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Continual Assessment 2 (40%)

Due: 3 February 2023 at 11.59am

The Continual Assessment consists of TWO components based on the given scenario.

1. Individual Report Writing (30%)

2. Question & Answer Interview (10%)

1. Individual Report Writing (30%)

Project Brief



Websites and applications that emphasize collaboration, sharing of content, interaction and
community-based input are collectively referred to as social media. Social media comes in a variety
of formats, such as blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo and video sharing websites, instant
messaging, podcasts and more.

Social media differs from traditional media in that it is somewhat unrestrained. There are
substantially fewer restrictions on what people post on social media than there are on traditional
forms of mass communication like magazines, television and radio broadcasts.

According to Kepios research from October 2022, there are approximately 4.74 billion social media
users worldwide, with an average daily usage of 2 hours and 29 minutes. Given social media's
growing popularity, it is indisputable that it plays a significant role in society today. Social media
provides a fresh perspective through which individuals can exchange information, socialize, learn
and stay current with the latest events. On the flip side, however, increased use of social media can
lead to cyberbullying, poor physical and mental health, the spread of fake news, addiction and
invasion of one's privacy.

As the number of social media users is expected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future, the
Ministry of Information would like to find out more about the social media usage and preferences of
the residents in your country.

Assume you are working for the Ministry of Information in your country. The Minister is interested
to find out the social media usage and preferences of the residents of the country by age group.

You need to focus on only ONE specific age group (12-19, 20-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56-65 or Above 65).

The Minister has commissioned you to investigate the following and draft a report:

• Gender?
• Which social media channels are they most active on?
• How many social media platforms are they on?
• How many hours do they spend on social media every day?
• What do they use social media for?
• How often do they post on social media?
• What do they usually post on social media?
• How has social media affected their physical health?
• How has social media affected their mental health?
• How often do they come across inappropriate content (vulgarity, violence, nudity etc)?
• What are their biggest concerns when using social media?
• Other relevant questions.

Task 1

1. You will have to conduct an on-line survey to determine the answers for the questions stated
above and compile a report. You would need to design a questionnaire to survey 10-15
residents of a specific age group in your country. It is important to find out their
demographic details (gender/age etc.). This information can be used to cross tabulate with
other variables for data analysis. The data that you have collected should be attached to
the appendix of your report. Do include secondary research to support your

2. Based on your survey findings and analysis, do make appropriate recommendations

(strategies/ steps/actions) that the Ministry of Information can take to mitigate the
drawbacks of social media.



1. The report (30%) should consist of the following sections:

Assignment Cover Page/ Title

Page a. Executive Summary
b. Table of Contents
c. Introduction
i. Statement of Problem
ii. Statement of Purpose
iii. Scope of Report
iv. Limitations of Report
6 to 8 pages
v. Sources of Data Collection
d. Findings and Analysis
e. Conclusions
f. Recommendations
g. References (APA format)
h. Appendices (include the survey
questionnaire and compilation of
the results)

2. The main text of the report should be typed with 1.5 line spacing, using font size 12 (Times New

3. Refer to the marking scheme for report writing (CANVAS) for a breakdown on how your report
would be assessed.

4. The main text of the report (including introduction, findings & analysis, conclusions and
recommendation) should be between 6-8 pages. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the page
limit. You should include relevant charts and graphs in your main report.


The Report is due on 3 February 2023 at 11.59am. Please ensure that you submit your assignment
before the cut off time. If your assignment is submitted too close to the cut off time, you may not
be able to submit successfully and may get an error page instead.

The Report must be submitted online via CANVAS. Please read the instructions provided in CANVAS
carefully before submission.

1. Please ensure that your Report is submitted in a single word document in MS Word format.

2. The cover page should include your FULL name (according to the student register) and email

Please adhere to the cover page format shown below:

Report Title

The Benefits of Regular Exercise

Date of Submission

3 October 2023 Full Name of Recipient,

Job Title and Name of
Prepared for: Organization

Mr. Soh Kam Bing

Fitness Coordinator, Alpha Training Centre

Prepared by:

Your Name (as in IC/Passport)


3. Save your file as FamilynameFirstname.doc

For e.g.
TanMeiMeiSall.doc or
PremaSubroya.doc, omit D/O, S/O

4. IMPORTANT: You will also receive a Confirmation Email from in your
MyMail account. If you do not get to the File Submission Successful page and you did not get
the Confirmation Email from CANVAS in your MyMail account confirming the receipt of your
assignment, your assignment submission may not be successful.


By submitting this assignment online, I declare that I have read and understood the following

(a) This project assignment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other
sources or written for me except where due acknowledgment is made.

(b) I acknowledge the meaning of:

What is Plagiarism: It is the use of someone else’s work in its entirety or some parts in exact form or
in very close form, as your own without acknowledgment to original author(s). Examples of
plagiarism in assignments include the use of other authors: phrases, facts and illustrations, statistics,
and assembled materials, without acknowledging them.

What is Collusion: It is the use of other person’s work or ideas with the consent of the other
person(s), without formally acknowledging them in your own work. Although students can discuss
their ideas and projects freely with anyone, when it comes to writing the report, each student must
use his or her own words to produce their respective reports. Sharing the same phrases or
paragraphs or sections of texts and illustrations (without any acknowledgments) in different reports
constitute collusion.

(c) I understand that plagiarism and/or collusion is a serious offence. Students caught for plagiarism,
collusion or allowing their work to be plagiarized will be subjected to SIM University's disciplinary


Penalty Marks for Late Submission of Report

By one day: 20% to be deducted from total marks

More than one day: Submission will NOT be accepted


You may appeal via Live@ Edu email account

Technical Assistance

If you need assistance on Canvas submission, please email to or call

6248 9393. For non-Canvas issues please email:
Please email with your student portal accounts. Email from other addresses will not be entertained.

2. Q&A INTERVIEW (10%)

You will have to answer questions based on your individual report during the One-to-One Interview.

• Each student is required to answer verbally 3-5 questions posed by their lecturer regarding
their individual report. This will also be done online via Kaltura or face-to-face at the discretion
of the lecturer.

• You may refer to your report during the interview.

• All online students are expected to turn on their cameras and their microphones during their

1. The Q&A Interview will be spread over three lectures: Lectures 12, 13 & 14. You will be assigned
a specific day/time slot for your Q&A session. If you fail to be present for the Q&A session at the
assigned day, you and will be given a ZERO mark.

2. If you have a valid MC and wish to reschedule the Q&A interview,

a. Email your reason for absence and attach your supporting documents to
by the next working day for the management’s review.

b. Be prepared to do your Q&A interview in the following lesson, unless otherwise stated.

c. For student whose slots are rescheduled, he/she MUST have the management’s approval
for the 10% assessment weightage to be graded. In the event if there is no approval
granted by the management for your absence from the original slot, your rescheduled
Q&A interview will not be graded, and you will get Zero marks for this component.

d. If there is no available slot for rescheduling, the management will review your case
accordingly based on your appeal and submitted documents.

3. Students are expected to attend all Q&A sessions and be part of the audience even if they are not
being interviewed that day. Attendance will be noted.


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