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Reasons for a war

You must write about the four main reasons that led to WWI. Mention and write a short
explanation of all of them

2. A murder in Sarajevo
Explain the murder of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Who was he? Why Sarajevo? Killer
and organizations. Consequences.

3. The armed peace

Time period. Meaning. Features

4. Triple Alliance
Explain it within armed peace. Reasons for its creation. Members. What did Italy do?

5. Triple Entente
Explain it within armed peace. Reasons for its creation. Entente Cordiale

6. Ultimatum to Serbia
Why? When? Conditions (don’t mention all but some of them). Unacceptable. Why?

7. The Schlieffen plan

Who was Schlieffen Opposite to Plan XVII. What was it? What did it consist of?
Premises. Results.

8. Battles of Marne and Tannenberg

When? Where? Who? Consequences

9. Trench Warfare
When? Why? Where? The race to the sea. What was it like?

10. Treaty of Versailles, guilt clause and reparations

Armistice. Date. End of the war. Versailles. Date. Clauses: Guilt and reparations.
Consequences (WWII)

11. Wilson’s 14 points and League of Nations

Who was Wilson? What did he want? Main points. League of Nations. Failure

12 Why was there a revolution in Russia?

You must write about the main reasons that led to Russian Revolution. Mention and
write a short explanation of all of them.

13. Russian Revolution

Largest answer. Write everything you know from 1905 to the end of Russian Civil War

14. Brest-Litovsk Treaty

When? Who? Why? Concessions.

15. The USSR

Creation. When? Who? Political party. Leaders.

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