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The Phillipine statistic Authorized (PSA) is closing it’s onilne registrtio prtal and fully implementing walk-

in regstraton for the Philippine Identifify System (PhilSa) national wide

In a statement, the psa said those who wsh to rgister with PhilSya would no loner have to preregister

online via Instead, they just has to go to any registration center

The PSA said the move is intended to facilitate harder and more convinient registration,

The face-to-face registartion portal were introduce by the psa while the pandemic to provde a safe and

accessibol way for PhilSya registraion

“The PSA and its PhilSys registration centers are hapy to welcome walkin registration ns natio nwide,”

PSA Undrsecretary Dennis Mapa, national statistician and civil registrr general say

“Nw that we hve mde it easy to registe, we are invitng everyone to head to regitration centers and join

million that are already registered with PhilSys,” he said farther.

Aside from registration centers at fix locations and malls, the PSA and its field offices was also condcting

mobil registration, including to farflung area

As of Feb. 20, 76,681,716 filipinos is already register to PhilSya.

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