Edtpa Lesson Plan Guide LPG Laura Alvarez

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Laura Alvarez 3/4/2023

Name: Alvarez Grade/Subject: Kinder Spanish Date: 09/13/2022

1. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS): (C2)

128.2 (b) (1) (e) Develop social communication, such as introduce themselves to others, use common greetings and
expressing wants and needs.

2. Deconstructing/Unpacking the TEKS: (C2) What students will know and be able to do

Students will be able to understand the question “¿Como estas ?” means “How are you?”. TLW understand the meaning of
the sentences “Estoy bien/Estoy mal/Estoy mas o menos”. TLW will identify the meaning of “bien, mal, & mas o menos” to
appropriately use these sentences in expressing the way they are feeling using the targeted vocabulary words when greeting

3. SMART At the end of the lesson, TLW understand basic greeting "¿Como estas?" and produce
Objective(s): (C3) a response using the targeted sentence "Estoy bien/Estoy mal/Estoy mas o menos". They
will be able to explain why they feel that way, with at least 80% accuracy.
Essential Question:
 What makes you feel this way? Is there a way you can feel better?

4. Central Focus The central focus is to teach students that the question “¿Como estas?” in English means “How
(C4) are you?” and for them to transfer their knowledge in English of how to answer this question to
How will this lesson link Spanish. They also need to understand the meaning of the words “Estoy- I am, bien-good, mal-
with other lessons in the bad, and mas o menos – so-so”. Students will then use this knowledge to answer the question.
unit? This will also serve as a building block for future lessons when students need to use the “estar –
to be” verb.
Learning Targets
I CAN statements that I can identify how my day is going and answer the question greeting question “¿Como estas?”. I can
Clearly show alignment
express how I am feeling using the words “Bien, mas o menos & mal”. Transfer their
with TEKS
knowledge of answering a question in English into answering one in Spanish.
5. Academic Language
(C5) Language Function (an active verb that students will use to demonstrate their learning in the
assessments; some examples are- explain, describe, predict, summarize, compare, evaluate, interpret,
Academic language Identify, express, transfer
represents the language
of the discipline that
students need to learn
and use to engage in the Vocabulary (words, phrases, and/or symbols that are used within disciplines):
content area in ¿Como estas?, estoy bien, mal, mas o menos.
meaningful ways.

There are 4 language

demands to consider as Discourse (Structures of written and oral language, how will they talk, write, and participate in
you require students to knowledge construction: discussions, reports, essays, multi-media presentations, performance):
read, write, speak, listen,
demonstrate and perform. I will have my students work with their elbow partners taking turns asking “¿Como estas?” and
answering using the targeted sentences “Estoy bien, estoy mal, estoy mas o menos” when expressing how
they are feeling.

Syntax (The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into structures, e.g.,
graphic organizers, formulas, charts, language rules, outlines, graphs, tables):
Laura Alvarez 3/4/2023

Spanish feeling chart showing thumbs up- estoy bien, thumbs down- estoy mal and open hand-
estoy mas o menos.

6. Targeted Language Language Function (How will you help them demonstrate the DO verb?)
Supports (C5)
The resources, I will use the strategy I do- We do- You do, to demonstrate how I answer the question. I will
representations, and show the thumbs down (same sign as in chart) when I am smiling and saying “Estoy bien”, the
strategies you will thumbs down sign when I am frowning and saying “Estoy mal”. I will show different pictures
provide to help students showing emotions and labeled them “Bien/mal/mas o menos”.
understand, use, and
practice the concepts and Vocabulary Strategies - (GO TO Page)
language they need to 1. Word Wall
learn within the
2. Word games
Site the researcher’s
name as you refer to the
Discourse strategies - (GO TO Page)
-Write: Label different pictures showing emotions with “Estoy bien/estoy mal”

-Talk: Think – pair – share

Syntax - (GO TO Page)

1. Anchor Chart

2. Venn Diagram

Making Content Comprehensible (R9)

Review of vocabulary words: Daily use of emotions chart to have a visual aid before answering.

7. Assessment/ Assessment of your TEK

Evaluation (C6) Formative: Students will work in groups taking turns asking and answering the question
Assessment(s) must be “como estas?”. In addition, at the beginning of class as I greet them, I will ask each one
aligned to the TEKS, independently “Como estas?” to assess if they use the targeted vocabulary “Estoy bien/estoy
and objectives. mal/estoy mas o menos” in their answers.

Summative: Students will work independently to complete a worksheet drawing the

appropriate faces to demonstrate “Bien/mal/mas o menos”

Assessment of your language demands:

Formative: Oral report to see that they understand the meaning of the question and
demonstrate appropriate usage of the vocabulary.
Laura Alvarez 3/4/2023

Project of keeping track of how they are feeling for 3 days and present a poster board showing
the three days and how they felt each day. Making sure vocabulary words and targeted
sentences are used.

8. Hook (C7) Hook activity (make connections to prior learning)

“Who am I/What am I” with a twist: I will act out the different emotions “bien/mal/mas o
menos” and let my student guess how I am feeling that day.
Closure (C7)
Closure Activity: (make connections to prior learning)
Whip around activity with a ball. The ball has different faces showing the three different
emotions, and the student have to depict the emotion and use the appropriate sentence.
Student Assets (C7)

Personal assets: Specific background information that students bring to the learning
environment. Interests, knowledge, everyday experiences, family background.
Cultural assets: Cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the learning
environment. Traditions, language, worldviews, literature, art.
Community assets: Common backgrounds and experiences. Where they live, such as
resources, local landmarks, community events and practices.
9. Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies and I DO – I will model my process for answering the question “Como estas?”. I will think out loud
Learning Task(s) and ask myself; “Como estas? How do you feel?” Then I will answer with some examples of the
(C9) things I did earlier that day: “I had my favorite lunch, I ate one chocolate for dessert, and
listened to my favorite song on the way to school.I will explain, I am using these experiences to
Be sure to include: answer the question It is a GOOD day” then I will look at the emotion charts and signal “estoy
How will students learn bien” and answer the full question in Spanish. “Como estas? Estoy bien!” Next, I will create a
and use academic drawing of a smiley face and write “Estoy bien” to demonstrate I understand the sentences in
language? Spanish.

Three higher order

thinking questions.

WE DO – Students will partner up and take turns asking each other “Como estas?”. They will
Marzano Strategy need to compare and contrast their experiences that day and illustrate how they are felling
based on their experiences.

YOU DO – The students will work independently to create their posters based on their three
day research of their emotions. Illustrating three different faces, one for each day, and writing
the corresponding sentence.
Laura Alvarez 3/4/2023

Differentiation-(GO TO page) (Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the

content, process, product, and/or learning environment):

o Second Language learners / Cultural Diversity:

I will use Tomlinson’s strategy of process to deliver the material in different ways; visual,
auditory and kinesthetic, and to work in pairs.
o Gifted / advanced learners:
I will use Tomlinson’s strategy of content by letting advanced students complete lessons in
the upper levels.

Technology: -(GO TO page)

Use Quizlet to review key vocabulary words

Marzano Strategy - (GO TO page)

Use Marzano’s strategy of providing feedback. Feedback will be immediate as I walk around
the classroom and check their work. I will also provide immediate feedback when students
volunteer at the beginning of class to tell me how they are doing that day.

Higher Order Thinking Questions (GO TO page)

1. How would you feel if you had your favorite food for dinner tonight?
2. How would you fell if after dinner you had a fight with your sibling?
3. Did your feelings change? Why?

Grouping / Partnering Technique: (Hattie)

Allow student to work in pairs and taking turns asking and answering the targeted question
“Como estas?”

Potential misconceptions and your plan to address it:

Students may confuse “estoy bien” and “estoy mal”. I will continue to provide visual aids along
with hand gestures throughout the lesson and reference to them every time I ask them.

10. Resources and Emotions visual aid posters, computer to play quizlet, worksheets for independent work and
materials needed (C9) poster boards along with crayons/markers to complete their research project. Projector, pencils,
and pens.

(How might you differentiate materials and resources for learners with various needs?)
For students with hearing disabilities, I will use closed captioning in all my videos, a voice
amplification system for students with speech disabilities. For students with motor skills
disabilities, I will let them trace a previously marked worksheet and allow them to provide their
answer in oral way, if needed, they can also use a speech to text technology.


Laura Alvarez 3/4/2023
11. Classroom 1.- Enter the classroom
Management Strategies
What procedures will you
employ to manage 2.- Transition between one subject and another
transitions, behavior,
passing out materials,
engagement, etc.?

Add 3 procedures
3.- Pass out papers

12. Academic Supports

for Students (E6) Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around obstacles):
What instructional 1. Breaks as needed before being require to get back to work.
strategies and planned
supports, will you employ to 2. Poster can be finished at home.
meet the needs of each
student that has identified
3. Only two faces needed to be drawn on poster.
special learning needs?
Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student):
1. Student is only required to learn “Bien/mal”.

2. Student is not required to answer oral questions using a complete sentence.

3. Student is only expected to recognize “bien”.

Strategies for ELLs (strategies that support language acquisition)

1. Poster boards with commonly used words and their meaning in both English and

2. English-Spanish dictionaries available in classroom.

3. Link background knowledge to the content they are learning.

4. Work with partners.

5. Check for understanding throughout the lesson, give plenty of wait time and allow use
of sentence frames.

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