system settings for CMM search, approach and retract distances, etc.

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Programming mode: Click to display the other programming modes, with the current mode
checked. You can select a different mode from this list, if appropriate to your program.

Mode Command executed? Command inserted? Notes

Command Yes No
Teach Yes Yes
Insert No Yes For inserting single
commands. Not intended
for inserting blocks of
commands or for building a

Datum: Displays the name of the current datum. Click to display a list of datum’s in your
program, with the current datum checked. You can select a different datum from this list.

Sensor: Displays the name of the current sensor (if the name is long, the word 'Sensor' is not
displayed). Click to display a list of sensors in your program, with the current sensor checked.
You can select a different sensor from this list. Note that the list shows only those sensors
currently available for selection i.e. those that have been recalled.

1.11.Output tabs

Model window Report window Output window

Model window: The model window simulation tab displays a view of the CAD model, and
nominal, measured, constructed features, etc. The display of individual features is controlled
using check boxes in the explorer window.
Report window: The Report window shows a complete view of your CAMIO report sections,
including the CAD model and tables in all sections defined, and the flyouts and form items
containing the feature data.
Output window: The Output window displays the DMIS and vendor format (VFORM) output
from the DMIS program. The data displayed depends on what you have set up in the Format
Output dialog box and the Vendor Output Format dialog box.
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1.12. View Toolbar

 3D-rotation: if the mouse pointer is positioned inside the circle that appears on
screen, when dragging, the model or features will orbit in all 3 axes

 2D-rotation: if the mouse pointer is positioned outside the circle that appears on
screen, when dragging, the model or features will rotate on an axis
perpendicular to the screen.

3D 2D Mouse Shortcut


Pan: Allows you to translate the CAD-model or features Mouse Shortcut

parallel to the screen horizontal and vertical
Mouse wheel/MMB

Pick rotation center: Pick a new rotation center to rotate the

CAD-model or the features. After
picking the new rotation center the
model will orbit round this point.

Rotation center
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Mouse Shortcut
Zoom: Press the left mouse button and drag forward to
zoom in to the middle of the screen and drag
backwards to zoom out.

Zoom in/out: Click on the magnifying glass to
zoom in or out.

Zoom to box: Drag the mouse cursor to draw a box

over the area of the model that you wish
to expand.

Zoom all: Expands the defined features (model, nominal/actual/constructed features,

point clouds) to fit the model window.

Mouse Shortcut
Zoom model: Expands the model to fit the model window.
2x click
Mouse wheel/MMB

Standard views: Displays the various surface views of the model. (Top, Front, Left, …)
The isometric option displays the model so that lines of equal length along
each of the three axes look the same length.

Wireframe: displays the model with transparent faces. This allows features not visible
on the real part to be seen through obscuring faces.

Render: displays the model with opaque, colored faces. The faces are shaded with
reference to a simple light source.

Hidden line: displays the model with opaque but uncolored faces, so that you cannot
view features through obscuring faces.

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Attributes display options: displays a drop-down menu where you can select which
types of entities you want to display. These selections are
persistent, and will remain selected until they are

Machine display options: displays a drop-down menu where you can select which
parts of the machine you want to display. These selections
are persistent, and will remain selected until they are

CAD display options: displays a drop-down menu where you can switch layers on and
off to give a clear view of an area or detail of the CAD model.

1.13. Docking and pinning down

Pinned window Unpinned window

Docked as tab Docked as window

Drag the window into the header Drag the window into the field under the header
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2. Probe and sphere setup

2.1. Activate Sensor Management
Steps 1 to 3 will only need to be carried out once.

1. Select Preferences from the Camio Start button.

2. From the Configure menu.

Use sensor management: this will activate the Sensor -tree

Use sensor management tool changers: this will activate the Rack button

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3. Select Sensors from the View menu.

The Sensor Manager window will now appear.

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2.2. Create a Probe

This wizard will help you to build a probe.

The Probe Designer screen will appear.

Follow the onscreen instructions to build a graphical representation of the


Assemble a probe:

PH10MQ  PAA1  TP200  TP200-Module  M2 – 3mm x 20mm

Name the probe preferably: TP200_D3-L20

D3 is the probe diameter

L20 is the length of the probe.
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2.3. Create a Sensor Collection

A Sensor collection contains one or more probe orientations.
First we can create a folder to store our sensors.

1. Click with the RMB on ‘Sensor Collections’

2. Rename the collection to the desired name.

In this example the collection is called ‘Training’.

3. Drag the definition of the probe into the tool collection.

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4. Select a minimum of 1 probe angle. Logically it is best to select A0 B0.

5. This will create a sub folder under the Training folder called TP200_D2-L20.
You will find sensor A0B0 in this list.

2.4. Locate the calibration sphere

1. Create a sphere.

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1.1 Enter name of calibration sphere. (Example: Master)

1.2 Select ‘Contact’ for a Touch Probe.

1.3 Select ‘Master’ for a single calibration sphere.

1.4 Enter sphere diameter obtained from certificate supplied with sphere.

1.5 Enter direction of sphere from CMM bed

Once you have located the sphere the XYZ-values will indicate the sphere location.
If you know the sphere location you can type in these values. In this case the CMM
can be set to automatically detect the sphere.

2. A new calibration sphere has now been created.

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3. Create a new program.

From the New Inspection menu,






3.1 Select either a Metric or Imperial Template.

3.2 Enter the name of your program.

3.3 The browse icon allows you to select were your program will be saved.

3.4 Select either ‘Online’ or ‘Offline’ operation.

3.5 Auto run will automatically start the program.

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4. The generated block view will appear in the program window.

The Arrow MUST be on the PAUSE statement after these steps.

5. Locate the sphere.

6. Sphere Setup





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6.1 Select the sphere in the list to be located.

6.2 Select the sensor to be used to locate the sphere. (preferably a A0B0 angle)

6.3 Select Manually locate spheres otherwise the CMM will automatically
locate the sphere. An automatic localization of the sphere is only possible if
you entered the values when you created the sphere or previously have
located the sphere.

6.4 Select Output to current DMIS program to write the program into your
current program.

7. Run the program.

8. Follow the on screen instructions.

9. Make a comment from the warning textbox. This will avoid a popup.

10. On completion, SAVE the program for future use.

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2.5. Define sensor angles and calibration

1. Define the required probe angles to calibrate.




1.1 Select the probe to calibrate.

1.2 Select from which collection the probe is from.

1.3 Select which angles of the probe are to be calibrated.

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The selected angles will be shown in the Sensor Manager window.

2. Create a new program.

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2.2 2.3




2.1 Select either a Metric or Imperial Template.

2.2 Enter the name of your program.

2.3 The browse icon allows you to select were your program will be saved.

2.4 Select either ‘Online’ or ‘Offline’ operation.

2.5 Auto run will automatically start the program.

The generated DMIS code will appear in the program window.

The Arrow MUST be on the PAUSE statement after these steps.

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3. Open Preferences  Program  Calibration


3.1 Enter the number of points to be taken during each calibration.

It is recommended that for optimum calibration 9 points are used.

4. Start Calibration Wizard.

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5. From the Calibration Wizard Menu select the probe to calibrate.

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Select Output to current DMIS program to write the program into your current program.

6. Run the program.

7. Follow the on screen instructions.

8. Make a comment from the Warning textbox. This will avoid a popup.

9. On completion, SAVE the program for future use.

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9. The calibration results are shown on the OUTPUT window.

The results of the calibrations are also saved in a .res file.

By default, this file is saved in the same directory as the calibration program.

10. The probes that have been calibrated are shown in the Sensor Window.

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2. Creating a new program

2.1. Folder structure
It is advisable to make the following folder structure for every model/project you want to

Calibration: Save the probe calibration program for this project in this folder.
Save the sphere location program in this folder.

Model: Destination folder for the CAD file. Camio recalls this location if you want to use
the CAD model for a measurement.

Program: Store the measurement program in this folder.

Results: Use this folder as output folder for the reports.

2.2. Create a new program

1. Create a new program.

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2. The new inspection window will open.

3. Browse to the folder where the program will be stored. Enter the name of the

4. The program name will now be shown.

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5. Use model file gives the opportunity to use a CAD file while programming.

The model can be used for programming. This option will show again when
opening the program. After the program is made you can run it without the CAD

6. Select a template. If a custom template has not been created, select either Basic
Metris or Basic Inch.

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7. Select Online operation and Auto Run program

8. The DMIS program will be shown.

The arrow must now be on the PAUSE line. Any new code is inserted on lines
before the arrow.

9. Any probes that will be used during inspection of a part will need to be recalled.

Recall will place the selected sensors in the DMIS code.

If you export the DMIS code the sensors are included in
the code.

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10. New code is generated within the program.

DMIS view Block view

Switch between the Block view and the DMIS view.

11. The first probe that will be used for inspection must be selected.

12. New code is generated within the program.

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3. Alignments
3.1. 3-2-1 alignment (without CAD)
This guide will take you through the steps required to create a Plane Line Point alignment,
without the use of a CAD model.

The guide will lead you through a Manual alignment, then an Automatic alignment.

The drawing below shows a part marked with the Datum’s A, B and C.

Datum A will be used as the primary axis.

This axis can be set by the measurement of a plane.
This plane can then be used to control the Z axis and the Z origin.

Datum B will be used to the secondary axis.

This axis will be set by the measurement of a line.
This line can then be used to control the Y axis and X origin.

Datum C will be used as the tertiary.

This will set by the measurement point.
This point can then be used to set the Y origin.


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Fully Constraint Alignment

To make a good alignment it is important to constrain all six degrees of freedom.

 3 translations: X, Y and Z-axis

 3 rotations: around the X, Y and Z-axis

Create a new program (see how to create a new program).

The manual alignment can now be set.

1. Set the Primary axis and Origin from the inspection of a plane. This is shown on
the drawing as Datum A. This plane can be used to set Z axis and Z origin.

a. Inspect a Plane.

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b. Using the hand box, take a minimum of 3 points on the plane of the part. These
points will appear in the program window.

c. Set the plane name and set the mode to Manual, within the properties menu.

d. Apply.

e. Set the alignment and the origin for this plane.

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2. Set the Secondary axis and Origin from the inspection of a Line (Datum B).
In this instance the line will be used to set the Y+ axis and X origin.

a. Inspect a Line.

b. Using the hand box, take a minimum of 2 points for the line from the part. As
the points are taken they will appear in the program window.

The first point taken will set the origin of the line.

The second point taken will set the direction of the line.

They must be taken in the correct order.

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c. Set the line name and set the mode to Manual, within the properties window.

d. Apply

e. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the plane (Datum A). Using the line set
the Y axis and X origin (Datum B).

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3. Set the Tertiary Origin (Datum C) from the inspection of a Point. This Point can
be used to set the X origin.

a. Inspect a Point.

b. Using the hand box, take 1 points on the front plane of the part. This point will
appear in the program window.

c. Set the point name in the properties menu.

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d. Apply.

e. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the plane (Datum A) and the line
(Datum B). Using the point, set the Y origin (Datum C).

The manual alignment has now been set as per the drawing.

The Z axis (Primary axis) has been set using Man-top plane (Datum A).
The Y axis and X origin (Secondary axis) has been set using Man-line (Datum B).

The Y origin is in the center of Man-point (Datum C).

The Z origin is level with the Man-Top plane (Datum A).

After a manual alignment, an Automatic alignment must be performed.

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The automatic alignment can now be set.

1. Set the Primary axis and Origin from the inspection of a plane. This is shown
drawing as Datum A. This plane can be used to set Z axis and Z origin.

a. Before measuring a feature. Ensure that the probe has a clear path to first
point of the feature.

This can be done by adding a move point in Auto Mode.

b. Inspect a Plane.

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c. Using the hand box, take a very minimum of 3 points on the plane of the
part. These points will appear in the program window.

d. Normalize to Feature, the points taken.

Highlight points + RMC

e. Set the plane name in the properties menu also ensure that the Measurement
mode is now set to Program or CNC.

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f. Apply.

g. Set the alignment and the origin for this plane.

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2. Set the Secondary axis and Origin (Datum B) from the inspection of a Line.
In this instance the line will be used to set the Y+ axis and X origin.

a. Before measuring the line. Ensure that the probe has a clear path to first
point of the line. See 5a.

b. Inspect a Line.

c. Using the hand box, take a minimum of 2 points for the line from the part.
As the points are taken they will appear in the program window.

The first point taken will set the origin of the line.
The second point taken will set the direction of the line.
They must be taken in the correct order.

d. Normalize the points of the line (See step 5c)

e. Set the line name in the properties menu also ensure that the Measurement
mode is now set to Program or CNC.

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f. Apply.

h. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the plane (Datum A). Using the
Auto-line set the Y axis and X origin (Datum B).

3. Set the Tertiary Origin from the inspection of a Point (Datum C). This Point can
be used to set the Y origin.

a. Before measuring the point. Ensure that the probe has a clear path to the
See 5a

b. Inspect a Point.

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c. Using the hand box, take 1 points on the front plane of the part. This point
will appear in the program window.

d. Set the point name in the properties menu also ensure that the
Measurement mode is now set to auto.

e. Apply.

f. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the Auto-plane (Datum A) and the
Auto-line (Datum B). Using the Auto-point, set the Y origin (Datum C).

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g. After measuring the feature. Ensure that the probe is clear of the part.
See 5a.

The Z axis (Primary axis) has been set using Auto-top plane (Datum A).
The Y axis and X origin (Secondary axis) has been set using Auto-line (Datum B).

The Y origin is in the center of Auto-point (Datum C).

The Z origin is level with the Auto-Top plane (Datum A).

The automatic alignment has now been set as per the drawing.

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 53
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3.2. 3-2-1 alignment (Using CAD)

This guide will take you through the steps required to create a Plane Line Point
alignment, using a CAD model.

The guide will lead you through a Manual alignment, then an Automatic alignment.

The drawing below shows a part marked with the Datum’s A, B and C.

Datum A will be used as the primary axis.

This axis can be set by the measurement of a plane.
This plane can then be used to control the Z axis and the Z origin.

Datum B will be used to the secondary axis.

This axis will be set by the measurement of a line circles
This line can then be used to control the Y axis and X origin.

Datum C will be used as the tertiary.

This will set by the measurement point.
This point can then be used to set the Y origin.


Create a new program (see how to create a new program using CAD).

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The manual alignment can now be set.

1. Set the Primary axis and Origin from the inspection of a plane. This is shown on
the drawing as Datum A. This plane can be used to set Z axis and Z origin.

a. Inspect a Plane.

b. Click on the Primary plane of the model in the Model Window.

c. Set the plane name in the properties menu.

d. Apply.

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e. Using the hand box, take 3 points on the plane. The window below will

f. Set the alignment and the origin for this plane.

2. Set the Secondary axis and Origin from the inspection of a Line (Datum B).
In this instance the line will be used to set the Y+ axis and X origin.

a. Inspect a Line.

b. From the CAD model, click the line used for the Secondary axis.

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c. Ensure that the line direction and normal are correct.

The line direction controls the axis alignment.

The line normal controls the direction of the probing.

This arrow is showing the line direction.

It needs to be pointing in your required axis.

This arrow is showing the line normal.

The probe will take points in the opposite
direction to the arrow.

From this image we can see that the Normal is correct, but the direction of the
axis will be flipped by 180 degrees.

The correct orientation of the arrows is shown


To change the Normal and Axis Direction, press on the ‘Directions’ button
within the Grid window.

Or use the Properties window.

Chose Unbound for a line with no limits.

Set the Direction in this case Y+ .
Set the Normal direction in this case X-.

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d. Set the line name within the properties window.

e. Apply.

f. Using the hand box, take 2 points on the line. The window below will appear

g. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the plane (Datum A).
Using the line set the X axis and Y origin (Datum B).

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3. Set the Tertiary Origin (Datum C) from the inspection of a Point.

This Point can be used to set the Y origin.

a. Inspect a Point.

b. From the CAD model, click on the front plane to select a point used for the
tertiary origin (point will control the Y origin).

c. Set the point name in the properties menu.

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 59
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e. Apply.

f. Using the hand box, take a point on the front plane.

The window below will appear

g. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the plane (Datum A) and the line
(Datum B). Using the point, set the Y origin (Datum C).

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The manual alignment has now been set as per the drawing.

The Z axis (Primary axis) has been set using Man-top plane (Datum A).
The Y axis and X origin (Secondary axis) has been set using Man-line (Datum B).
The Y origin is in the center of Man-point (Datum C).
The Z origin is level with the Man-Top plane (Datum A).

After a manual alignment, an Automatic alignment must be performed.

The automatic alignment can now be set.

4. Set the Primary axis and Origin from the inspection of a plane. This is shown
drawing as Datum A. This plane can be used to set Z axis and Z origin.

Before measuring a feature, ensure that the probe has a clear path to first point
of the feature.

a. This can be done by adding a move point in Auto Mode.

b. Inspect a Plane.

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 61
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c. Click on the Primary plane of the model in the Model Window.

d. Select the touch icon

Pick a minimum of 4 points on the CAD plane.

As points are taken, they will appear in the program window.

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e. Set the plane name in the properties menu also ensure that the
Measurement mode is now set to Program or CNC mode.


f. Apply.

g. Set the alignment and the origin for this plane.

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5. Set the Secondary axis and Origin (Datum B) from the inspection of a Line. In
this instance the line will be used to set the Y+ axis and X origin.

a. Before measuring the line. Ensure that the probe has a clear path to first
point of the line.

See 5a

b. Inspect a Line.

c. From the CAD model, click the line used for the Secondary axis.

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d. Ensure that the line direction and normal are correct.

The line direction controls the axis alignment.

The line normal controls the direction of the probing.

This arrow is showing the line direction.

It needs to be pointing in your required axis.

This arrow is showing the line normal.

The probe will take points in the opposite
direction to the arrow.

From this image we can see that the Normal is correct, but the direction of the
axis will be flipped by 180 degrees.

The correct orientation of the arrows is shown


To change the Normal and Axis Direction, press on the ‘Directions’ button
within the Grid window.

Or use the Properties window.

Chose Unbound for a line with no limits.

Set the Direction in this case Y+ .
Set the Normal direction in this case X-.

To change the Normal and Axis Direction, press on the ‘Directions’ button within the
Grid window.

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d. Pick on the CAD model, the required number of points for the line (min 2).
Select the touch icon

The first point taken will set the origin of the line.
The second point taken will set the direction of the line.

They must be taken in the correct order.

First Point to be picked on CAD

Second point to be picked on


Pick a minimum of 2 points on the CAD plane.

As the points are being taken, they will appear in the Program window.

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f. Set the line name in the properties menu also ensure that the Measurement
mode is now set to Program or CNC.

g. Apply.

h. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the plane (Datum A). Using the
Auto- line set the Y+ axis and X origin (Datum B).

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6. Set the Tertiary Origin from the inspection of a Point (Datum C). This Point can
be used to set the Y origin.

c. Before measuring the line. Ensure that the probe has a clear path to first
point of the line.

See 5a

d. Inspect a Point.

c. From the CAD model, click on the front plane to select a point used for the
tertiary origin.

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e. Set the point name in the properties menu also ensure that the
Measurement mode is now set to Auto or CNC.

f. Apply.

f. Repeat the alignment and the origin for the Auto-plane (Datum A) and the
Auto-line (Datum B). Using the Auto-point, set the Y origin (Datum C).

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 69
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The Z axis (Primary axis) has been set using Auto-top plane (Datum A).
The X axis and Y origin (Secondary axis) has been set using Auto-line (Datum B).

The X origin is in the center of Auto-point (Datum C).

The Z origin is level with the Auto-Top plane (Datum A) .

The automatic alignment has now been set as per the drawing.

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3.3. Plane/Line/Point alignment (Using CAD)

Use Level alignment to set up a plane constraint.

First click on the surface on the model where you want to measure the plane.

Set the name and the parameters in the Properties window.

The vector direction of the plane points

in the Z+ direction.
Use the “…” button to change the
vector direction.

Set the Mode to Manual if you are

measuring manually.
Use Program or CNC when you
measure the plane automatically.

A plane is a feature that is measured in

Program mode. Do not forget to add
touches when you measure

The Level alignment will constrain the Z translation and the X Y rotation.

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Use Plane Line Point to constrain the model with a line and a point.

The plane is already set with the previous alignment. Pick a line and a point to link the
features to the CAD model.

Set the name and the parameters for each feature in the Properties window

The line Direction is pointing towards the Y+ axis and the Normal Direction is pointing in the
X- direction.

It is important for the alignment that you measure in the same direction as the arrow of the
line on the CAD model.

The line will constrain the rotation around the Z axis and the X translation.
The point will constrain the Y translation.
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3.4. Exercises

1. Make a 3 Plane alignment without a CAD model.

2. Make a 3 Plane alignment with a CAD model.

3. Make an alignment with a plane and 2 circles, without CAD.

4. Make an alignment with a plane and 2 circles, with CAD.


Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 73
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4. Inspecting basic features

4.1. Measurement modes

Manual: during the program the operator will be asked to measure the feature
manually. During programming you can take points manually to determine the
number of points that have to be taken during the measurement.
Or the option Points allows you to set a value for the number of points that
have to be taken during measurement.

Program: the position of the points must be picked manually on the CAD by adding a

In case there is no CAD model the handbox can also be used to pick points
on the actual model on the CMM.
If necessary program Safety positions before and after the path.

Auto: the path of the probe is generated automatically by the program.

Pick a feature on the CAD model or enter the nominal values in the
Properties Window. Set the number of points to measure the feature.
Auto-measurement is not available for a Line and a Plane.

CNC: this mode decides if the measurement will be done in Program- or in Auto-
If touches are added the software will switch in to Program-mode. For
example, when a circle is measured and no touches were added the software
will switch to Auto-mode.

Preferably use this option, the program will choose the correct option.

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4.2. Measuring Settings

 Path Settings

 Touch Velocity

 Measure Mode

1. Path Settings

Integrate the path parameters in every program. This will prevent that other
settings will be applied when running the program on another computer. The
settings in the software will be overwritten by the program parameters.

Clearance distance

Approach distance

Retract distance

Search distance

 Clearance Distance:
Use the Sensor Clearance dialog box to set the distance from the feature that
the CMM uses as a clearance zone when moving the probe to inspect another
feature. This controls the probe path taken when the measurements operate in
Automatic mode.

 Approach Distance:

Use the Sensor Approach dialog box to set the distance from the touch point
where the probe path becomes normal to the touch point surface. This controls
the probe path taken in automatic vector moves to touch.

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 Retract Distance:

Use the Sensor Retract dialog box to set the distance the probe
backs off after a touch has been detected. The distance is set for
both scanning back off and standard back off. This controls the probe
path for manual and automatic touch.

 Search Distance:

Use the Sensor Search dialog box to set the distance the CMM
travels after reaching the target touch. This controls the probe
path taken in automatic vector moves to touch. If the probe
reaches the target + over-travel (STOT) distance without
contacting anything, the CMM stops and issues a “NO TOUCH
DETECTED” message.

Integrate these measurement settings also in the Locate Sphere program.

 Depth:

Use the Sensor Depth dialog box to set the

distance into a feature (hole, slot, etc.) that
the CMM will take the probe to take a point.
This controls the probe path taken for the
MEAS commands in Automatic mode and the
Touch command in Program mode.

Depth: distance between the feature clicked on the

surface and the depth of measurement

Note: When Depth is set to 0 in the header of the program

you have to set it individually
for every circle, slot, … that you want to measure.

2. Touch Velocity
The best settings for LK CMM’s:

 TP20+TP2: 0.15m/min

 TP200: 0.25  0.3m/min

 SP25: 0.1m/min

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3. Measurement Mode

MAN - manual mode

Requires you to use the handbox to take points when creating and while running a
part program. Any commands between a Touch or Calib command ignored.
Safety Position commands that are outside a MEAS command block are not executed.
When inspecting a feature, it is highlighted in the model window with a thick line.

PROG - program mode (CNC)

Used where you want to teach points and moves by using the handbox. The moves
and points are inserted into the program.

When a program is run in PROG mode, the probe moves and takes points exactly as
taught using the handbox. Any Touch points are used. If there are no Touch points,
manual measurement using the handbox is required.

Some feature types have a canned cycle (i.e. internal measuring routine) for
inspection, and this uses AUTO mode. But if you add moves and touch points to the
inspection path for these feature types, PROG mode is used.

AUTO - automatic mode (CNC)

Used when you require CAMIO to determine where to move the probe and where to
take points. The feature nominal is used as the target for inspection.
The CMM automatically performs sensor clearance moves (defined in the Sensor
Clearance dialog box) when moving the probe to measure another feature.
When a program is run in AUTO mode, some feature types (e.g. circles) are
automatically measured using canned cycles (i.e. internal measuring routines). If a
feature has no canned cycle, the program temporarily applies PROG mode to the
feature measurement. This means that if the feature is not supported in automatic
measurement, any Touch points are used. If there are none, measurement must be
done manually using the handbox.
For line and plane features, the sensor clearance move is applied before PROG mode
is applied (if you have checked the Automatic clearance for line and plane features box
on the Conformance tab page, Configuration dialog box). This avoids the need to
create GOTO sensor moves for these features.

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4.3. Nominal input

1. Take points on the actual model by teaching them manually.
Select the feature you want to measure. Use the handbox to collect points.

It is not possible to 'teach' touch points perpendicular to the measurement surface

(in PROG mode). The resultant part program is left with touch points which vector
at an angle to the measured surface, when the part program is played back in
CNC mode. To improve program performance and minimize measurement
uncertainty errors, these points can be normalized with respect to the surface of
the feature.
The normalization is based on the current feature nominal values displayed in the
Properties window. If these values are manually updated, it is possible to re-edit
the calculated touch point nominal values via the 'right click' menu.

2. Pick points on the CAD model.

Select the feature you want to measure. Open the Tools-menu in the Touch
Tools group and click on Add single Touch.
Touch - allows you to add touch points to your program for the feature
highlighted in the Teach Path view, the points can be picked on the model.

3. Enter the nominal values.

Select the feature you want to measure.
Select the feature in the Program-tree.
The Property-Window will appear.
Enter the Nominal values.

4. Let the program decide.

When the Auto-mode is activated the program will automatically determine the
Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 78
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4.4. Safety Positions

a. Relative movements

1. Axis Offset
Use the Axis Offset dialog box to execute a
sensor move, defining the end point of the
move by selecting an axis and an offset. The
sensor will travel to the target relative to the
origin of the part co-ordinate system. While the
Axis Offset dialog box is displayed, the target is
indicated in the model window simulation tab
by a small circle.

2. Feature Offset
Use the Feature Offset dialog box to execute a
sensor move, defining the end point of the
move by picking a feature and using an offset.
The sensor will travel to the target relative to
the origin of the part co-ordinate system. While
the Feature Offset dialog box is displayed, the
target is indicated in the model window
simulation tab by a small sphere.

3. Increment
Use the Increment dialog box to execute a sensor
move, defining the magnitude and direction of the
move. The sensor will travel the specified distance and
direction relative to its current position.

4. Probe Offset
Use the Probe Offset dialog box to execute a sensor
move, defining the end point of the move by using an
offset along the probe axis. While the Probe Offset dialog
box is displayed, the target is indicated in the model
window simulation tab by a small circle.

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5. Surface Offset
Use the Surface Offset dialog box to
execute a sensor move, defining the end
point of the move by picking a surface
point on the CAD model and using an
offset. The sensor will travel to the target
relative to the origin of the part co-ordinate
system. While the Surface Offset dialog
box is displayed, the target is indicated in
the model window simulation tab by a
small sphere.

b. Absolute

1. Absolute Move
Use the Absolute Move dialog box to execute a sensor
move, defining the end point of the move. The sensor will
travel to this target relative to the origin of the part co-
ordinate system.
Teach - click this button to read the values for the sensor
move from the CMM position box. This copies the current
CMM position to the Target fields. If this button is clicked,
no CMM operations occur.

2. Free Position
Use the Free Position dialog box to execute a
sensor move, defining the end point of the move
by dragging it in the plane of view in the model
window simulation tab. While the Free Position
dialog box is displayed, the target is indicated in
the model window simulation tab by a small
sphere. On first displaying the Free Position
dialog box, the target is located at the current
inspection datum and can be dragged to a new
position from there.

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3. Set Home Position (From)

Use the From dialog box to define or teach the
position to which the CMM axes will travel when the
Move Home command is issued.

4. Move Home
Use the Home dialog box to move the CMM to the
position defined in the From dialog box. This target is
specified in current datum, tip coordinates.

c. Handbox button
A Safety position can be added, during a feature
measurement, with the GOTO button on the handbox.

4.5. Plane measurement

a. With CAD model
1. Inspect a Plane.

2. Pick the upper surface from the model.

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3. Choose between Manual-mode or CNC-mode

- Manual mode will ask the operator to measure the plane.
- CNC will measure the plane on the added Touches.
Note: Auto mode doesn’t work for a plane measurement. Measure points must be added.

An error message will appear if no points were added.

4. Add Touch points on the plane or take points with the handbox on the actual model.

Use Normalize to Feature if

the points are measured by

5. If necessary add a Safety point before the plane measurement.

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b. Without CAD model

1. Inspect a Plane.

2. Enter the nominal values of the plane in the Properties-Window.

Set the normal direction of the plane in the correct direction.

3. Add Touch points on the plane or take points with the handbox on the actual model.

Use Normalize to
Feature if the points are
measured by handbox.

4. Select the added Touch and enter the position for measure point.

Add at least 3 touches for a plane.

5. If necessary add a Safety point before the plane measurement.

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4.6. Line Measurement

1. Inspect a Line

2. Pick an edge on the CAD model.

3. Change the normal direction and the direction of the line.

Open the Report Grid from the View menu.

Use the Directions button to change the direction of the line.

Normal direction:
This is the normal vector of the
plane. The positive side is
pointing towards the probe
touch direction. (-X)

Actual line direction:

This will indicate the direction
of the line. (+Y)

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 84
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The directions of the line can also be set in the Properties window.

The actual line direction is determined from

Start to End. To change this direction, switch
the values from End with Start.

The Normal Direction can

be changed in the direction

Mode: Program or CNC  CNC will automatically choose Program mode

4. Add Touch points on the surface to create the line or use the handbox on the actual

Level the points in the same Z-direction:

 Select the created Touch points in the Program window
 Enter a Z-value for the selected points.

5. If necessary add a Safety point before the line measurement.

For a measurement without CAD model see 4.4.a. Plane Measurement without CAD

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 85
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4.7. Point Measurement

1. Inspect a Point

2. Pick a point on the CAD model.

3. For precise nominal values chance the coordinates of the point in the Properties

4. If necessary add a Safety point before the point measurement.

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4.8. Circle Measurement

1. Inspect a Circle.

2. Pick a Circle on the CAD model.

3. Measurement modes

a. Circle measured without Touch points.

If no Touch points are added, the CNC mode will activate Auto mode.
The measurement is preformed automatically. The number of touch points can be
set in the Points line.

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b. Circle measured with Touch points.

The Touch points for a circle can be added automatically with the Add Touches

Enter first the number of points that have to be

created with Add Touches in the Points line.

Select the Arc and drag one of the two ends to

adjust the range.

The path Arc: PArc7 is created in the Program


Change the circle name: Circle_Middle

4. Before applying the circle set the Sensor Depth.

If the Sensor Depth is set to zero, in the header

of the program, you have to set it individually
for every feature.

The Sensor Depth of 5 mm is added before

the circle.
Reset de Depth manually to the preferred
settings after the feature block.
5. If necessary add a Safety point before the circle measurement.
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4.9. Slot Measurement

1. Inspect a Slot.

2. Pick a slot on the CAD model.

3. A slot can also be measured automatic or with added Touches.

 Automatic mode: Don’t add touches.

Adjust the number of points in the Properties window.

 Program mode: Use Add Touches to create measure points.

Automatically added Manually added Manually added

touches touches touches by handbox
 CNC mode: Preferably use this mode.
If Touches are added the CNC mode will act like Program mode.
If only a slot is created without any touches the CNC mode will act
like Automatic mode.

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4. Before Applying the slot set the Sensor Depth.

Set the Sensor Depth to 5 mm.

5. If necessary add a Safety point before the slot measurement.

4.10.Constructing a Point
1. Measure an edge that intersects with the origin.

2. Construct an intersection point between two lines.


3. Adjust the normal direction and nominal values.

Double click on the command

in the Block view

Or change the values in

the Report Grid.

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4.11.Constructing a Line
1. Measure a plane that intersects with the Top Plane.

2. Construct a line between two planes.


3. Adjust the normal direction and nominal values.

Double click on the command

in the Block view

Normal: normal vector of the line. (-X)

Direction: direction of the line: (+Y)

Bound: is Yes is selected the line direction can
be set with Start and End coordinates.

These values can also be set

in the Report Grid.

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4.12. Constructing a Plane

1. Construct a perpendicular plane on the Top Plane in the Middle Circle.



2. Adjust the normal direction and nominal values.

Double click on the command

in the Block view

These values can also be set in the Report Grid.

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4.13.Constructing a Circle
1. Measure three circles around the Middle Circle.

Measure the circles in the same group.

Don’t add touches for the measurement

2. Construct a pitch circle from three circles.

3. Adjust the normal direction and nominal values.

Double click on the command

in the Block view

These values can also be set in the Report Grid.

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5. Reporting
5.1. Report Settings
a. Program
The .out and .res storage files that are output. These files are specified in the
New/Open Inspection dialog box.

File details

Input File (.dmi): the name and path of the DMIS part program.

Output File (.out): the name and path of the DMIS output file.

VFORM Report File (.res): the name and path of the vendor report file.

XML Output (.xml): the name and path of the output file of inspection data in XML
format. Check the adjacent box to create this when your program reaches the End of
program command.

Append to filenames

Use these options to append information to the output from the part program. The
information is appended to the .out, .res and .rtf filenames generated from the part
program (but not the inspection database). It is also appended to the automatic
reporting output files if selected on the Reporting tab page. If both Text and Date and
time are selected, the Text is appended before the Date and time. If the repeat
number is also added (from the Repeat Options tab page), this is appended between
the text and the date and time.

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 94
Camio 8 Basic training

Date and time: select this to append the machine date and time. The date and time
are appended in the format: yearmonthday_hourminutesecond. For example, if the
program is executed on 29 December 2013 at 11:06 and 32 seconds 
20131229_110632 is appended to the filenames.

Text: select this to append text to the filenames. Type in the text in the adjacent field.
The text cannot include the characters \ / : * ? " < > | ; as these are not valid in a
Microsoft® Windows filename.


The Mode box determines the run mode of CAMIO.

Inspect: causes CAMIO to run the DMIS program to inspect the part.

Report: select this option to run an existing but modified program so that the
modifications can be examined in the output file (.out or .res). When launched, the
program will run. The CMM will not measure but will run through the program using
actual measured data from its previous execution, and prepare a report based on the

CMM operation (1)

Online: starts CAMIO in on-line mode.

Offline: starts CAMIO in off-line mode. All programming operations will generate
touch data for the purpose of program simulation.

CMM operation (2)

Manual: causes CAMIO to start the CMM in Manual mode. The first Automatic
command will cause CAMIO to display a warning prompt to the operator before
operations continue.

Automatic: causes CAMIO to start in Automatic mode immediately. No warnings will

be displayed. The CMM programmer is responsible for ensuring the probe is positioned
correctly prior to the program start. In addition, this option suppresses the display of the
Pass/Fail message dialog when the ENDFIL command is run.

The Inspection box determines the start mode of the DMIS part program.

Start new: the program is started at line 1 and all inspection data in the inspection
database is deleted.

Continue previous: select this to restart the program at the point where it was paused.
All existing inspection data is retained.

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b. Reporting
Use the Reporting tab page to specify how
DMIS and vendor format (VFORM) reports
are output.

Use the Reporting files box to specify your

report file name and set up automatic
reporting options i.e. to select files to output
your report to after the part program has run.
These are reports created using the Report
tab in CAMIO.

5.2. Output Feature

The Output Feature dialog box will output feature actuals and apply tolerances to the
actuals of an individual feature or multiple features.

1. Activate the Explorer view. This shows a summary of all the measured features.

Select an individual feature, or several features of the

same type.

Activate the Explorer in

the view menu.

2. Open Output Features in the Tolerance tab of right-click on a feature.

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3. Create output information for the features. You can select tolerances from the
Tolerance list, or generate New ones and apply them to the selected features.

Move over the icons

to see the description
of the tolerance it will
put out.

Click on Finish.

Tolerance list: this shows a list of previous used tolerances

Report the Diameter, Circularity and Position of the constructed Pitch Circle.

4. Confirm the features.

5. The Explorer window shows the added tolerances for the feature.

 Diameter
 Circularity
 Position

5.3. Format Output

Use the Format Output dialog box to specify what is output from the part program,
and where it is output to.

1. Open the Format Output window.

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 97
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2. Select the output options.

Terminal: determines what is output to the screen.

 Standard: if checked, DMIS format data is

output to the screen (in the Output window).

 Vendor: if checked, vendor format

(VFORM) data is output to the Output

Storage file: determines what is output to the .out

and .res storage files. These files are specified in the
New/Open Inspection dialog box.

 Standard: if checked, DMIS format data is

utput to the .out file.

 Vendor: if checked, vendor format

(VFORM) data is output to the .res file.

5.4. Graphical report

1. Open the Report Outline by clicking on the Design button in the Report tab.

2. Drag the reported features from the Explorer list to Flyouts in Section1 in the Report

3. Create a custom Flyout style.

The information shown in the current flyouts doesn’t always show the wanted output.
Create a Flyout style to choose the information you want to output for the features.

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 98
Camio 8 Basic training

Click on the Flyout Styles in the Report tab and choose Edit Styles.

Create a new Flyout style and choose the information you want to output.


1 2 5 6 9

3 4 10 11 8 7

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4. Select the Flyout style for the current report.

5. Arrange the flyouts.

Switch to Section1 to see the CAD model with flyouts.

Select the flyout and drag it to a

good position.

Auto Layout arranges the flyouts automatically.

6. Switch to the Report view to see the report.

The Report tab can be found below the graphical window.

7. Create a custom Table style.

The information shown in the table doesn’t always show the wanted output.
Create a Table style to choose the information you want to output for the features.

Click on the Table Styles in the Report tab and choose Edit Styles.

Create a new Table style and choose the information you want to output.

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9 10 4 5 8

2 1 3 7 6

8. Select the Table style for the current report.

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Camio 8 Basic training

9. Refresh the report to see the changes.

Switch to the Report view.

10. Delete the Pause command in the Program tree.

11. Run the program till the end.

12. The report can be find in the configured location.

Copyright © 2014 Nikon Metrology 102

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