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Unit 1 Application Task: 


1. The goal of this task is to establish the development or changes (if there’s any) of education
specifically in terms of content, methodology, process, and impact by considering the
traditional and contemporary perspectives. Sex differences with regard views on education is
likewise tested.

Identify  four  people in your community  (two males and two females). One pair must

be aged 60 years or above and the other pair at about your age. Request
them  to  provide you  with  information  about their experiences  in  traditional/contemporary
education  within  the communities  where  they  have  lived. For your safety, you may opt to
interview your own family members (parents/grandparents; cousins; siblings). Take a photo
documentation of the interview proper.
Use the questions below to guide you in your discussion. You are free to rephrase
them and add other questions.  These should  be in the context of the home or
community where they grew up, the schools they went to, among others to make
the investigation meaningful and interesting. Record a summary of the responses in the table
Guide Questions Traditional View Contemporary View

Male Female Male Female

Who taught you the things you know?        

Who taught you the skill you have?        

Where were you taught from?        

What methods were used by your trainer(s)        
Why were you taught?        
How have you benefited?        
2. Now, compare your findings. What difference/s if there’s any at the responses of your
respondents? What can you conclude from these?
3. Submit your output next week (during your scheduled f2f class):
a.       Summary of responses (table above) and answer on item 2
b.       Photo documentation of interview

You will be scored thru the rubrics below:

Criterion Exceeds Meets Approaches Comments
Expectations Expectations Expectations
Organization Presents the Presents the Presents the  
(15) output in a output in a output in a
compelling, moderately disorganized
highly-organized organized manner
manner manner  
15 10 5
Content The goal of the The goal of the The goal of the  
(35) task was fully task somewhat task not met and
met met with with minimal
substantiated reasonable proof.
with proof. proof.  
35 25

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