Travel in Argentina

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Travel in Argentina

Osorio Cervantes Josue

Argentina, officially known as the republic of Argentina, is a sovereign
country in South America, located in the extreme south and southeast
of that subcontinent.

 The Argentine peso (symbol: $; Iso 4217: ars) is the currency of
Argentina since 1992, when it replaced austral. It was also known
as convertible peso due to its parity with the dollar until the
modification of the convertibility law in 2002. It began to circulate
on 1 January 1992 under the aforementioned law of 1991.

Currency  Currently in legal circulation since 1997, coexisting with the third
series since 2013 and replaced in 2018 by the fourth series. In the
issues following 2002, the words’ legal tender convertibles’ were
removed from the banknotes
 The country of tango and asado is one of the most visited places
by European travelers in Latin America. Argentinian customs
shock and surprise visitors. Many of them end up being adopted
by those who fall in love with this charming South American

 Greet with a kiss
 Argentines are incredibly affectionate people. And although in
most countries of Latin America or Europe it is very common to
kiss, for some cultures this can be strange. It ends up being much
stranger when men also greet each other with kisses
 Get together with friends to make a barbecue
 Friends are very important to any Argentine. That's why they
enjoy getting together to share unique moments. One of the most
Argentine common meetings is the roasts. In these gatherings they enjoy
the best meat produced in the country to share at the barbecue.
customs This is one of the most widespread and well-known Argentine
traditions in the world.
 Football is a religion
 The country of maradona and messi, the greatest footballers in
history, cannot be any other. In Argentina football is experienced
ina different way. The passion of the course extends to every
corner of the country. Buenos Aires is the city with more football
stadiums in the world and home to one of the most important
rivalries of this sport, the superclassic of Argentine football, boca
Argentine vs river. When you visit la boca, you'll understand a little more
about what sport means in a place where people live by soccer.
 Villa general belgrano10 - cordoba
 In the province of cordoba (90 kilometers from the capital city) there is a
small town called villa general belgrano that has a special charm, it is a
city that has become a kind of German colony.
 Wooden buildings, craft beer and German sausages with sauerkraut are
what you will find there, and all surrounded by a landscape with incredible
 Iguazu falls - missions
 Thousands of liters of water falling, so it seems little but it's awesome
when you're over those steel Bridges meters away from the devil's throat.
Tourist places  Arrayanes forest – villa la angostura
 A path to travel on foot in the middle of a forest of myrtle trees. A full
immersion in nature that, if you are in villa la angostura, I recommend you
to experience.
 The widest avenue in the world.
 The eighth largest country in area.
 Melting pot of natural wonders.
 The widest river in the world.
Curiosities  One official language, several languages.
 Lunfardo: the slang of the Rio DE la plata.
 Football fans.

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