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Name: ________________________________________Date: _________________________ Period: _____

Mental Health

As you view the slides Addiction Science: From Molecules to Managed Care, summarize the
content of each section.

Slides Question Answer

1-4 What is the impact of

5-9 How has our perception of

addiction changed from 1980
to today?

10-13 What is the etiology of

addiction? (its origin, its
biopsychosocial causes)

14-30 What is the effect of drugs on

dopamine release?

31-32 At what age are people most

susceptible to drug abuse?

33-38 What is the difference

between adolescents and
adults in their reaction to
substance abuse?

39-41 Why do some people become

addicted and others do not?

42-45 What is “comorbidity?” What

is often comorbid with
substance abuse?

46-47 What environmental factors

contribute to addiction?

48-64 What works for treatment?

65-70 What is the relationship

between addiction and HIV?

Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and
Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

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