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The Philippines' position in the global context

Words: 295

Governments and public institutions must play a crucial role in maximizing

globalization's benefits and minimizing its disadvantages. This book illustrates how

globalization impacted local Filipino institutions and economic conditions.

A government's organizational structures and operating processes will be crucial

when it integrates its economy with the larger global market. Other sources claim that

globalization supports federal government policies that limit the reach and cost of

governance. Reforming or even abolishing public agencies to increase the effectiveness

of the public sector is one alternative to liberalizing public authority and privatizing public

companies. The bureaucracy made great strides in expansion under Ramos. A project

was started to "re-engineer" and reform the civil service. Overall, it appears that

democracy has returned to the Philippines. Between 1986 and 2001, the country

conducted a total of five elections. Even if legislators and judges are making comebacks

in their domains, the bureaucracy appears to be in good working order. The media,

academia, industry, and civil society organizations are all putting forth enormous efforts

to create new spaces for democracy. Since the nation's return to democracy,

cooperation between the government's many ministries has been a defining feature of
policymaking. The EU based its single trade policy on a fair decision-making process

(European Commission, n.d.). The EU Commissioner for External Trade is supported in

managing global trade policy by the European Commission's external trade department.

The effects of globalization have varied from nation to nation since each country

has had a diverse capacity for adaptation and transformation in addition to different

economic and technical resources. The Philippine government should address the

challenges posed by globalization by enhancing the openness and effectiveness of

public institutions and government bureaucracy, particularly at the local level. The

Philippines must have good governance to "win" the globalization process.

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