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Assignment 2


Name: Mahnoor Javed

Roll no.: 22P00021

Instructor: Dr. Imran Hameed

Course: Human Resource Management

Assignment 2

The Definitive Guide to Recruiting in Good Times and

(Hiring steps)

Difficulties with recruiting procedures: Many businesses make poor hiring decisions for a variety
of reasons like depending a lot on arbitrary personal preferences or widely accepted false
organisational traditions.

Seven steps for the hiring procedures are:

1. Anticipate the need
2. Specify the job
3. Develop pool of candidates,
4. Assessing the candidates
5. Close the deal
6. Integrate the newcomer
7. Audit and review

1. Anticipating the need

Acknowledge that your current top-x pool is inadequate.  Despite all attempts, great personnel
will occasionally depart an organisation to pursue other possibilities. 
At the absolute least, organisations should examine their high-level leadership requirements
every two to three years and create a strategy that can address the following issues:
 In the coming years, how many employees will we need, and for what positions? Etc.
Intuit has been able to correctly predict more than 90% of its talent needs, which has greatly
reduced its recruiting costs and smoothed its employee transitions.

2. Specify the job

A business must specify the specific job competencies it requires, then recruit and evaluate
applicants. The "portfolio model of human capital," which is a systematic approach to taking into
account the whole range of talents that a high-level position would require, was described in the
May 2006 HBR article "Are Leaders Portable?”
Hiring is improved if companies employ model’s basic tenets:
Such as

 Job-based competencies

 Team-based competencies

 Develop the pool

Assignment 2

 Assess the Candidates

3. Develop the Pool

Think about the subsequent groups:

"Inside-outsiders” or staff members who are not constrained by corporate tradition or ideology
and Outside-insiders - a person who is not a member of the organisation but is familiar with it
Use social media to look for candidates. Top-X search should comprise of insiders, inside-
outsiders, outside-insiders, and true outsiders.

4. Assess the Candidates

Assessment processes are three separate practices with three conflicting objectives:
One is to assess the candidate. Second is to sell the position and the organization (to the
candidate). Third is to build organizational consensus WRT the candidates` suitability
To avoid the conflict of objectives four elements are Required:

 The right interviewers (confident, high emotional intelligence)

 The right number of interviewers: (three is enough)
 The right techniques: Behavioural event interview, rigorous, disciplined
conversation between the interviewers following the interviews, conduct formal reference
 The right organizational support: expose the candidate to key stake holders, the
direct boss should make the final call

5. Close the Deal

For factors that determine if the candidate will accept job or not:

 The organizational commitment

 The job (realistic presentation)
 The boss
 Compensation

6. Integrate the Newcomer

Even after a contract is signed and sealed, the hiring process continues.
Take actions like; create thorough integration plans, ensure that the boss and HR manager
periodically check in with each new hire to ensure everything is going smoothly and allocate
7. Audit and Review
Assignment 2

Talks about assessing new hires, find out what happened to unselected candidates and reward
those who are best at assessing talent or vice versa

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