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After seeing the Documentary film, I was shocked to witness darker developments that have a

negative impact on people, animals, the ecosystem, and even the world. The documentary as a whole
showed how one’s curiosity can find an answer greater than expected, revealing secrets you won’t even
expect. Seeing that the events are connected and affect each other just overwhelmed me.

The film starts as what I thought I expected, a documentary about dolphins and whales and
about why you shouldn’t kill them for the ecosystem. I was frustrated about the “Taiji drive hunt” and
how brutal they just kill the animals for the sake of money. I thought that the whole documentary is
going to be about this situation, and that it was only happening in one place. But Ali, the guy in the
video, found darker and darker occurrences that are all related to destroying the environment, and the
ocean. Not only to the sea creatures, the land animals, the environment, but even affected people.

I felt disgusted about the fact that most organizations, websites, and establishments that
“help battle pollution by reducing plastics” don’t even really care about what the real issue is. And that
most of their donations just go to their brandings, products, or logos. And I was just shocked that more
sea creatures die every year because of commercial fishing. It even led Ali to find out that some people
or maybe more are in forced labor, or a word called slavery. I thought that was in the past. I honestly
believed that we as humans have failed the earth, and that maybe it’s best we go extinct. But then I
thought, maybe its not too late. And that we could do something about it. And that something has to
start with everyone of us.

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