Social Lesson 7

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Subject/Grade: Social Studies, Grade ½ (gr.

2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson In this lesson we will be learning about why houses in Iqaluit are colourful, why the houses are
Overview: on stilts, why there are no trees, and be watching a video to “explore” the town now that we
have arrived in Iqaluit.

Students’ will either be drawing and colouring their own houses on stilts using bright colours,
and then writing why their house is on stilts. Or we will be constructing paper houses on stilts,
making them colourful, and then writing why our house is on stilts.

GOs: GLO: 2.1: Canada’s Dynamic Communities: Students will demonstrate an understanding and
appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and resources shape
and change Canada’s communities.

SOs: SLO: 2.1.1: Students will appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities

- Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity

- Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples

SLO: 2.1.2: Students will investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a
prairie community in Canada by exploring and reflecting the following questions for inquiry:
-Where are the Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities located in Canada?
- How are the geographical regions, landforms, and bodies of water in each
- What are the main differences in climate among these communities?
- What geographic factors determined the establishment of each community (e.g.,
soil, water and climate)?
- How does the physical geography of each community shape its identity?

Objectives Students will:
● Recall what Iqaluit looks like
● Inquire into why there are no trees, why there are colourful houses, and why houses are on
● Demonstrate learning and understanding through activity.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Students’ participation will help assess Summative
Assessment their understanding Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to - Have materials and slides Resources:
Lesson: ready
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
Subject/Grade: Social Studies, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30
Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:

Students’ at desks

Remember that we have looked at pictures and videos of what it looks like in
- What are some things we remember about what Iqaluit looks like?


Students at board


Learning Activity 1:

We will watch a video since we are now in Iqaluit! (two are in the slideshow -
only need to watch 1, the second one shows houses on stilts so may be a better

After video discussion

- What did you notice?
- What are some things you found interesting?
- Students can also turn to a friend and tell them something about the

Then I will ask students’ inquiry questions

- Why are there no trees in Iqaluit
- (Due to permafrost and the ground being so cold, the roots of
trees are unable to grow)
- Why do you think the houses are colourful?
- (no official reason, but most people say that the bright colours are
used to boost happiness and cure depression during long cold
- Turn to a friend and tell them a colour that makes you feel happy

- Why are the houses on stilts?

- This is to avoid any heat transfer between the home and the
frozen ground
- Distance between the cold of the permafrost and the house
- While frozen - it’s stable foundation
- Melting permafrost also releases greenhouse gases and can
release bacteria that has been frozen for a long time and make
people sick
- Houses otherwise would sink into the ground

I have a brain break in there too whenever students’ begin to become restless
Subject/Grade: Social Studies, Grade ½ (gr. 2 objectives) Lesson/Date: Time: 1:30 - 2:30


Students back to board after brain break

Learning Activity 2:

Explain activity
- 2 options prepared - I will pick one before the lesson

The dot-to-dot sheet (option 1)

- Students will do the dot-to-dot and then colour the house brightly in
colours that make them feel happy
- Then below students will write why their house is on stilts

Paper house (option 2)

- Students will first colour their house in bright colours
- Then we will construct the houses together (can relate to building things
- Students can roll up little strips of paper and glue/tape to the bottom of
the paper house to make stilts.
- Students will then glue their house on stilts to a piece of paper and write
on it why their house is on stilts.
- Depending on supplies we could also glue cotton balls to the paper as

Have a student help me hand things out

Students will work on the activity and submit finished work


Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:

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