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What are the ethical challenges that Uber faces in using app-based peer-to-sharing


One of the world’s biggest cars sharing application Uber will be facing some of

ethical issues. There will be many ethical issues faced by the Uber, one will be multi-

tasking drivers as we know Uber is nothing but sharing application where near-by

driver gets notified when a customer books an application at this time driver needs to

accept the ride, it will be some times difficult that using the phone and driving the

care simultaneously because many accidents happen. “According to research by the

American Automobile Association's Foundation for Traffic Safety and the Virginia

Tech Transportation Institute, taking your eyes off the road is potentially deadly for

drivers and others nearby” (Bruce Weinstein, 2014). Another drawback from the Uber

is passenger security, in a recent report Uber has faced many sexually assaulting

passengers this will be because of where drivers need a background verification and

Uber will be needs to implement background checks of drivers who registered with

them. Furthermore, privacy also one of the ethical issues that Uber face because of in

some articles it will be reportedly saying that Uber has tracking the user location

which will be compromised and violating the laws.

2. Since Uber is using a disruptive business model and marketing strategy, what are the

risks that the company will have to overcome to be successful?

As we know Uber is facing many critical issues with its disruptive business model, to

overcome this Uber has to change many things. One of the biggest drawbacks that

Uber has to change will be registered drivers, anyone can drive where there will be
many drawbacks, if an employee is not registered in the user how can an customer

will trust the organization and there will be many issues with the Uber drivers, so here

Uber needs to build trust among the customers, because customers will be the primary

concept of the Uber, there will be many issues like sexually offense by the Uber

driver in a reports. “Several Uber drivers have been accused of sexually assaulting

passengers, according to a recent report by Farhad Manjoo in The New York Times,

among other sources” (Bruce Weinstein, 2014). So, Uber needs to overcome this issue

by regulating the laws according to the safety and standards.

3. Because Uber is so popular and the business model is being expanded to other

industries, should there be regulation to develop compliance with standards to protect

competitors and consumers?

Yes! As per the many reports Uber has failed to maintain the regulations and other

standards. In a recent report of transport of London stated that, “The regulator of taxi

and private hire services in the city, stated that it has identified a pattern of failures by the

company including several breaches that placed passengers and their safety at risk”

(Knowledge at Wharton Staff, 2019). So here to gain customer retention Uber has to

bring some new regulation changes and develop certain stands to protect Uber from

the competitors and also from the customers.


Weinstein, B. (2014, November 21). Opinion: Four other ways Uber is ethically

challenged. CNNMoney.

Knowledge at Wharton Staff. (2019, December 3). Can Uber overcome its regulatory

obstacles? Knowledge at Wharton.


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