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Multimedia Education
Intention Outline

Project Title: Lets learn about our family !

General project goal for students: The students will create a one pager of their family and the

order of which they come within the family. Students will gather information and pictures on

their family from their parents and come to class and build a one pager on their family .

Specific Outcomes:

- The student will be able to get a better idea of how they are related to certain family


- Students will get to showcase what their family members look like to the class.

- Students will get a better understanding on where the come from.

- Students will get a better understanding of which family member belong to which


Audience: A class of second grade students

Multimedia Education
Content Outline

Lesson Title: Lets learn about our family

Grade Level: Second Grade

Teks- Social Studies, Grade 1, Mid school year

The students will grasp the concept of family and the importance of family. Each student will go

back to as far as great grandparents and list from then to now so they can distinguish the

difference within the generations and how each family member is related to them.

Lesson Description:

Student will learn and understand how their family came about while also being able to

differentiate one generation from another and how each family member is related to them.


Day 1 The teacher will talk about the importance of family

and how their family goes way beyond just the mom

and dad.

Day 2 The teacher will then explain the project to the class,

whole also showing this video to the class

after the video she will ask that they go home and

gather pictures, names, and information on family

Multimedia Education
members from both sides of the family.

Day 3 Students will come to class and match faces with

names of their family members and put them in order

from oldest to youngest and relation.

Day 4 The students will then be make their one pager look

creative and to their liking in which they will then

present to the class.

Decide Phase:

Teacher Role-

The teacher will show the class a YouTube video called “Importance of Family” This is so the students can understand why

their family is so significant and important in their lives.

Student role

The student will list a few reasons on why they love their family and why they believe their

family is so important and tell the class.

Decide Phase

Teacher Role-
Multimedia Education

The teacher will explain to the students that the assignment can be done on a google slide or on

google doc in which the students would then have to upload their pictures of each family

member and put what the name of the family member is and how they are related to them.

Flow Chart:

Each student will

Students will then
get familiarRubric
with Students will put it all together
google slides and or Student will then then put them in and present to
google doc to see get names and order from oldest the class and
which tool they faces of family generation to explain each
want to use members together. youngest family member
generation. and how they are
related to them
Multimedia Education

Questions to be answered.

Do I understand how each relative is related Do I understand the importance of family?

to me?

Do I understand the difference in generations Do I understand how my family is bigger than

within my family? just the people who I live with?

Multimedia Education


Evaluate phase:


The teacher will help the student get a better understanding on family and how important family

really is while they also learn how they are related to each family member.


The student will successfully finish the project and after they are done, they will evaluate how

they feel the project went for them and if they got a good understand on what family is.
Multimedia Education

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