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Results of the rocket experiment

By: Simon Pinzon, Juan Melo, Nicolas Mantilla, Juan Patiño

- A one liter bottle
- Cardboard (For decoration)
- Tape
- Scissors
- A cork
- Vinegar
- Baking soda

In the experiment we had to bring vinegar, bicarbonate, rocket based on a bottle.
and we follow the next steps:
1. We turn the bottle over and remove the cork.
2. We pour the vinegar with the bottle at 90 degrees (bottle turned upside down).
3. We turn the bottle to 45 degrees so that the baking soda falls smoothly in the
middle and does not combine with the vinegar.
4. We put the cork and mix the vinegar with the baking soda.
5. Quickly we turn the bottle upside down.
6. Vinegar and baking soda mix and explode by chemical reaction (which
produces enough carbon dioxide inside the rocket and with it the pressure)
causing the bottle to swell
7. All the pressure escapes through the cork making it fly

Final velocity: The maximum speed that was recorded was 180 meters per minute,
since using the formula of distance divided by time, we were able to give that in one
second, he flew 3 meters and with that we only had to multiply it by 60 seconds to
obtain what he would travel in one minute, which is made up of sixty seconds and
why we multiply like that.

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