Pit 1 Rock Description

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Well ID Lithology From (m) To (m) Apparent Thick True Thick Core dip

Claystone 0 2 2
Sandstone 2 11 9
Claystone 11 19 8
Sandstone 19 26 7
DHBS_13 Claystone 26 29 3
Sandstone 29 31 2
Claystone 31 38.59 7,59
Coal 38.59 41.59 3
Claystone 41.59 46 4,41
Sandstone 46 48 2
Claystone 48 50 2
black clay stone, large grain of clay, with a massive texture
gray and white sandstone with well rounded grain size, well sorting
brown clay stone with large clay grains
brown sandstone with large grains, well rounded and well sorted
claystone is brownish black with large clay grains and well sorted
gray and white sandstone with well rounded grain size, well sorting. Fragment coral
brown clay stone with large clay grains
black coal with brown streaks. brittle structure
black clay stone with the size of clay grains. the fragments are filled with rounded corals
brown sandstone with large grains, well rounded and well sorted
claystone is brownish black with large clay grains and well sorted
Well ID Lithology From (m) To (m)Apparent Thick
True Thick Core dip
Soil 0 4 4
Sandstone 4 9 5
Claystone 9 27 18
DHBS_14 Sandstone 27 33 6
Claystone 33 38.01 5.01
Coal 38.01 41.46 3.45
Claystone 41.46 50 8.54
Brown-white color soil, brittle structure
White sand stone, massive structure well sorted, well rounded
Black claystone with sand fragment
grey sandstone with very fine sand stone, well sorted and well rounded
Black claystone, with large clay grains
black coal with brown streaks. massive structure
Black claystone, with large clay grains
Well ID Lithology From (m) To (m) Apparent Thick True Thick
Claystone 0 1 1
Sandstone 1 6 5
Claystone 6 10 4
DHBS_10 Sandstone 10 24 14
Claystone 24 29.09 5.09
Coal 29.09 32.09 3
Claystone 32.09 44 11,91
Sandstone 44 50 6
Core dip Deskripsi
whitish gray clay stone with a massive structure
brownish-colored sandstone with well rounded grain size
brown claystone with massive structure, sandstone fragments
brown sandstone with large rounded - well rounded grains
black colored claystone with massive structure, sandstone fragments
black coal with massive structure, brown scratch lines
gray claystone with well-rounded sandstone fragments
brown sandstone with black carbon fragments, well rounded grain size
Well ID Lithology From (m) To (m) Apparent Thick True Thick Core dip
Sandstone 0 3 3
Sandstone 3 5 2
Clay 5 14 9
DHBS_11 Sandstone 14 18 4
Sandstone 18 20 2
clay 20 21 1
Sandstone 21 22.5 1.5
brown sandstone with large rounded grains
gray sandstone with large rounded grains
Gray claystone with brown sandstone fragments. large rounded sandstone grains
faded brown sandstone with coral fragments, grains rounded
faded brown sandstone with grains well rounded
Gray claystone with brown sandstone fragments. large rounded sandstone grains
faded brown sandstone with grains well rounded

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